
A Zenin in Jujutsu kaisen

Sometimes...life is a total crap show. The day I woke up as the third Zenin sister I cursed it till my voice was hoarse. Nonetheless when the people around are crazy arses that want to kill you... Sometimes you just have to be even crazier to survive...no matter what the price.

Doe_Unordinary · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Ch 7

Momiji pov

I sat on the root of a tree alone. My injuries weren't healed yet and I think some were infected but I need time alone.


A crow asked me as it stood in front of me.

"Go away! I-I...!"

I shouted shooing it ragingly as the events of that massacre played in my head.

My breath became heavier as I gasped and covered my mouth.

Remembering the past, all of this was just good plot fun when it's in fiction.

Living with it...

It is a nightmare.

And to think jujutsu kaisen wasn't the worst of it just yet....

Gazing at my crows circling around me in the sky...

What if I just ran away from the clan?...

I held my knees to my chest.

But then where would I even go?...

I don't have a place to go...

But....the events in the future... outside will be even more dangerous as well...


Choose your own monsters is that it?..

Not to mention....with my cursed technique..how would I even defend myself?

A technique that barely passed as a support and surprisingly it hurt like heck to use...

I don't think I can manage having my head split apart everyday..

Then, that day that made me unconscious for a month flashed by.

I couldn't understand it but the sensation in my hands...

It felt as if I could crush that curse by my hands?..

What was that?

Crow manipulation doesn't usually give you that sort of power..

I was so in tune with my crows to the point that it felt amazing..

I felt like I knew what it meant to fly as I could feel their every breath.

The curse that day...I crushed it..

At the expense that I as well would suffer the damage since I had to use it on one of my crows.

I stretched out my hand as I reminisced that night.

I felt as if I could feel every corner of the hall and then suddenly I felt a sensation tangle my cursed energy with that thing.

Clenching my hand on the thin air as I remembered the feel of cursed energy blowing through my body as it crushed in my hand.

If I could just...

I heard a caw as I saw a fly head curse get dropped in front of me.

Clever things aren't they?

My hand still stretched. I imagined a string binding me to the curse just like that night.

The feeling of a pulsing chain.

Remembering the feel, I clenched my fist foreseeing the explosion of cursed energy booming through the link.

When I opened my eyes...


The dammit fly head's laughing at me.

"Bring me another one. I don't like this one."

I mumbled irritatedly as I side eyed one of my crows as it flew by and took the damn thing.

The bird came back with another weak curse as I tried again.

That time....I felt as if it was connected to the crows in my head and then to my hands.

Deciding to call one of my birds as it landed on my hands, I refocused the vision as I pinched my crow.


I think something pinched my butt..

Looking to the curse that boredly didn't feel a thing, I sighed.

Ordering the crow in my hand to get it out away from my sight , I limped towards the river I knew only to be called by a familiar voice I haven't heard in so long.

"Momiji-chan! it's been so long! I thought something happened to you!"

A woman's voice said cheerfully.

That voice....I knew it from even before I got my memories as Amy...

Come to think of it... I hadn't been able to see her because of blacking out more than I should.

My heart thumped.


I responded as I saw the short black haired woman by the bushes as she smiled whilst waving at me.

My memories of her then resurfaced as I felt myself smile from ear to ear.

"Fushi-nee!! It's been so long! I was worried when I didn't see you here for while!"

I beamed as she went towards me.

"Sorry about that, my hands were kinda full."

She told me while scratching her cheek.

Looking below her I was a little surprised.

A wheelchair and a...

what do you call it..


"Fushi-nee, are you....sick?"

I asked her as my beaming joy dimmed.

The woman gave me a bitter smile as she pushed the wheelchair back and gestured towards the rock we used to sit in when we met.

Sitting on the rock, I felt the melancholy familiar feel of cold yet slightly warm sunbathed rough mineral.

"Let's just say a lot of things happened while I was gone..."

She told me as she sighed on the back of her wheelchair.

"Will you get better, Fushi-nee?"

I gave that question as worry began to fill my skin as the hairs on it rose.

"T-that-..S-sure I will!..."

