
Abigail Phillips, Elan Adamson

This is about love or betrayals. Elan Adamson was an Heavenly God. He kills demons in order to protect innocent lives but was soon betrayed by his wife. He knew his wife was a demon but he never expected her to turn this evil because since the day he met her, she was just a very little innocent flower. He dies when his wife kills him. But unexpectedly he is reborn. He goes into the next life where he meets a demon who doesn't know she is a demon, Abigail Phillips.

Cutie_Bear · Music & Bands
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10 Chs

Chapter 6

Elan carried her to her room placing her on the bed. She really helped him a lot and he is really thankful to her. He saw how she was really sweating in the clothes, so he helped her open her zip and removed her bra. He couldn't help but stare at those big breasts. Even if he was a God, he was a human before. A normal human that could sex and stare at women's private parts just to satisfy his needs.

Her breasts was an h-cup breast. A very very big one. It wasn't falling but was standing. Her nipples looked so soft and pink. He wanted to remove all her clothes just to see how she looks like fully but he didn't want to wake her up so he let it go for now. He saw a box on the table next to her bed. He saw something written on a paper which is glued to the box. It was - Do not open if you aren't ready to be cursed your whole life. It's a ssssssss!!!!!.

He wanted to see what she was keeping inside and Alas!!, when he opened it, he saw lots of condoms. His pupils dilated. He looked at her and felt pity for her. Now he understands, she needs someone to sex with but she keeps thinking the she will get pregnant making that person leave her. He saw her memory the first time he touched her when they first met.

He left her room and went to his own room.


It was already morning when Abi woke up from her dream. She dreamt of Her and Elan kissing together on their wedding day with two beautiful kids. If it were to come true, she was sure she would be the happiest woman in the world. She removed her gown happily. When she wanted to remove her bra, she didn't feel any bra. She asked herself - didn't I wear any bra?. But I remember wearing one. She then saw her bra on a desk beside her bed and her box of condoms opened.

She blushed when she realised that it was Elan that carried her to her room and helped her remove her bra. He truly cares for me - she murmured to herself.

She bit her lip from thinking too much and closed her box of condoms. She went to her room to take a shower and brush her teeth. When she was done, she dressed into a short straight black skirt that reaches her knee. She wore a white shirt and black jacket with a black heel sandal. She tied her blonde golden hair into a ponytail which was very long that reaches the back of her knee. She puts her phone in her white bag and leaves her room.

When she came outside of her room, she saw Elan sitting on a couch watching the porn video. She bit her lip and walked in front of him. She said - you know, there're other movies you could watch but there's no time we're soon to be late. Elan said, okay beautiful. Abi forced herself not to blush or smile stupidly. Elan stood up and came so close to her that their nose were barely touching. He whispered: Are we going to keep standing here or leave. Abi snapped out of fear and cleared her throat. She said - let's go. Elan smirked and followed her outside. They'd already packed all their clothes in different luggages so they put them in the car.

When they got to the company, they saw four beautiful handsome and cute four guys waiting for them. Two were cute and the other two were handsome. It was the first time for Abi seeing really beautiful men but they still couldn't reach the beauty of Elan. His beauty can never be beaten except in Evermore Land.

One of the guys came towards Elan and said - Hi I'm Alexander Jones. You look so handsome and I'm jealous of you. Elan said - then how is it my business? or how is any of it my property?. The remaining three looked at Alex with pity. He has been hurt. Abi immediately interrupted - Hi, I'm Abigail Phillips. I'm your new manager. Abi extended her hand for a shake and Alex shaked it with a smile.

"You know, you're really beautiful, I'm sure he is your boyfriend. If he isn't, I would've took you in." Abi said - oh he's not my boy...,

Elan interrupted - We're planning on leaving this place soon and getting married so get your filthy hands off her, he sounded harsh and the cold aura around him was felt by everyone. Abi looked at him and blushed. Alex said - dude I'm decent. There's no need to be rude. Elan sneered- as if.

The remaining other guys came and introduced themselves. The first one said - Hi, I'm Dex Hutton. My father is that I can't tell but I'm the owner of the house we are living in and you guys would be living in. Elan said coldly - I don't need to know that next. Then a voice said in Elan's head - You're a God and not a demon. Behave like one and stop being rude. Elan said - no thanks, I'm doing my mission but you can't force me anymore to behave like your stupid Gods. The voice shouted - You Fool!!!!.

Elan used magic to make the voice disappear. He told the second guy that just finished saying his name to start again. The guy said hi, my name is Hunter Aitken. The last guy said - My name is Brian Aish so tell us your name and stop putting on a show here. Elan said I only asked of your name. I didn't tell you to talk like a parrot blabbering this nonsense. Brian said - that's because you gave me the mouth so I want it back. Elan said - Oops!, I'm afraid I won't be giving you back since the new one fits you really well.

Abigail said - You guys should stop and Elan stop being too rude. This isn't like you, I thought you're my God. The four started to laugh - Pffft!!!, My God. HAHAHAHAHA!!!. Elan said laugh again and you'll see me in your dream turning your dream into a nightmare. The four stopped, not because of what he said but because of the scary cold eye he gave them. It send shivers down their spine.