

How many times have you been reincarnated? 1?2? Well, screw you, I've done it 3 times hooray for the great me! This is the story of an abstract entity that takes souls and sends them to different worlds with gifts so that they become the best in that world in a corcuso to see who will be their successor, do you want to see our protagonist insult this entity? abstract and become op? Over time? This is your story //, but a newbie did this, excuse me for the spelling mistakes and bad story, I hope you like it and constructive criticism is accepted, the first chapter is worse than the second, I already know in what direction more or less to take my story [version in english] //

mister_ · Others
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Chapter 1: A new reincarnation

// 1..2..3.. System .. Fully operational //

[Welcome user to your third reincarnation, at your service is the evolution and choices system. Would you like me to inform you about your current situation and the gifts at the beginning of this reincarnation?]

[Yes No]

With a great mental smile, I saw that iconic message as I began to feel. My body felt heavy and large, with only the system message box in sight. So, I couldn't say what it was, just hoping it was better than my last reincarnation. Being a wall that gave birth to abominations to flood the world with chaos wasn't comfortable for me, especially the last stages of the attacks towards me, feeling your body screaming as you gave birth to literal demons to kill wasn't pretty. But the bastards aren't here, it's a shame. I would love to massacre them. With a sigh, I pushed my darker thoughts aside and said with a deep and unnaturally anti-antinatural voice, "System, current information and status."

[With pleasure, current user. The most important thing right now is that you are inhabiting a body, not starting from scratch like other times, and that you can choose from the following: your previous titles or abilities from your previous life.]

Many of the old skills I gained are useless. My previous system was the mother of chaos, only giving me enhancement abilities for my offspring or mutations, but the titles were worse. I think I remember some good skills. "System, how many of each can I choose?"

[3 titles for more power, some for their abilities and in abilities, 5 passive abilities, and 1 active ability.]

I gained some good skills for my children, but they were few. Being a mother is difficult, especially when your children die every now and then. But well, besides that, I know which ones have synergy and will help me a lot. They are also broken if they give me time to have their best version. I hope in this life I can have those skills.

"System, give me [abomination], [dead point], [body furnace], [extreme adaptability], and finally [radioactive body]."

Individually they are basically useless, but together they are very good and useful, especially abomination and extreme adaptability. As I continued with my thoughts, my system began to speak eagerly.

[You have unlocked the following skills. Congratulations on obtaining the following skills within 3 minutes of arriving in the world.]

[Abomination] [Passive]: With this skill, you can control your body 100% better, and any mutation or new limb you obtain that is considered part of your body will be your old friend, a faithful companion for life. Why learn to use what you always had? Now you can use that new part at 75% as if it were slightly atrophied, but still very skilled in using it. It's an abomination, beings that go against all logic. Bird's heart, human body? As long as it's minimally compatible with your body, it can work with clear disadvantages.

[Dead Point] [Active]: Fear that your prey will escape? Want to win a fight with one blow? You need this skill. Your sight will be drawn, and you will see red points on the enemy's body that are their weakest point. With enough strength, one blow is fatal. If you want to be a master of one blow, train your body, especially your strength, to achieve it.

[mastery 100/100]

[Warning]: Does not guarantee death; it can be a temporary knockout or similar if you do not have enough physical strength.

[Extreme Adaptability] [Passive]: With enough time, can you live without seeing? You believe in this; you adapt to disadvantaged environments, even more than anyone else. If I want to fly in a thousand years, I'll fly with this skill. If you try, you can do it. Do you fall often? You'll become more resistant to blows until you don't feel them anymore, even more pain.

[Warning]: The skill is driven by pain and danger. It's more likely to die in the adaptation process before gaining resistance or similar.

[Body Furnace] [Passive]: Your body is a furnace! You're on fire, literally. Now your intestines are made of organic rock, sufficient to withstand the heat inside you. Now you can eat anything; your stomach is rock. You can eat different elements to trigger chemical reactions and feed your body as well as a skill bonus. Your vomit or similar fluid from the chemicals you consume will be equally harmful and poisonous.

[Warning]: Your exterior is not as resistant as your interior. If your stomach acid with something harmful is perforated and leaked, it will cause you damage with or without this skill. With enough time, [extreme adaptability] can solve it.

[Radioactive Body]: Are you Godzilla's cousin? With this skill, maybe now you generate radioactive energy. Say goodbye to tiredness and hello to mutations. You'll never tire while you die from your own energy. Now you can use it to power your body and gain more power at the cost of life or a mutation to your body survives and becomes a living energy machine, even in a possible Godzilla scenario, or die and rot in what could have been your glory.

[Warning]: You can die just by possessing this skill. Extremely reduced lifespan and possible diseases and mutations.

[Extreme adaptability] fully focused, already at maximum capacity to adapt it to the body along with [abomination], success rate below 39%.]

With the last warning read, I would get up knowing that those two skills would make it. I had seen through the eyes of their children how effective they are. With that in mind, I looked down at my body, a large, heavy body with a smile. One word came clearly to my mind. That bastard put me in the body of a berserker from Gear of War. How could I talk? Wasn't that certain? And his organic armor was black as stone, not like those from that franchise, more light-colored. And I could talk, that ruled out the 100 percent. "I want to move. Being in one place for 50 years wasn't fun for me. I'm going to make the most of this life."

I said as I started to run, feeling my body being propelled by an energy that filled it more and more. As I ran, I felt my body heating up, ignoring this fact. I looked at my surroundings with my vision somewhat limited, as it was night. What I saw was a desert at least 500 meters around. Guiding that heat, taking advantage of [abomination] in my legs, I would go faster, from 20 to 130 in just a few seconds, with a smile on my face, feeling the air on my armored body, remembering all those years sending children to their death while I could only stand still. Almost falling at full speed, I saw a message from the system.

[Congratulations to...

[Chapter 1]