
Abnormal Creatures

A remote and old big house, a bunch of abnormal extraterrestrial beings, and a labor contract from "gods". The three elements combined made Lin Feng the busiest landlord and the most capable nanny in the world, and the most chaotic. , the story of the strangest and most abnormal room host begins. "From the day I pressed my fingerprint on the labor contract, I knew I was on a pirate ship..."

DaoistlpXQ8U · Fantasy
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110 Chs

It's finally over

Nangong rubbed the back of his head and sat up, realizing he was lying on a small hill, surrounded by barren land, with the sky slowly brightening above him—the terrifying scene in the underground palace seemed to have drifted away like a dream.

He felt a throbbing pain at the back of his head, and the air around him was filled with an uncomfortable burnt smell, causing him to frown unconsciously and mutter, "Cough, what's wrong with me?"

Lin Feng signaled to Vivian, Muyun, and Yzax not to speak, then slapped Nangong on the shoulder. "Awake? Then look at the big news."

"Nangong?" Nangong looked surprised to see three familiar faces and a strange, burly man beside him. "Are you all okay? The evil spirits underground didn't harm you? And who is this friend next to you... What's going on?!"

Nangong finally saw in the distance the rolling smoke rising from the meteorite crater. The few remaining stones around the crater and the surrounding scenery could barely be distinguished as the ruins of Jofford Castle. However, in just one night, this centuries-old castle had been reduced to a crater, with a pool of slowly cooling magma. No matter how much experience Nangong had, he felt his mind was insufficient at this moment.

"You surely won't believe what happened, but a meteorite just fell from the sky and smashed the entire castle," Lin Feng said earnestly, without any signs of embarrassment.

Nangong listened in a daze, suddenly touching the back of his head. "Wait a moment, I remember I was fighting evil spirits in the underground palace. You were all behind me, surrounded by groups of spectral knights... Then I felt a pain in my head and don't remember anything else."

Lin Feng tried to make his expression more sincere, looking as if he were still in shock. "Don't mention those unlucky things. When you were bravely fighting last night, the ceiling of the underground palace collapsed again, knocking you out. I was just closing my eyes, ready to die. The undead armors around us suddenly lay motionless on the ground, and the three of us had to make a big effort to carry you... and this old man out. We planned to hitchhike back when it was light, but this spooky place was too terrifying, so we tried to run outside as much as possible, saving everyone's lives. Ten minutes ago, a meteorite fell from the sky, and then you saw what happened."

From start to finish, Lin Feng pretended to be an ordinary person who didn't understand anything, not attempting to explain why the undead armors in the underground palace were "lying motionless on the ground" or why a meteorite fell from the sky and precisely smashed the entire castle. He just fabricated a series of bizarre stories, leaving Nangong to imagine the rest.

Lin Feng's intentions were devious: since I'm an ordinary person who knows nothing, you can come and accuse me~~

Nangong was completely confused, but didn't seem to have any intention of asking Lin Feng for more details. He seemed to completely distrust the ordinary man in front of him and the two harmless girls beside him, and with his own logic, he reluctantly made a guess, "Perhaps those spirits were controlled by something more central in the underground palace. Such situations are often seen in relics that are hundreds of years old... Yes, it must be so. I am an expert."

Lin Feng, Vivian, and the others couldn't help but roll their eyes simultaneously: this guy had the nerve to say that.

Only now did Nangong slowly stand up, looking regretfully at the distant apocalyptic crater. He knew there must be countless secrets still in the castle, explaining why the spirits suddenly collapsed, why he was saved by three "ordinary people." But now, there was nothing left, not even a clue to start an investigation.

Lin Feng glanced gratefully at Yzax. Meteorite Fall was indeed a versatile skill. Basically, when a stone fell, as long as it wasn't used blatantly in front of ordinary people, you didn't have to worry about anything that happened afterward. No one on this planet would believe that there really was a powerful being who could bring a small asteroid from the Kuiper Belt to play, the only ones worried were those astrophysicists—and the half-baked ghost hunter in front of him.

Shortly afterward, the onlookers from Brushall finally arrived, albeit late.

Several off-road vehicles stopped near the ruins of Jofford Castle. The thick smoke and the high-temperature lava from the meteorite impact prevented anyone from getting close. In fact, when Yzax arrived, people in the town of Brushall had noticed the commotion here. The sea of fire at that time was no different from the first "haunting incident" a while ago. Good-natured people from the town and supernatural enthusiasts from out of town came out of the town within minutes. However, there was no road from the town to Jofford Castle, only rugged rocks along the way. Even with several off-road vehicles, they couldn't drive fast. So, they basically only saw a small part of the whole event: the moment the meteorite fell from the sky.

No one, no matter how reckless, dared to charge forward in the face of the meteorite's might. So, it was only after the shockwave and the big explosion caused by the meteorite had subsided that these people arrived at the scene. Now, they were discussing in groups around the disappeared ruins of the castle, some tweeting with their phones, some taking photos with the crater, some holding paranormal sensors with a sad expression, and some foaming at the mouth sitting on the ground, claiming to have something to say from Lord Jofford. The last one was really energetic. She had been busy until late at night yesterday and wasn't tired, so she came to stir things up again early this morning.

But most people's faces were simply shocked. These ordinary folks had no reasoning ability like the professionals, they just felt that such a big event happening one after another in such a rural town was unbelievable... They should be able to brag to many people in the future.

After a night of turmoil, Lin Feng and the others were physically and mentally exhausted. Even if they weren't physically tired, they were mentally exhausted, so they hitchhiked back to town and Nangong walked with the Indian monk who still hadn't fully recovered (the old man's body was indeed not good; with the same force, he had been unconscious for so long). Along the way, this half-baked ghost hunter kept repeating, "Why is this? Why is this?"

There was no way to go about it. Since all the evidence had been vaporized, even if Holmes were reborn, he couldn't attribute the reason to a demon falling from the sky.

The group returned to London like this. Instead of going to some fancy five-star hotel, they found a simple inn to stay temporarily. They really needed a day's rest before continuing—and Yzax's entry and exit procedures hadn't been completed yet.

While staying at the inn, Lin Feng connected to the communication with Raven12345.