
Casual Day




"Shit, shit, shit!!"

The sound of a bellowing roar came as heavy footsteps banged on the ground, and right in front of that sound was Ysmir himself.

He was running from a big beast that was in rage trying to catch him and devour him.

He was in the mountains behind the city, not many are able to come back here but again Odin had his own weight in power.

For a few days Ysmir had been coming to the back mountains to fight beasts, or at least trying to.

There were many beasts in this mountain that originated from the many realms surrounding Asgard.

Legend has it that Mimir had gathered many beast and animal like creatures to study and the ones that resided in the mountain were the leftovers of his research.

Ysmir thought he saw a dinosaur once, or at least something similar.

He has been here for almost a week now and he was sure of one thing, he didn't know how to get strong.

Reality wasn't fictional, he couldn't just kill a beast and he gained strength somehow. In fact, he can't do much damage to these beasts, the only thing he was able to do was kill off a few non-aggressive animals.

Well they're not so non-aggressive considering they were some that are similar to tigers or even apes. But they were easy targets, the beasts Ysmir wanted to hunt were the bigger and dangerous ones but he wasn't capable.

The beast that was chasing him was also similar to a tiger except it's stripes are black and white while being taller than 3 meters tall.

If one were to look closer, the beast's surface was covered by some hard scales.

As a ma- kid, Ysmir had many information about the mountains, beasts and animals. Things that are considered weakness, food or such. And not only was this beast agile but its force and sharpness on it's swift attacks were dangerous.

His defenses stand no chance.


Ysmir shouted as he curved to the right as the Chase turned, passing the many trees and such.

At a certain point, Ysmir saw what he was looking for. A rope that was seen hanging down on one of the trees ahead and when they got to a few meters of it he threw a dagger that cut it.

Seeing it cut he sped up, bent down in the middle of his run and grabbed a handful of dirt before jumping and turning back, throwing the dirt on the face of the beast as it roared in frustration.

Ysmir rolled backwards before sliding to a stop, but unexpectedly the beast easily opened its eyes again looking more angry than ever.




The beast seized it's roar as a heavy log came knocking it's head to the side as it tumbled and rolled sideways.

As it cried out trying to get back up, Ysmir showed up at the head with a sword raised and stabbed one of its eyes making it scream again in pain and anger.

Ysmir wanted to move to the other eye but it's heavy paw came crashing onto his sides sending him far to the side hitting the body of a tree.

His shoulder to his biceps were slashed by the beast's claws.

"Agh shitt!! That hurts."

Ysmir sat up with his back against the large tree as he watched the now one-eyed tiger beast come closer with big angry steps.

"How about an eye for an eye eh? No need to go too far now." Ysmir chuckled as the big beast stopped in front of it.




The beast once more stopped it's dominating roar as a loud thunder sounded from above.

And a sudden lightning struck the ground about 2 meters away from the beast and Ysmir. The action horrified the beast as it jumped stiffly before running away leaving Ysmir.

"To lose to a puny cat, was this also part of your plan?" Odin's voice sounded as he walked up to Ysmir picking him up with his uninjured arm.

"Whatever, it's not like we're all descendants of Buri or able to control the forces of power right after we are born." Ysmir grunted as he got up.

"Maybe you would have better luck next time, whenever that might be." Odin jabbed with a smirk.

"Diss all you want princess, but I'll have you on your ass without effort soon enough."

"The only thing that seems to be improving is that naughty tongue of yours." Odin sigh hopelessly, the boy seems to have creativity with words.

As the two walked back towards the palace ahead, where one was trying hard not to fall behind, they didn't notice someone far away watching them on top of a tree.

Black hair, black beard, animal skin as clothing and a big horn full of ale.


Inside the palace in the dinner hall, Ysmir and Odin ate like they've been hungry for days. Platters of food filled the table while empty ones also lay on the side, mugs of ale also on their tables.

Ysmir's arm was bandaged and healed by the palace head healer a while ago before their stomach growled.

As they started to eat slowly, they quickened up after some time and a silent competition started between the two without a word.

Though it's simple, if you eat less, you lose.

You give up first, you lose.

Ysmir has one cow leg on one hand while a long bread half eaten was held by the other.

Odin drank from one of the mugs before chomping on the steak like meat on the other hand.

Many stone tables and chairs filled the hall and other warriors, and officials sat on them. Some looked towards the two boys watching them and their little race amused.

Ysmir suddenly dropped his food and grabbed the mug of ale before downing the whole thing, after that he burped loudly before hitting his chest. Then returned to the race.

Moments later the two stopped, Ysmir donned a scowl aiming to the side.

Odin won that eating contest, though no one said anything it was obvious. Odin didn't make a big deal out of it and didn't say anything. But the smirk on his face made Ysmir want to throw a platter at his face.

A burp of victory sounded.

As the two sat and talked, two younger boys came towards them, one around 10 years old while the younger one was 8. The older one had black hair while the younger one had blonde hair just like Odin.

Vili and Ve, respectively.

They were Odin's brothers, the younger ones. These two might be young but they were little monsters comparing to those their age, but Ysmir was mightier than them with some effort.

They are royal blood so it's reasonable to be as strong.

"Brother!!" The younger Ve yelled as he ran to them before jumping on top of the table and picking himself a meat leg.

Vili came and sat on Odin's side and grabbed something to eat as well.

"Vili, Ve." Odin greeted with a genuine smile.

"Oh, it's you runts." Ysmir wasn't as pleased.

Vili frowned and looked away, wondering why this idiot never showed them any respect considering they were royal blood. The only way he was getting away with it was because he was Odin's only friend, was what Vili thought.

Ve on the other hand didn't seem to care, in fact he was shining with the same adoration he had with his brother Odin.