She replied weakly desperately trying to look optimistic barely hiding her high uncertainty.

Or rather the fact that for certain she wasn't going to.

"Momiji-chan, remember the first day we met?"

Fushi-nee said as she looked to the river as she gave me a candy from her pocket.


How could I forget that..

I ended up replying as the past flowed in what I could say a river..


(Before Amy)


I finally got my cursed technique!

"Oto-san! where are we going?"

I asked him who was walking in front of me as we walked.

"You'll know when we're there. Stop the questions lest you want me to throw you in the river."

Oto-san told me as I shut my mouth. I don't want to upset oto-san...

He's finally paying attention to me...

If I do well...will we be like the other Papa's we see when we go to the festival..

Will I get a Caramel Apple too?..

Last night Mama told me to do my best.

'Child, prove to me you were worth giving birth the extra hour to.'

'Fail and I... Don't fail. I could even beg of you.'

Mama's voice echoed in my head when she talked to me last night.

Oto-san stopped as he put what he was carrying onto the floor.

"We stop here. Let's see what you are even capable of."

He told me as I sat down on the floor.

I wonder what it is..


Maki-nee told me it's what you call a carrier..

Is it a puppy?

I looked eagerly at it as I went closer to the thing.

"Now show me you could at least have the crow move through a specific pattern. Even someone useless could at least manage one crow."

Oto-san said as he opened the carrier door.

A crow?

It's those things we found on the mountain that day!

I better impress Oto-san.


I heard something whisper in my ear.

W-what was that?..

"What are you waiting for, brat? Order it to get out of the cage!"

Oto-san yelled.

O-oh no.... he's getting mad....

Mama will be mad too..oh no..


I told Oto-san quickly.

I have to impress Oto-san..

If I do, then like other Mamas Okaa-sama said she'll bring us to the carnival!

"C-come out!"

I shouted trying to look cool so oto-san would like it.

The bird walked out the cage as I looked at Oto-san excitedly.

He only nodded but that's still good!

He usually just ignores us!

Maki-nee..... Mai-nee....heheheh we'll be able to go to the carnival!

'Pain.. hurts.. tired...want die..'

I heard it again

This is getting scary..

This is getting scary...

"O-oto-san... isn't this enough?.. something feels weird."

I asked him. Something weird. I don't like it..

"Don't tell me you have even less energy than that second brat! I'm pretty sure I sensed a good enough amount! Move the damn thing!"

He said making me feel scared.

He's angry....Mama will get sad....I can't bring nee-sans into the carnival..

"M-move s-stupid bird!!!"

I yelled as I went towards it.

'Hurts...' 'Lonely...'. 'sad...'

'Want no more!-...'


'Friend dead!!...' 'Tired..'

'Humans bad....'


I can't take it anymore!

I fell to my knees.

Something's weird here.


"You damn brat! why are you falling right now!? You should have enough cursed energy for at least one crow, don't you!?"

Oto-san is shouting...

Not good...


I have to do it for nee-sans...

"C-come here!"

I said to the bird that flew to my shoulder.

'This should do..'

'Good thing that old lass had some bloke egg it out...'

'Use your cursed energy on it'



'It's a bit old but if we give it cursed energy modification...'

'...It'll be perfect for training beginners...'

What is this!?


I'm screaming. I can feel it.

It's lonely. It hurts. It hurts so much.

What even is this!?

"You damned brat! You barely made it move! What's wrong with you!?"

Oto-san yelled as I felt pain in my cheek.

"I-I'm s-sorry! I-I c-cant do it anymore!"

I told Oto-san as I threw away the crow.

"Tch, what was I expecting. A useless three. I shouldn't have hoped you'd at least be good enough for support sorcery."

He said as he walked away.

"N-no-! I can make it move more!"

I yelled. If he gets mad then I won't be able to get nee-san that doll for our birthday!

"Move dummy crow!"

I said to it as I began hearing things again.


I clenched my mouth as I fell down.

What is this!?

"Very well, at least you can do this much we'll continue tomorrow."

He told me.

"We have t-to d-do this again Oto-san?.."

I ended up asking as I felt my head hurt.

