

Arka is just a normal man in his twenty years. But without a family, without a lover, few lost memories, and broke. Until a game that shocked the world appeared. A game that can even turn a nobody on top. Adventure World, the world's first VRMMORPG game that gives players freedom, is more than just realistic, and almost matches the real world. For Arka, the game is his chance to be able to stand alone in the reality of the world. Starting just to make money, he will become the most dominating player. Even he would not have thought that this game would reveal his parents' death and his vague past.

Al_kapa · Games
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15 Chs

Lv. 6 - Special Class

"Gasp! Hah... hah... hah... hah..., where... am I?" With still ragged breaths and half-opened eyes, Zen tried to find out where he was.

Until he realized the sensation of the sunlight hitting him and the ground tickling his back. When his eyelids were fully opened, he quickly rose from his position.

Zen could only be silent, processing everything as far as his eye could see.

"Really… he transported me to the forest?" Being in the middle of an unknown area suddenly without knowing a way out, Zen really wanted to curse the person who transported him, "Damned God…."

"Alright, I'd better calm down for now." As he said, Zen started by opening the Map feature, and he could see that his position was now in the forest west of Ashround town.

"Fortunately I'm not too far from my starting city. It should be by walking straight east that I might be able to reach Ashround City."

While he was thinking of his way back to the city, a notification popped up.

[ Achievement obtained - The One Who've Met A God - title {Apostle} obtained ]


Effect: All Stats +10%, Rep +500, Chance of Revelation (Godly Interference) under certain circumstances.

"Oh wow, Apostle for the second achievement? Really beyond my expectations."

Zen was actually quite surprised, though his expression was the complete opposite of that feeling. It couldn't be helped, getting a barrage of surprises moments earlier made him get used to it.

[ Achievement obtained - Selected by The Special-Class - title {The Chosen} obtained ]

•The Chosen•

Effect: All Stats +5%, Avatar will gain additional characteristics.

"...." Zen was completely frozen in silence, and rather than being surprised he was more curious about the class he got.


Like being struck by lightning suddenly, without any sign Zen felt a strange sensation from within his body. He felt that something was trying to get out of his body.

From between his clothes he could see that black spots were starting to appear almost all over the surface of his skin.


Seeing a river nearby, Zen tried to approach him with a body that was difficult to walk. When he bent down right by the river, Zen could see his appearance.

"W-what's th-this?"

The black spots that covered almost the entire surface of his skin didn't even cover Zen's face, the spread stopped right from the neck area to Zen's chin.

However, that does not mean that there are no other changes. Zen's eye sclera which was originally a normal white color is now starting to turn black. Some of his hair had even turned red.


Once again something felt from inside Zen's body reappeared. This time it was more like a sting in his head.


He began to scream and move uncontrollably, as time went on, the black color that was on his body expanded until it finally covered the entire surface of his skin.


Zen could only stare at the sky with a scream that grew louder with each passing second. It wasn't the pain that bothered him, but something else that was very difficult to explain. Like being rocked endlessly, Zen just wanted to stop.


This time was followed by red cracks on his body that began to appear. In addition, the red color also spreads in his hair. It's clear, as time goes on, Zen becomes more and more similar to a Revenant.


The energy waves around Zen started to appear and quickly grew bigger. The animals and monsters around him also began to move away because of fear.

[ Synchronization completed, Revenant Class has been added to Main Class slot ]

Accompanied by the appearance of the system sound, in an instant Zen's appearance returned to normal. It was very sudden and very fast. Zen was so shocked that he even fell to the ground.

"What the hell is that? I don't even feel anything."

As Zen said, he can't feel anything. Like a glass full of water being turned upside down suddenly, Zen feels empty. In fact, he felt as if he had never experienced anything before.

Ignoring it all, the system sound once again appeared and Zen preferred to focus on listening to it.

[ Revenant, a lost soul thirsting for freedom. With the Revenant on the player's body, a new characteristic has been added to the Avatar ]

•New Characteristics•

- Physical or mental Debuff effects will be reduced by 50%

- When hit by an attack with the White attribute, the effect received is increased by 80%,

- Player's maximum Stamina capacity is doubled

- HP and MP regeneration increased by 10%.

[ Class bonus: +2 STR, +1 VIT, +1 INT, +2 DEX per level increase ]

"Should I be happy or not..? I got an Avatar upgrade, but the fact that my Avatar now has a fatal weakness…" Zen thought with mixed feelings.

[ Revenant basic skill successfully obtained ]

•Weapon Mastery - [M] [1%] [Passive]•

Allows the player to be able to use any weapon. All basic abilities increase by 3% when using any weapon.

•Magic Mastery - [M] [1%] [Passive]•

Increases mastery of magic skills and mana regeneration is twice as fast. Improved compatibility with all attribute types.

•Retribution - [III] [1%] [Passive]•

When the player takes damage, either physical or magical, the creature that deals the attack will also receive an attack with 50% of its original damage. And when the player's HP is below 40%, every attack he receives without exception will have his damage reduced by 50%.

•Soul Armament - [III] [1%] [Active]•

Cooldown: 30 seconds

MP Cost: 10 MP every 1 minute

Coats the weapon with soul energy, giving the effect of increasing damage by 20% and Atk. Speed ​​by 10%.

