
Abandoned Gremory Travels Multiverse

Dylan, a typical 20-year-old teenage boy, meets an untimely demise under a truck only to be reborn in the fantastical world of High School DxD as the son of Sirzechs Lucifer. However, unlike his demonic counterparts, Dylan possesses no innate demonic energy. As he navigates this new existence, will he defy expectations, grow in strength, and ascend to the pinnacle of supernatural powers in this alternate realm

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33 Chs

Chapter : 9 Almenia?

Dylan found himself immersed in an ethereal radiance, transforming his surroundings into a surreal landscape. As he lay on the floor, the ceiling above resembled metallic intricacies, with delicate lines gleaming and weaving like a mesmerizing circuit. The entire space took on an otherworldly mechanical allure, a realm of the peculiar and the extraordinary.

Amidst the enchanting atmosphere, a deep, resonant sound echoed—Drghhggghhhhh... The colossal metallic door began to creak open, shrouded in smoke that released upon its unveiling. Struggling to discern the unfolding spectacle, Dylan rolled around gain a perfect view. Through the dissipating haze, a shadowy figure emerged, accompanied by the rhythmic cadence of approaching footsteps.

Suddenly, a corpulent figure materialized from the gateway, standing at a modest 5 feet. His skin emitted a subtle bluish glow, accentuating the presence of shining bluish and white horns protruding from his ears. His attire resembled a fusion of man and machine, with hues of crimson from neck to thigh seamlessly melding into obsidian below, as if a robotic exoskeleton adorned his form. The convergence of extraordinary visuals and mysterious sounds created an immersive tapestry of wonder and intrigue.

"Welcome, the chosen one by Almenia," the man greeted, raising both hands with a smile, his eyes closed. Slowly opening them, he found no one visible in front of him. "Where is the chosen one? Did this bastard wake me up just to irritate me?" the fat guy muttered, clicking on a wrist device. A small blue screen appeared as he checked, and his right eye caught a glimpse of Dylan.

"What is that worm?" he muttered, the blue screen vanishing as he walked towards Dylan. Standing in front of him, the fat guy looked down, and Dylan struggled to lift his head, their eyes meeting with curiosity.

Turning his head left and then right, similar movements by Dylan followed. Suddenly, the fat guy burst out loud, "Almenia, you chose a small baby!" He halted, pondering, "Wait, does this kid possess something extraordinary to be attracted by Almenia?"

Moving forward, the fat guy extended his left hand, and bluish rays came out, scanning Dylan. "Hmm, let's see... Age: 5-6 days old, special species with an age limit up to 10,000 years. That's a good sign," he muttered, examining the details of Dylan's body on his screen. "Potential: trash due to poor body constitution. Oh god, Almenia, you chose this kid," he said, nearly about to cry. However, a certain detail caught his attention – Brain width: 30.

As he read that, he looked towards Dylan on the floor, his energy already drained, unable to lift his head. "Maybe he is not that bad," the fat guy muttered. Swiftly, he picked up Dylan and ran inside, the door locking behind them.

Inside, the fat guy carefully placed Dylan on a counter table in a vast space, resembling the size of a football stadium. Ten huge cylindrical tubes adorned the left side, while on the right, massive black glass structures coexisted with metal parts and mysterious boxes.

The fat guy rummaged through the surroundings, tossing things around until he found a circular device resembling a crown. Bringing it near Dylan, he clicked his fingers, conjuring a chair without legs out of thin air, making Dylan sit upright.

Slowly, the fat guy placed the device on Dylan's head, the device magically adjusting its size to fit perfectly. "Now let's check you properly," he muttered, peering at the screen. Suddenly, golden text began to appear above Dylan's head.

'What in hell is the fat bastard doing? He put a crown on me,' Dylan mused in his infantile thoughts, bewildered by the unfolding events.

Wide-eyed, the fat guy suddenly backed off. "You're not a small child," he exclaimed, visibly shocked.

"Now, what is he saying?" Dylan thought, utterly confused by the unexpected turn of events.

