
Abnormal Creatures

A remote and old big house, a bunch of abnormal extraterrestrial beings, and a labor contract from "gods". The three elements combined made Lin Feng the busiest landlord and the most capable nanny in the world, and the most chaotic. , the story of the strangest and most abnormal room host begins. "From the day I pressed my fingerprint on the labor contract, I knew I was on a pirate ship..."

DaoistlpXQ8U · Fantasy
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110 Chs

Different work and rest

The stout uncle on TV, approximately in his forties or fifties, was indeed a local as Lin Feng had guessed. He lived on the outskirts of Brushal Town and owned a small inn in the town. His name was Angus, the one who first discovered the haunting at the castle and spread the news. This chubby uncle appeared to be simple and honest, yet with a touch of shrewdness as a businessman.

The interview continued, but Lin Feng's full attention had been drawn to this news. Even Mu Yun scratching him with her claws didn't distract him. The werewolf girl couldn't understand a word, and was gradually getting agitated.

"... That day, I was tidying up the rooms on the second floor, it was at night," Angus appeared excited in front of the camera. Despite telling a ghost story, he seemed exceptionally thrilled. The recent haunting incidents had brought great fame to his small inn, turning out to be a good thing for him. "My inn is right on the edge of town, 'Angus's Cottage.' It's the first thing you see when you come off the highway, facing the back of the castle. But it's far away, usually you can't see those stones with the naked eye— but that night, I saw flames shooting up towards the castle! There's no forest there, no houses, just a pile of stones. I don't know what was on fire, but I called 999..."

"Were there many people who saw the flames that night?" the female host asked, trying to prevent Mr. Angus from drifting off topic— he clearly wanted to stay on camera for a while longer, and his rambling seemed endless.

"Yes, many people. I saw many windows in town facing towards the castle light up." Angus nodded, "And the next day, many people confirmed seeing the flames. But it only 'burned' for about fifteen minutes, then it suddenly disappeared, and nothing could be seen. The forest fire brigade came up empty, they said there was only a pile of dry, cold stones there. But I can assure you I didn't make a false alarm, I'm an honest businessman, 'Angus's Cottage' has been running for so many years based on honesty..."

"I heard you later drove here to see the situation yourself, is that true?" the female host quickly redirected the topic.

"Yes, I came here many times afterward, specifically at night." Angus finally showed a hint of fear on his face, "Then I encountered those strange things, soldiers wearing full body armor walking boldly in front of my car lights, strange shouts, my car inexplicably stalling, and the car radio hearing voices with very strange accents... It was terrifying."

The host took back the microphone, facing the camera, "The 'haunting stories' in Brushal are now spreading wildly, more and more paranormal enthusiasts and adventurers are gathering in this small town. Scholars specializing in electromagnetics, geology, and other fields are also becoming interested..."

Lin Feng lost interest in what was being said afterward. It was basically a bunch of nonsense, advocating belief in science while talking endlessly about ghost stories. Lin Feng switched off the TV, sitting there like a thinker, resting his chin on his fist.

Mu Yun finally went completely manic, jumping onto the sofa and scratching Lin Feng's shoulder vigorously, "Landlord, landlord, what did they say on TV just now?"

"Our 'new friend'..." Lin Feng's tone was heavy, "is most likely a ghost. Remember the haunting at the Nangong Castle that Mr. Nangong mentioned? The TV just now was talking about that. If this isn't a local scam to lure tourists, then it's definitely related to the 'newcomer' arranged by Crow 12345. This has turned into such a troublesome situation."

Vivian didn't understand what was said on TV, but she could tell from the atmosphere on TV, "Wait, does this mean... there should be a lot of people near the Joford Castle now! And everyone is looking for ghosts in that area?!"

"Yeah, it's a big mess," Lin Feng sighed, "What I fear most is attracting attention. Who knows if the newcomer will be as easy to deal with as you guys... I mean, understanding. If he's just an ignorant reckless guy, then it'll be lively for sure."