"Until you perfect it. You're fortunate I even bothered with your pathetic technique. "

Oto-san said..

That's when that hell started...

Over and over again..

Repeating everyday ...

Oto-san kept adding more crows.

'P-pain..'. 'humans bad....'

'Save me..'. 'Hurts....'

'T-tired...'. 'P-pain..'. 'm-my eggs..'

'Mama...'. 'AHHHH!!'. 'Want die...'

I tried biting my lip every single time there but when oto-san added the third crow I collapsed.

I can't take it anymore...

I found myself waking up alone.

I looked around my surroundings. It's dark ....


I heard it ring in my head.

No...n-no- I ca-cant take it anymore..

I felt my heart beat faster as I ran....

Not again....I don't want to hear it anymore...




They're in my dreams when I go to sleep...

I hear them everywhere...

I have to face them when oto-san's here...

My head feels like it was gonna split apart.

Please...no more...


'H-hurts....'. 'D-daark..'

I sat hitting my back on the tree trunk.

When will it stop?...

A crow landed on my lap eyeing me intently.


I yelled at it as I grabbed it and threw it away onto the rock right in front of me as its blood stained the stone.



Why isn't it going away!? I'm scared..

"You okay there kiddo?"

A voice suddenly asked me as I felt myself flinch and threw a pebble at my side.

Quiet.... please let me just rest..

"Hey! That's no way to greet adults! I nearly got hit!"

The voice complained loudly as I looked to a black haired woman gazing at me intently.

Black....like a crow...


I screamed as they started ringing in my head.





I shouted as my heart began to beat as my skin trembled.

I can't take it anymore.

Suddenly a warm touch grasped my hand as I found myself looking into her eyes.

The onyx twinkling under the moonlight.

For a moment there were no crows.... just someone who resembled a night fairy...

"Kiddo, it's fine... don't look at it. Look at me."

She said as I felt the warm sensation on the flesh on my cheeks as she gently pulled me towards her covering my ears.

"There....is it still scary now?..."

She said as she grinned sweetly as the moonlight softly illuminated her face.

"No...but I can still hear it...I don't know where it's coming from..."

I told her as I felt the slightly silenced echoes in my head.

"It's gonna be fine.... okay? On the count of three I'll let your ears go .."

She whispered as I pursed my lips.

"P-please don't I'm scared..."

I muttered to her as I gripped her hands covering my ears.

"Sssshhh... it's not going to be scary...there aren't any monsters here...no one's going to harm you..."

She told me in a soft voice gently reverberating in my ears as she carefully carresed my face as my tears fell silently as I nodded.

She began counting.




When she was done and she freed my ears slowly, my tears welled up.

It's finally quiet.

"Now are there any monsters?"

She asked as she smiled.


I mumbled as she stood up.

"Poor thing..."

She walked towards the crow on the rock as she held my hand calming my fear.

"I-It's scary..."

I told her as I clenched her hand as she massaged our hold.

"It doesn't want to hurt you...Look.."

She said to me as she slowly pulled my hand towards the crow.

I flinched.

"Trust me?...is that okay?.."

The woman says in a soft voice as I decided to let go of my shell and walked towards the crow as I felt its heaving feathers.

"I-It's not painful for me..."

I mumbled as my tears flowed.

"It is hurt. It is dying."

I told her as she gazed at me.

"sssssh...you didn't know.... it's okay."

She whispered as my lips quivered.

"Is everything good now, kid?"

She continued as she warmly soothed my back.


I nodded as I started sobbing.

"I'm sorry.... I'm so sorry.."

I muttered as the woman's onyx eyes softened as she softly pat my shoulder.

In sudden silence, I found myself looking at her outstretched clenched hand in front of my face as she smiled.

"It's alright...here, it isn't much but I always munch on these when I'm feeling a little out of it."

She told me as her palm opened as I saw a tiny red wrapper.

"Go on, take it."

She urged.

I gingerly took it as I noticed the size her palm from mine.

I opened the wrapper's twisted ends revealing a shiny little ball as I put it into my mouth.

It's sweet...as it gently caressed my taste buds as it reminded me of her.

I unconsciously beamed.

