
Abigail Phillips, Elan Adamson

This is about love or betrayals. Elan Adamson was an Heavenly God. He kills demons in order to protect innocent lives but was soon betrayed by his wife. He knew his wife was a demon but he never expected her to turn this evil because since the day he met her, she was just a very little innocent flower. He dies when his wife kills him. But unexpectedly he is reborn. He goes into the next life where he meets a demon who doesn't know she is a demon, Abigail Phillips.

Cutie_Bear · Music & Bands
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10 Chs

Chapter 5

When Elan was walking on the roadside, he saw a demon choking a very handsome young guy to death. As always it was a lowly demon so it was easy to kill. He saved the guy and the guy started begging him to let him go. Elan felt something awkward in him so he checked his memory by holding him. He saw that this was the guy that tried raping his Abi.

So he bribed them for money to fire the girl from the interview. He wanted to kill him but he couldn't. He put on a temporary curse on him saying ; You won't be able to walk until you allow Abigail back and apologize then you will be free. Try it again and your legs would be gone. Forget me and think it was a message from the demon I just killed. The guy fainted.


It was already in the morning when Elan dressed into a violet suit that matched his colour. He looked really dashing and charming. In fact, anyone that sees him would be charmed already. He went to the parlour and saw Abigail in a red short gown that reaches her knee. She wore a long black boot. She tied her blonde hair into a braided ponytail. She was holding a small black purse and she puts on a slight makeup and a red lipstick. She was as always beautiful and unique. Her ass were still as big as before and so as her breasts.

He swallowed hard and said - Lead the way. When Abigail saw Elan, she couldn't help but look at her pussy and his groin.

Abigail said in the car when they were on their way to the interview. Are you sure Elan?. Elan said - do you trust me?. Abi nodded. Elan smiled, then have patience. Abi said - you know, if they allow us we will have to live in a very big luxury house for your bands. One of them is a very rich guy so I'm sure he won't make us live in a tight fitted house. Elan said - you're really excited for this.

Abi said - I'm so so excited that I can't even explain it. All thanks to you. Elan said - I've made a promise to protect you because you remind me of my old self. This was the first time a guy said this to her with a full heart and passion. Every guys that comes her way always says that they will just have sex or with them being rich, they can protect her. They don't say it from their heart but from their lust.

They got to the company and this was the first time Elan was seeing this. It's so..., he didn't know how to say it.

They entered and they saw the interviewers with the guy that tried raping Abi. The guy was sitting on a wheel chair. He said - hi my name is Robert William's. I'm the manager of this company. I'm really sorry for yesterday. I'm so happy you came today with a friend. Please forgive me. Abi looked at Elan with widened eyes.

Elan winked at her with a smile. Abi said - okay you're forgiven. Then suddenly, Robert felt his leg again, he tried to stand up and he was able to do so. Shocked expressions filled everyone's faces except Elan. Robert thanked the heavens promising to never in his life sin again. He would pray everyday and be holy.

Robert said - you're now the new manager of some new crews. They just came last week and couldn't find a manager so you're the manager. Tell me if you need any help. I'll tell them to come and meet you tomorrow. Abi thanked Robert and said - can he also join?. Robert looked at Elan. He felt he knew him but could not remember then suddenly he totally forgot what he felt. He said - of course. Abi thanked them.

On their way home inside a car, Abi said- I'm so happy that we're hired. What did you do to him?. Elan said - just a little punishment and because of you, he was forgiven. Abi smiled and kissed Elan on the cheek. She hid her face away in blushing so hard and embarrassment. Elan smirked.

Abi made them stop to eat something in the restaurant.

They sat on the chairs and a waiter which was a woman came and asked what they would like to eat. Abi answered - we would like a Peameal bacon, Smoked meat, Maple Syrup and a nutritious triple berry smoothie with Greek yogurt. When the waiter was done writing, she nodded and left.

Elan said- I was unable to even choose anything. Abi said - and do you know any kind of food here?. Elan smirked - you're a really gutsy little lamb. Abi bit her lip from blushing in red. Elan said - I remember when you started moaning what you used to call me before in pleasure. You were using condoms.

Abigail's eyes widened in shock. She said -H.. how did you know?. Elan said I've the powers of a God, remember?. Abi covered her face with both hands. Elan said- Don't worry I'm not angry. Abi sighed in relief. The waiter came with the food Abi ordered. Elan said - you really know food. Abi said - I'm a fan of foods. They started eating and drinking till they were full.

It was already twilight when they got home. Abi laid on the chair in tiredness. When Elan came inside, he saw her sleeping on the chair. He smiled and said - Have I ever told you how beautiful you're?. He remembered his wife and touched his heart - he knows he can't fall for her after all the betrayals his trusted people and most trusted wife betrayed him. He prayed that his friend didn't also betrayed him. He really thanks God for giving him the opportunity to see someone like him. She really suffered a lot and he felt sorry for her. He doesn't loves her but he cares for her. He thinks.