Mu Yun, tilting her head on the sofa, thought for a long time and suddenly slapped her paws, "I'm sleepy, I want to sleep."

With that, the werewolf girl walked to her room, swaggering past Lin Feng and Vivian's astonished gazes. It wasn't until she slammed the door shut that the two reacted: this silly girl's jet lag hadn't been reversed yet, it was now bright outside but it was already her bedtime.

"I'm a bit tired too." Yawning, Lin Feng, who had accumulated a lot of fatigue, said, "I'll go back to sleep. Aren't you tired?"

"My schedule is different from yours anyway," Vivian shrugged, "And during the days I was at your place, my biological clock got messed up trying to match yours, so I'm not sleepy now."

"Alright, I'll go back to sleep. If I'm still not awake by night, wake me up, we'll go eat. That guy Mu Yun probably won't wake up, she sleeps like a log—bring some food for her." As Lin Feng said this, he stretched lazily and walked to his room, leaving Vivian alone in the living room, lost in thought. The vampire girl looked at Mu Yun's room, feeling very sad: it's not easy to be out and about, and tonight, she, a noble vampire, would have to sleep in a dog's nest...

Lin Feng slept until around eight or nine o'clock local time, and Vivian said she didn't want to disturb him because he was sleeping so soundly. As Lin Feng had predicted, Mu Yun, who had no intention of reversing her jet lag, slept very soundly. Even with Vivian tossing and turning next to her, she didn't react.

Since there were things to do early the next morning, Lin Feng and Vivian went downstairs to the restaurant to have something to eat and then returned to their rooms. Mu Yun was still sound asleep, seeming not to intend to eat. Lin Feng placed the convenient food he had brought her on the small table next to Mu Yun's bed and went back to his own room to rest. He vowed to adjust his jet lag through sleeping hard within a day. Vivian's schedule habits were different from humans to begin with, and her biological clock had been messed up during her time at Lin Feng's place, so she wouldn't feel sleepy until midnight—well, by now, I'm sure the smart ones have guessed what happened in the middle of the night. Yes, Mu Yun woke up...

A physiologically normal ordinary person, a werewolf who didn't plan to adjust her jet lag at all, and a vampire who had messed up her biological clock, this magical trio finally had a fierce collision in their schedules in this foreign land eight time zones away: when Lin Feng and Vivian were awake, Mu Yun was asleep. When Vivian finally got drowsy, Mu Yun became lively. And during two-thirds of the time Lin Feng was asleep, Vivian was very energetic. When Vivian and Mu Yun were both awake, Lin Feng hadn

't woken up yet—don't try to figure out the corresponding relationship between the three's waking hours by drawing a timetable and a connection chart, because even they couldn't figure it out themselves! Their sleeping times were nested with each other, basically when one of them was asleep, at least one of them was roaming around the house like a wandering soul...

Early the next morning, Lin Feng, with a messy head of hair, came out of the room and was greeted by Vivian with bloodshot eyes. The vampire girl complained as soon as she saw Lin Feng, "Lin Feng! I'm never sleeping in the same room with that big dog again! She woke up in the middle of the night shouting for breakfast, and wandered around my bed in the dark for two hours!"

Lin Feng was probably the one with the best sleep quality among the three. He had slept for nearly ten hours in bits and pieces, almost slipping into a coma at the end. He looked at Vivian with sleepy eyes, "Um... I felt very cold in the room last night, even after turning off the air conditioning. Do you know what's going on?"

Vivian blushed, "Um, I couldn't sleep in the first half of the night, so I did two sets of aerobics in the living room. Maybe I wasn't paying attention."

Lin Feng was suddenly horrified, he realized how terrifying last night was: a vampire silently doing aerobics in the living room in the first half of the night, and a werewolf patrolling the room across the hall in the dark for two hours in the second half of the night!

The events of the night in this room were just one film crew.