"Hehe, I'm glad you like it. It's caramel apple flavored. It's my favorite too!"

She chuckled as I chewed the chewy delicacy in my mouth excitedly.

As the silence settled.....I looked at her embarrassedly and asked...

"Onee-chan! do you have a-any more?.."

I looked to her onyx orbs that grinned.

Her laughter made the dark forest just a little brighter.

"Ahaha! I don't have any more on me today.... but I have some at home. How about this, I give you some tomorrow when you get here."

The onee-chan told me as she scratched her head suddenly side looking something but immediately looked back to me.

"You're so cute! But hey, it's getting way too late. Kiddo, you should really go home. Me as well. That guy won't be happy if I'm too late."

She said as she stood up pointing somewhere in the woods.

"If you go straight down there, you'll be out of the mountain in no time."

She told me as she gestured to the road.

"You good with that uh... what's your name?.."

She asked gingerly as I fumbled with my fingers.

"I'm Momiji Zenin....I live just down from here."

I replied as I looked at her thinking.

"So that was his surname he wouldn't tell me.."

She mumbled to herself that I could barely hear.

"What was that again, Onee-chan?"

I ended up asking as she looked flustered as she covered her mouth and chuckled nervously telling me it was nothing.

"Anyways, if you go now, you should be able to be home to have dinner. Shall we then?"

She said to me as I stiffly nodded.

We began to walk in opposite directions but I then looked back at her back that was fading in the distance.

"Onee-chan! Thank you!"

I yelled so she could hear as I saw her look back and wave as she disappeared in the distance.


(Present time..)

After that day, whenever I felt a little down, I would try finding this onee-chan here at the mountain.

She didn't have tell me her full name but I came to know part of it.

Apparently, her house wasn't that far from here either and she worked at a nearby shop from here.

She says she likes the company as she waited for her husband to pick her up.

It wasn't much but I could care less as long as I saw the onee-chan.

But....the month before I remembered those memories I couldn't find her....

Looking at the now pale woman on a wheelchair I could tell why...

"Momiji-chan..... sorry we weren't able to meet up for awhile. I had to quit my job at that place..."

Fushi-nee told me as she let go of her smile.

"I-It's fine, Fushi-nee. It's not your fault...."

I responded as I watched the stream of water sparkle from the setting sun as it flowed softly.

"I've been looking for you for awhile. I'm glad I persuaded him to take me here one last time.."

She said somberly as she gazed at me.

"Will I see you again... Fushi-nee?.."

I mumbled as my mood started to sink as we both seemed to unconsciously smile bitterly.

"I-I don't know... s-sorry..."

She replied honestly this time as she harshly bit her lip and gripped the bars of her wheelchair.

I decided to say silent unable to look at her either.

In our silence, she suddenly took my hand in hers as I stood up to face her and look at her teary eyes.

"Momiji-chan....I have a favor to ask of you..."

She told me as she looked to the distance.

I nodded stiffly as my tears rose and I felt my heart ache like a weight on my body.

"I don't know how long I'll last honestly...think of this as a last request of an old friend.."

She told me with a bitter laugh as she coughed a bit.

Looking at her ailing appearance on the wheelchair, my lips quivered as tears slowly fell.

She looked to me wiping the gentle waterfall as she smiled.

We stood silent for a bit relishing the moment.

But, she put down her hand and patted on her lap gesturing me to sit on it.

Despite hesitation as I looked to her pleading onyx, I sat down feeling her coldened skin on mine.

"Your hair's a little messy....good thing... I brought my comb with me..."

She chuckled as I felt her long fingers stroke my hair and brush it carefully.

As she brushed my hair, she sighed.

"When I go Momiji-chan...that guy will be pretty sad...well... let's say he's pretty useless on his own..."

She said as she looked a little melancholy.


I barely managed to say but I couldn't finish as my lips quivered as I held the sob.

"He'll be pretty lonely...also he's kinda irresponsible!"

She spouted annoyedly as she shook her head.

"Onee-chan....that doesn't sound good at all...why did you even like him?.."

I ended up telling her bemusedly.

"That well uh..... he's got a good face?..."

The woman told me in a tone that seems as if she's slightly asking herself.

