
Man Out Of Nowhere

Through the forest on the mountains was a beast with one eye, a black and white giant tiger.

The very beast Ysmir stabbed through the eye and almost the other, this beast has been crossing the border lines between Asgards mountain side and the beasts side hoping to quell it's hatred by finding that redhead boy and devouring him whole.

The beast went back and forth almost every day of the week, but today was it's lucky day. As it smelled something familiar and hateful, something disgustingly delicious.


The beast bumped onto a big tree as it rushed clumsily at the smell's direction.

After some time, the beast finally saw the familiar figure that took its sight. The beast growled angrily as it sped up even more, inching closer and closer with every push.

Ysmir had sat down not faraway tending to a flame he made while sitting on a log, as if preparing for a camp.

As he heard the hurried steps behind he turned around to see the beast that slashed his arm some time ago, and he smiled.

"Oh you're here, finally." He stood up and faced the beast as he placed his hands on his hips standing there fully open for attacks.

As the beast closed in, it felt a rope which accidently stepped on it. And as a beast that's smarter than...regular dumb beasts it slowed down and raised its awareness.

A log came from it's left aiming to hit it again but it jumped back avoiding it, unfortunately Ysmir foresaw this and made backup plans.

As it backed up, a roped hidden from the ground suddenly jumped up and wrapped itself around it's back right leg and pulled him up, now he was hanging upside down growling.

Ysmir ran up to the beast and stabbed the beast on the back where it's spine would be rendering it unmoving and moments later died.

"Mission successful."


About an hour later he sat near his fire as the body of the giant beast was roasting in the fire, and he would get up every once in a while to rotate the skinned beast.

Asgard knew enough about seasonings so the meals weren't that bad, but they weren't top notch meals. Though the personal cooks for the royal family were definitely up there.

As it rotated Ysmir would flick on seasonings here and there putting some flavors on the golden, meaty dripping beast.

It was all going well until he heard something passing through the wind on the left side, and as he turned he was able to catch a glimpse of a figure that dropped just a few feet from him.


The bits of snow and dirt from the ground blew up from his left side and like an ocean wave, it crashed into him before some went onto the fire and meat.


Ysmir screamed out as he jumped back, shook his head and body, ridding the dirt and snow.

He looked up to see a man sitting on one of the logs, casually eating some of the meat and drinking some ale.

The man had a big build, but not big enough to hinder agility. He had broad shoulders and black hair wearing various animal/beast skins while a bear-like beast head was used as a hood.

The man had various weapons on him, a giant black axe on his back along with a wooden bow and two axes on both sides of his hips along with a steel sword on the left side of his hips as well.

The man faced away from Ysmir as if he wasn't even there, and was also eating Ysmir's game like he hunted it himself.

"Who...WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?" Ysmir pointed at the man.

The man stopped eating and drinking as he looked sideways to Ysmir. "Roknos." The man said before turning back and resuming his meal.

"That's now what I- I mean what are you doing?! Don't you know you can't just…" Ysmir decided to stop talking and unsheathed the dull blade he had on him before moving forward and pointing it against...Roknos.


"Hands off ruffian, you need to ask before touching another man's foo-" Ysmir couldn't finish when the man, Roknos, moved his head to the side of the blade and bit onto it then launched it to the other side of them with his teeth alone.

"Okay…" Ysmir took one step back before scratching his ear. "So my name's Ysmir. You said yours was Roknos, nice to meet you."

Ysmir's attitude turned 180 degrees completely.

"At least you make good meat." Roknos said.


"You're bad at hunting, and your skills in the wilderness are...lacking."

"Gee thanks."

"Your might is better than average...but the room for improvement is low." Roknos frowned and looked straight at Ysmir. "Perhaps your talent lies in Sorcey?"


"I see, then maybe you are more useful as a mere guard."

"I'm sorry but who are you? Not only are you so judgemental, you even have the gull to eat my food?" Ysmir placed his hands on his hips as he raised an eyebrow towards this Roknos.

"Think of it simply as payment." Roknos said as he got up and tore out a leg from the roasting beast before biting it and leaving it in his mouth as he grabbed the bow from his back.

"Payment for what?"

Roknos didn't say anything as he turned towards the forest and took out a few arrows stabbing them in the ground before sitting back in the log.

The ground starts to shake.

Ysmir looked around in panic wondering what's going on. It wasn't shaking enough to be an earthquake but it also wasn't something to underestimate.