"Ysmir!! Come play with us, you must show us another fun challenge(game)."

As a man originally from earth, he knew a few games these Asgardians know nothing about. Sure they were advanced in many fields but they don't know everything about street games like a boring mortal would.

"Bah, sorry kid but I'm not a child, my time is precious and to waste it with a few milk-drinkers is a no-no."

"Oh come on Ysmir, it would be fun." Ve asked pleadingly to which Ysmir looked away avoiding those annoyingly adorable expressions.

"Leave it Ve, the fool needs to use up his time beat up by our brother." Voli chined in jabbing at Ysmir.

Odin chuckled.

There were many times where Odin and Ysmir sparred, and the outcome was obvious, Odin always wins. And the two younger brothers were there watching sometimes and they idolized Odin everytime.

More so because Ysmir would bully the two, and in turn Odin would ask to 'spar' with Ysmir then, paying him back for whatever pranks Ysmir would do to Vili and Ve.


Vili yelped as a bone was thrown at the back of his head, as he faced away from Ysmir, and he turned around with a scowl. Ysmir on the other hand simply shrugged his shoulders feinting innocence but his eyebrows scrunched up into mockery at Vili.

Vili stood up with anger and pointed at tge redhead boy. "You savage!! Your behavior towards my brothers may be ignored, but I will not allow a fool such as you to mock and ridicule me as you wish!!"

Ve scrunched up his eyebrows in worry pouting while Odin sighs and massages his temples.

"Disrespect me once more and I will guarantee your life to be a living madness!!" Vili yelled out before walking off.

"Vili, wait for me!!" Ve called as he followed.

As Vili was storming off followed by Ve, Ysmir smirked, grabbing another bone from the platter and threw it at the back of the angry boy but…before it could fly into the air, Odin flicked his entire left arm and caught the bone effortlessly.

"Why must you persist in angering my brother Ysmir? If you insist on this path of yours my brother will have to step in and teach you a lesson." Odin warned helplessly.

"I'm betting on it, a great challenge it will be."

"It will be a one-sided fight rather than a challenge, and you will be on the losing side." Odin said.

The brother they were talking about, was not Vili or Ve but rather the oldest of them all. Cul Borson.

The next in line for the throne, Hildskjalf. The next All-Father.

Older brother of Odin, Vili, and Ve.

The royal prince himself doesn't spent much of his time around Asgard, rather he spends it around the realms near Asgard going on adventures.

He was mighty as the first son of Bor, and most of all...he was feared. Extremely feared, and rightly so.

Cul Borson is only around 60 years old yet already more mightier than 90% of the Aesirs, and throughout his travels to the many and mortal realms he has earned himself the title "God of Fear."

Many stories were spoken about his power, some saying goes; "If you fear the God of Fear, then you have already lost."

And that was only the tip of the iceberg, and for Ysmir he thought it was a bit too exaggerated. Sure he has seen Cul many times and he had the aura of a monster to be feared, but he only looked like a reckless young man to Ysmir. He has seen these types of young men more than a few times, but it's no secret that it's different this time considering he was in a different society, and it was the crowned prince no less.

"You have no faith in me, princess?"

"Putting my faith on a fool like you would be reckless, but jesting aside, I suggest you don't do anything to get on my brother's bad side. Even I can't put up much resistance to his might."



A few galaxies away, on a planet just as small as earth, or Midgard in Asgard's term, was in chaos.

The inhabitants, where yellow skin and white hair was a common characteristic, were praying to their gods to save them.

Hurricanes, thunder, volcano eruptions and earthquakes were happening on every corner of that planet. But the most concerning of all for the planet's inhabitants were the dark clouds covering the upper atmospheres not letting a single ray of their sun shine through.

It was hell.

There were a few continents, but after some time the populations in those continents dwindled until not one soul was left.

What was left was an empire, a stone empire that fought to their last breath.

The species are not advanced, and it was in their medieval period just like Earth would. Wielding bladed weapons and such, but that alone wasn't enough for what they were facing.

At this point, the race either thought that their gods left them or it was their gods wrath.

Their source of nightmare was jumping back and forth in their stone city, destroying everything in it's path easily while grabbing and eating whatever it can grab that's alive.

"THIS BEAST IS THE END OF NGOLO, THE GOD'S HAVE SEND THIS CREATURE TO WIPE OUT EVERYTHING!!" An official of the stone castle said through tears and snot.

(Ngolo is the planet, self-made so don't go doing research or whatever.)

The castle had high grounds so many of the officials, guards, warriors and even the Emperor could see how unbelievably vicious and bloodthirsty the beast was.


The beast suddenly jumped and landed in front of the castle in a wide open space and the people were able to see the true form of the beast.

About 4 meters tall and 8 meters wide. The beast had yellow skin and a dark brown head with three fingers and toes along with a tail and horns on it's head.

It was unspeakably big and robusts weighing around 30,000 pounds.

Some had already given up, but seeing this made them despair. Fear and Despair filled the dying planet as the population was exchanged for such.

But still, the Emperor who was gravely angry and sad motivated his warriors and people for an attack. A final attack, glorious ending in the midst of the darkness.

It ended soon enough and as expected, they did not stand a single chance against the monster. Even after finishing with the destruction, the beast jumped away, going after other species on the planet. Animals or whatever there is left alive.

High up in the continent just under the foggy atmosphere was a giant golden boat that floated. And on that boat was a young man with black hair with an armor and robe themed green and gold.

Behind him are two other people who also looked below.

"Shall we head for another destination, Prince Cul?" One of them asked.

"No, we shall head home." Prince Cul spoke, his eyes scanned the burning and darkening planet below him with squinted eyes as if judging. "Call the beast, it's time we return."