"That's worrying..... Fushi-nee.."

I deadpanned as I turn my head to look at her my eyes a bit bewildered.

"W-well! there's other things... he uh loves to fight! he's really good at it too..!"

She added confidently.

"That doesn't really seem like a really great thing.. Fushi-nee the fact that he tends to fight people and get in trouble is written all over your face..."

I told her as she scratched her face embarrassedly.

"He's good with words?..."

She asked herself although the look on her face says otherwise.

This guy...

Seems pretty useless...

"Fushi-nee....how did you end up liking him?.."

I said to her stunned as I looked at her in absolute confusion. The whole time seems as if this guy doesn't have redeeming qualities at all!

Her eyes looked suprised as she began gleefully laughing to herself as if remembering something.

"Well...he loves me really... really much..and of course I do too."

Fushi-nee told me finally looking sure of herself as she grinned from ear to ear as her cheeks had a little blush but it accentuated how pale she's gotten.

I gazed at the river in a conflicted expression.

Well.... at least love is the most important part...


"Well...the point is...I guess I'm a little worried about him..."

She confessed as she breathed a breath

in exasperation.

Her motion as she combed my hair stopped as she caressed it reminiscing on something.

"Not to mention..... He'll be left all alone with our son... It's making me feel really guilty.."

Fushi-nee said in a bitter chuckle...

As she stood still and silent.

"But that's why..... Momiji-chan... promise me you'll watch over him for me...a friend to another..."

The woman said in a pleading tone as she rested her head on the nook of my neck.

Her breath on my skin she told me...

"If you see our kid....tell him everything about me too cause' that guy's probably gonna be a crybaby...."

I gazed at her the bitter grief finally setting as I put my arms around her as she looked surprised.

Letting go..

".....I promise...."

I whispered to her ear.


That was the last time I saw her..

I woke up under the tree as called for my crow.

It's been a two days after that time.

It took awhile and a multitude of headaches but I found her with my crows...

She was already buried on the nearby cemetery...

Taking to my pocket, I gazed at something she gave me on our last meeting...

It was a Kokeshi doll.

She told me it's because I reminded her of one.

A symbol of fortune and protection....


I took a candy from my pocket.

I saved it for awhile when I was looking for her but now that she's dead I might as well eat it.

She was the one who gave it along the Kokeshi doll.

Thinking that, I tearfully twisted the wrapper as I put the familiar tasting sweet in my mouth.

Her face flashing by I crushed the wrapper in my hand only for me to hear a loud sound and the sensation similar to the night I killed that curse.

I looked to my doll that suddenly had a crack...

Flaring the cold sensations again as they were fed with the grief.

I felt the wrapper and Kokeshi doll resonate with one another.

But how?..

I tried taking something random like a stick on the ground and tried making it resonate with my doll...

It's not working.


I took off my ribbon and tried again...



I put the wooden doll on the ground as I pulled the ribbon on two sides.

The doll then responded as it shook.

Maybe this will work...

Calling a crow, I had it bring me another fly head curse.

Without a moments notice as it was dropped to my feet, I had the bird take a feather from the curse's stubby wings.

Holding the feather on my hand I imagined that pulsing chain again as I bent the object.

I heard the curse whined even though nothing was touching it.

I remembered something similar in jujutsu kaisen...

could it be?...

I took my ribbon and tied the feather to my doll as I tried again.

Using my nail, I scratched the kokeshi's cheek..

When I looked to the curse ...

It had a scratch at the same spot!

In irritation of the pain, it flew towards me trying to attack but despite my trembling fear I dropped the doll to the ground and stepped on it.

I watched the curse wail as it stuck to the ground unable to rise for some reason...

"Straw doll technique..."

I muttered bewilderedly as I gazed at my hands then at the fly head.

How I crushed that curse that night...

that shouldn't be under crow manipulation...

Having the increasing realization, I fell to my knees as I held the doll so the fly head won't be able to attack as it felt my choke even though I wasn't actually touching it.

I realized that day with Fushi-nee's gift....

Hah .... what an interesting parting gift..

I had two techniques...

Protection and fortune...huh?..