" Stupid that device placed on your head is used for brain reading and checking someone spiritual content," the fat guy explained, calming down as his shock dissipated. He approached Dylan, sitting on thin air, a chair without legs materializing beneath him.

"Brain reading? Does that mean you can hear what I am thinking?" Dylan inquired in his infantile thoughts.

"No, I can't hear it. It gives the information in writing form above your head," the fat guy clarified, and as Dylan attempted to look up, he saw nothing. "Seems like you're a small kid inside a small child," the fat guy continued.

"Huh!" Dylan exclaimed, perplexed by the fat guy's explanation.

"Well, I guess this makes it easier for you to accept Almenia," the fat guy muttered, his eyes shifting downward as if recalling something from his past.

"Almenia?" Dylan inquired, and the device conveyed his words.

"Almenia is this place where we are right now. The whole place is known as Almenia," the fat guy explained, noticing Dylan's confusion. "You don't need to put any thoughts of your own, just become the heir of Almenia," he added. "Before you make any decisions, let me tell you, if you become Almenia's heir, this whole place will be yours. 'Whole' doesn't mean just the space we are in; it's much bigger than you can imagine, with countless treasures to aid you," the fat guy boasted, waiting for Dylan to make a decision.

"Okay," Dylan replied without much thought, a smile on his face. "So take your time and think carefully," the fat guy advised. "Wait, you accepted? Hahaha, I knew you would, recognizing my greatness just by seeing me."

"What does it have to do with you? From your words, Almenia seems great," Dylan said as the fat guy narrowed his eyes. "You naive kid, Almenia is great, but I am much greater than him. Remember this and never compare him to me," the fat guy asserted, making Dylan gulp nervously. "Okay."

"So, what's your name?" the fat guy asked.

"Meli... ah, no, it's Dylan," he replied.

"I am Liridian, an advanced AI, and also nicknamed the strongest AI," the fat guy, or rather, Liridian, said with a smirk.

Meanwhile in the underworld In Gremory Castle stood bathed in the first rays of the sun, casting a spectral glow upon the gathering. All attention converged on Venelana Gremory, the bearer of pregnancy news that illuminated every face. The unborn baby's formidable demonic energy added an cherry on top, leaving an indelible mark on the moment. Among the attendees, Emma assumed the role of caretaker for Venelana.

Grace diligently attended to her duties, cleaning the room, while Emma, engrossed in her thoughts, sliced fruits. Venelana, perceptive to Emma's distraction, uttered, "Emma, Emma," gently shaking her to dispel the reverie. "Emma, what occupies your thoughts so deeply?" Venelana inquired.

"Lady Venelana, there's no news of the young master," Emma revealed.

A sigh escaped Venelana, her countenance reflecting a blend of concern and regret. "It's our collective fault for sending him to the human world. Had we not made that decision, he could be with us now," she expressed, a tone of sympathy underscoring her words.

Suddenly, Zeoticus entered with an air of cheerfulness. "So, how is my wife doing?" he inquired, taking a seat beside her. However, the joy in his expression faded as he noticed Venelana's somber demeanor. "Is there something bothering you?" he asked with genuine concern.

"It's about our grandson. We can't even give him a name, and now he's lost," Venelana confessed. Zeoticus's gaze narrowed toward Emma, a subtle scrutiny that went unnoticed by others in the room.

After some time, Zeoticus left, and soon after, Emma exited the room upon completing her tasks. A male servant approached her, instructing her to go to the library where Zeoticus wished to speak with her.

Emma knocked on the library door and, upon receiving confirmation, entered. "My lord, is there anything you need?" she inquired with a respectful bow.

"Yes, there is. You're the maid brought by Venelana, so you're very close to her. However, I can't accept your mistake again," Zeoticus declared in a commanding tone.

"My lord, if there's any mistake I made, I apologize for it and promise never to do it again," Emma assured.

"I hope you keep your promise, or you will be thrown out of Gremory Castle. It seems like you don't realize your mistake, so I'll make it clear: don't talk about your young master again in the Gremory house," Zeoticus ordered, causing Emma's eyes to widen in surprise.

To be continued...


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