•Wraith Aura - [III] [1%] [Active]•

Cooldown: 5 minutes

MP Cost: 30 MP every 1 minute

When activated, soul energy will cover the player's body which has the effect of reducing incoming damage by 15%, increasing speed by 5%, and increasing all resistance by 10%.

•Ghost Step - [III] [1%] [Active]•

Cooldown: 5 minutes

MP Cost: 20 MP per minute

Coats the foot area with soul energy, increasing speed by 100% and eliminating the sound of footsteps.

"For a player who's only played a few hours, four tier III skills and two Mastery skills. I think this will give me too much of an advantage compared to other players. Or... there might be other players out there who get special-classes too," Zen muttered.

In this game, normal skills are divided into three tiers, I, II, and III. And outside of these three, there are also two other levels, namely Mastery and Special.

As the name suggests, Mastery Skills are skills that players need to master something. For players whether it's melee, ranged, or mage, they will need the Skill Mastery of the weapon they want to use in order to use it.

But that doesn't mean Mastery skills will always refer to the ability to master weapons, it could also be in mastering a weapon technique, or magic attributes, and of course, Mastery skills will affect other skills as well. In addition, Production Classes also have their own Mastery skills.

And lastly, Special Skills, as the name implies this is a very special skill. It is so special that it is certain that one Special Skill will only be reserved for one player, and no other player will be able to have it.

"Well, since I already have the skills and a good weapon, maybe exploring this forest further isn't such a bad idea."

On the other hand, when Zen decided to go deeper into the forest, the western part of Ashround City was on an emergency alert.

"Quickly gather as many guards and adventurers as possible!" shouted the Ashround City Guard Captain. "I hope it's not a big disaster," he continued muttering with cold sweat dripping down.

Within several minutes, there were reports from city NPCs and users in the forest saying that forest creatures were running around in fear, causing chaos.

With that report, they could only conclude that a powerful being had appeared, not to mention the army of mages also said that they sensed a considerable amount of magical energy from within the forest.

But, if only they knew that it happened because Zen was out of control for a moment.


•Dire Wolf•

Normal | ️☆

Lv. 1

HP: 300

Without Zen realizing it, he had traveled quite a distance, and it was not unexpected that he would be confronted by four wolves simultaneously.

Zen was still not moving, as well as the four wolves. He slowly took out his katana and put on a stance.

Zen could see clearly, the wolves' feet slowly drew closer to him. Zen didn't think that these wolves would be so alert.

"I think now is a good time to give it a try..."

[Soul Armament]


When the sound of the system activating the skill buzzed in Zen's head, at that instant the blade of his katana was coated in a faint black aura.

Taking Zen's actions as a provocation, two wolves immediately charged towards Zen. A vertical slash managed to get Zen aimed at one of the wolves and managed to split its head so it was killed instantly.

And the other wolf managed to bite Zen's left wrist. Zen forcibly tried to let go as the remaining two wolves also started to lunge.

[ Get Debuff Bleeding for 30 seconds, HP will decrease 0.5% every two seconds ]

"Ten percent? One bite and ten percent of my HP lost and the bleeding effect? ​​I guess I have to take this game very seriously."

[Wraith Aura]

[Ghost Step]

It was the same with his katana blade, this time Zen's entire body was covered in a faint black aura. Zen could feel that his body was becoming lighter, and that meant that he would move more easily.

Continuing to fight, this time it was Zen who started the attack. With precise precision and fast movement, he managed to launch a stab attack right into the head of one of the wolves.

"As expected, the way things work in this world is exactly as I thought."

What did Zen expect? It was the mechanics of a monster that was exactly the same as a real living thing.

Which is where when they get hit in a vital area, it's likely that they will die in an instant. And this concept is also likely to work on NPCs and players.

Seeing one more of their comrades die at Zen's hands, the two remaining wolves decided to attack together. Zen also responded calmly and smoothly.

He managed to do a Horizontal slash in one wolf's mouth and kicked it towards the other wolf. And when the two wolves slapped each other, Zen delivered a stab that pierced through both of them, ending it with a slash that sliced ​​through them.

[ You have Leveled Up - 0 » 1 ]

"Well, I guess I've adapted well to this body," said Zen as he put his katana back into its sheath.

When Zen finished, he realized that something had appeared right above the corpses of the wolves. The corpses of these wolves did not disappear but remained in place in a bloody state.

Zen himself is used to the visuals of blood in this game, considering that the visual intro he saw at the beginning looked even worse. And the smell of blood in this game is more or less the same as in the real world but lighter.

Actually, players can also remove this blood effect if they want, only by going through the settings and the appearance of the blood will turn into colorful pixel particles.

Back to the main topic, the thing Zen saw above the wolf corpse was an exclamation mark. When he pressed it, a list of loot from the monster's body appeared.

"Only raw materials? This game is really realistic."

As Zen said, the loot contained only material items. No Zist or equipment. Well, in fact in the game guide, it is shown that several monsters have the possibility of dropping equipment loot.

"I think it's all taken, well it's time to go back to the City... Mmm, which way is East?" said Zen while turning his gaze in all directions.

And it took Zen a few minutes to realize that there was a compass turning on the map.


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