
Abnormal Creatures

A remote and old big house, a bunch of abnormal extraterrestrial beings, and a labor contract from "gods". The three elements combined made Lin Feng the busiest landlord and the most capable nanny in the world, and the most chaotic. , the story of the strangest and most abnormal room host begins. "From the day I pressed my fingerprint on the labor contract, I knew I was on a pirate ship..."

DaoistlpXQ8U · Fantasy
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110 Chs

This is real

Lin Feng casually pulled out the data terminal, intending to smash it against the ground a few times. This useless gadget was annoying enough on ordinary days, but now, when it occasionally proved somewhat useful, it dared to act up. He had never encountered such a troublesome PDA in his entire life!

"What's wrong?" Vivian, puzzled by Lin Feng's actions, inquired, "It's no use venting your anger on it."

"Open the stone wall." Lin Feng angrily shoved the data terminal back into his pocket. "The sealing system of the underground palace has long been useless. If the thing suppressed inside wants to escape, it will find another way out. Unfortunately, we're the unlucky ones, trapped in this dead end, the only way out!"

Giving Lin Feng a glance, Vivian didn't bother questioning how he knew all this. She turned to deal with the runic stone wall. However, she soon disheartenedly informed Lin Feng of some bad news, "As expected, it won't budge."

"Didn't you say this thing was thin?" 

"The stone wall itself is thin, but the Leta runes inscribed on it form the phrase 'Castle of the Overlord,' giving it the same strength as a castle wall. Moreover, Leta runes suppress my powers... Muyun, don't bother trying. Brute force won't open it."

The wolf girl, Muyun, was underneath the runic stone wall, attempting to dig a hole from below. "I'm trying to dig a passage from underground!"

Vivian rolled her eyes. "Then go ahead, based on the strength of the runes, you'll need to dig at least half a kilometer down."

Upon hearing this, Muyun felt as if she had been struck by lightning, her tail and ears drooping dejectedly as she looked at Lin Feng. "Landlord, what should we do?"

"Why am I so unlucky!" Lin Feng exclaimed helplessly. As the person with the lowest combat ability on-site, it was quite astonishing that he remained relatively calm. Unable to come up with a solution, he could only angrily pound the runic stone wall. "Why am I so damn unlucky!"

Suddenly, a distinct scraping sound emanated from above the stone wall.

Lin Feng, closest to the wall, immediately heard the "scraping" amidst the surrounding noise. Surprised, he looked up and saw the ancient Leta runes emitting an eerie red glow, then slowly detaching from the stone wall as if being "squeezed out"!

"Vivian, did you do this?" Lin Feng asked Vivian in astonishment, but she, too, wore a bewildered expression. "No... it seems you dislodged these runes with your punch just now."

Upon pondering for a moment, Lin Feng suddenly turned pale. "The runes say only the descendant of the Jorford bloodline has the right to open the underground palace. Could it be that I am the long-lost heir of an English noble? Is this castle and the surrounding two hundred acres of wasteland mine?"

The surprised expression on Vivian's face instantly changed to one of admiration. "Your thinking is more broad-minded than a great dane's... Let's not dwell on that now, the priority is to escape! Muyun, up!"

Without waiting for Vivian to finish, Muyun had already dashed towards the stone wall, delivering a powerful punch. With a thunderous roar, a large hole appeared in the seemingly indestructible stone slab. Once the power of the runes dissipated, this layer of stone didn't seem much sturdier than ordinary rock, much easier to deal with than the enchanted black boulder behind.

The stone wall... or rather, stone door, revealed a spacious underground hall after being broken open.

This hall was much larger than the intersection of tunnels under the small church, a perfect square in shape. At the opposite end of the hall, another tunnel leading to an unknown destination could be seen. Without pausing to consider, the three of them covered their noses and rushed through the flying debris into the hall. Just as they entered, a thunderous sound of collapsing rocks echoed from the direction of the tunnel they came from: the entire passage had collapsed.

"Wow... hanging by a thread." Lin Feng turned to look at where he had just stood, now blocked by rubble. His heart was racing, cold sweat dripping profusely, "One step later and we would have been trapped inside."