Trees starts to fall from the forest and Ysmir looked to the side to see not only a few animals but huge beasts running their way.

"Holy shii-"


The sound of a bowstring rung out, and Ysmir looked to the man just in time to see him pull back repeatedly as arrows shot out.




Ysmir looked back towards the mob of beasts to see them in chaos tripping and fumbling.

The animals and beasts that are considered the fastest were shot by the arrows which dropped them and made the ones behind trip.

"Payment for saving you." Roknos replied to Ysmir's earlier question. "Watch as I show you true might."

Roknos stood back up, threw the bow aside, bit a good chunk of the meat in his mouth before throwing it back, and drank some ale before he rushed forward with inhuman speed.

The first thing Roknos did was grabbing the two hatchets on his hips and hurling it at the head of two fairly big elephant-like beasts neutralizing them.

He then reached back behind his shoulder grabbing the big black battleaxe with both hands before speeding up even more. By the time he was close to colliding with the few beasts left, he put his left foot forward and like he was swinging a giant bat, he swung.

From big to small, every beast and animal on the front was sliced from that single swing, but he needed to do another swing for the smaller but bigger wave just behind.

But instead of jumping forward for another big swing, Roknos simply swung again from left to right.

He wasn't gonna cut anything considering the axe wasn't long enough to cut the beasts that were a few meters ahead.


But from that second swing came a golden energy-like slash that was shot out cutting into the beasts.

The slash wave didn't stop or slow down even after cutting into the giant beast, it seemed strong enough to go on striking another beast but disappeared soon after the intended target.

All this took less than 5 minutes.

And even then, it felt shorter to Ysmir who witnessed the whole thing, and the boy was amazed and for a second thought this man was the strongest in Asgard.

The area was bloodied with the blood of the beast and animals.

As a man from earth, this much blood would have been...disturbing in the least. But ever since he was born as an Aesir, his state of mind has been different.

And slowly the things from his past life are starting to wither away somehow. Yet he barely acknowledges it.

Roknos placed the battleaxe on his back, placing it on the holder before he walked to the dead beasts and proceeded to pull his hatchets out of the dead beasts. After retrieving them he made his way back to the fire and the roasted beast.

But he stopped, the young redhead stood in front of him.

"Teach me how to get stronger." Ysmir demanded.

Roknos would probably decline his request since he seemed like someone who likes to be alon-

"If you insist."

"Wait really?"

"Yes." The man who was almost 7 feet tall said as he turned his head to the side before continuing his way to the fire.

He doesn't show much expression and talks like a robot, that's his thing. Ysmir thought.

"Wait, did you know I would ask you that?!" Ysmir followed.

Roknos raised an eyebrow showing he doesn't know what he is talking about.

"So this was a setup?! Those mighty moves and the beast mob were all your doing?!"

"You brought the beasts into this side of the mountain because you are foolish enough to roast succulent meat here, if I was not here then you might already be on your way to the afterlife."

"Hmm." Ysmir hummed in response, not knowing what to say at the moment.

"Well, thank you...sir Roknos." Ysmir deflates. "Rokno...WAIT ROKNOS?! YOU'RE "THE" LORD ROKNOS?!" Ysmir's eyelids widened and his face expressed disbelief.


In Asgard there is the main army known as the Einherjar, which is something Ysmir still had trouble pronouncing along with sixty percent of the words even though it's in a different language.

And other than the main army, there are the berserkers which was a special force King Bor made up. Warriors who fight like beasts using their emotions(angry ones).

And a few more minor forces that uses ranged weapons or sorcery but as a society full of muscleheads it didn't get the attention it deserved.

And on top of all these forces were the King himself, and under the king are the mightiest warriors of Asgard.

Given the title of Lords and Lady's to show their worth.

There are 3 warriors right under the king, 4 if you count Mimir but the Man of Wisdom himself doesn't wanna be counted with these brutes, and one of the 3 is Lord Roknos.

Not only mighty for his pure strength alone but his mastery in every weapon that exists. Some say he was born with a sword from his mother's womb, some say he could shoot an arrow right into a target from another realm but we all know how exaggerated these stories are.

What's true is that he was a master in weaponry be it a blade, a blunted weapon or even something entirely unheard of.

And his strength is only 2nd after Bor himself.

And that man himself is standing right in front of Ysmir, and he himself accepted his request to be his teacher.

Or at least show him how to become strong.