"It's probably part of the palace's design. If the Leta runes are destroyed under abnormal circumstances, the corresponding passages will collapse to block intruders." Vivian sensed the momentary flow of magic, feeling even more uneasy about the careful design of the palace. "Runic seal doors, enchanted boulders, and self-destructing palace passages... what exactly is being suppressed down here to warrant such elaborate precautions?"

A clamor suddenly erupted from all directions, and Lin Feng looked around, the voices sounding different: "Now I know what's being suppressed down here... it's the undead you mentioned, isn't it?"

The three of them had been in such a hurry when they ran in earlier that they hadn't had time to take in their surroundings. Now they noticed that the hall wasn't empty: rectangular stone slabs were embedded in the floor, protruding less than an inch from the ground. If not paying attention, one might mistake them for ordinary bricks in the palace. However, these "large bricks" were being pushed aside one by one, revealing pairs of armored arms emerging from beneath the slabs!

This hall was essentially a tomb chamber, with coffins under the stone slabs!

As the stone slabs were pushed aside, accompanied by chaotic metallic friction, countless figures clad in full-body knight armor crawled out from underground. They resembled European knights stepping out of a museum, their entire bodies encased in heavy armor, even their hair tightly enveloped by the thick helmets. Most unbelievably, the steel of these knights, buried underground for centuries, showed no signs of rust. The armor of each "knight" gleamed like new. Enhanced by Lin Feng's strengthened vision, he could even discern the intricate patterns and crests on the steel surfaces.

These undead knights held weapons in their hands, some wielding longswords, others wielding warhammers, while others carried short swords and thick shields. It was obvious that their burial positions had been precisely arranged, forming a complete and orderly formation as they rose. Presumably, the undead knights who had been digging outside the passage earlier were the same—only they had been sealed off by the collapsing rubble.

Lin Feng had never seen such a formation before. He suddenly felt dizzy, but he didn't lose his wits at the critical moment. His years of nonchalance and thick skin kept him calm. Seeing the exit at the other end of the hall, he immediately patted Muyun's shoulder. "Run towards the exit!"

The newly awakened heavily armored knights hadn't fully mobilized yet. They moved clumsily, staggering around, and seemed to pay no attention to Lin Feng and his companions for the time being. Seizing the opportunity, Muyun quickly kicked away the undead knight blocking her path, leading the charge towards the exit.

However, Muyun's kick stirred up a hornet's nest. The previously groggy undead knights suddenly all "woke up," and countless pairs of blood-red lights shone from behind their heavy helmets, filling the entire underground tomb with a terrifying red glow!

"Don't block the way!" Muyun, seeing the situation, also began to feel a bit nervous. She immediately reached out and grabbed one of the undead knights, who was stumbling towards her, then swung his arm like swinging a warhammer. The undead knight, over 1.8 meters tall, was helpless against such brute force and unconventional combat style. He was swung around by Muyun, creating a hurricane-like force, and the surrounding heavily armored souls were swept away!

"This big dog is quite useful." Vivian praised with satisfaction, her body surrounded by a whirlwind-like blood-colored light. Cold and extremely sharp waves of ice and blood-colored shockwaves constantly repelled the heavily armored knights coming from all directions. "Big dog, don't linger, this underground palace belongs to the undead. Go to the surface!"

The closed and gloomy underground palace was the battlefield of the undead, and this environment was not suitable for vampires like Vivian, who could fly, or for Muyun's bold and aggressive fighting style. Only on the surface, under the current moonlight, could Vivian and Muyun fight with confidence.

Muyun wielded her "warhammer" to clear the way ahead, like an infinite steel whirlwind, while Vivian continuously used freezing air and sharp, blood-colored shockwaves to fend off the heavily armored knights that swarmed from all directions. Although Lin Feng knew he was just an ordinary person, at this critical moment, he also summoned up his courage. Even if the opponents were undead, he fought back without regard for his life—whether it was an illusion or his salary had arrived, or perhaps the effect of adrenaline, Lin Feng felt his strength growing: he could actually kick these heavy steel bodies nearly five meters away!

In this way, fighting and retreating, the three of them finally burst out of the underground tomb.

What greeted them was the sound of more armor collisions—coming from all directions!