
The Passage Of Time 2

Fifty years into Jason's reign after the first Novic-Aryan war Jason now faces a foe to defeat which he must ally with the Novus. This great enemy that is not a different race but a species altogether is known as Aliums but the Novic-Aryan alliance had chosen to call them demons.

The demons were called so for their savagery towards anyone other than their own. They would attack the small barbaric tribes of the Novus surrounding Jason's village in a five hundred mile radius. By now the Aryans had been notified of their enemy's presence and had decided to form an alliance with the Novus.

By this alliance the Novus were granted safe passage into Etherius as its citizens and had started to live in it peacefully with the Aryans. For the first twenty years the demons feared the alliance as they themselves were not as blessed or armed as the Aryans.

The demons were a large species with a total population of hundred thousand out of which thirty thousand was the strength of their army. Even this numerical advantage could not curb the difference in power between the Novic-Aryan alliance and demons.

The demons only had the power of body strengthening through which they could increase their bodily limits by leaps and bounds. If a demon could break a boulder in five punches with the help of body strengthening he could crush the boulder in just one punch.

This power however was not sufficient in defeating the Aryans as they could throw the full force of all the elements at them. Even if the demons could somehow overcome the elemental tide there was one man who could threaten their existence,Jason Primer. The son of Kyle had the power to control the soul he could mould the soul using the arts taught by his father.

After the formation of the alliance Jason had shown a splendid display of power to the demons by contorting and pulling out the soul of fourteen thousand demons killing them. This might had scared the demons beyond comparison. They no longer dared to attack Etherius or its surrounding villages. The demonic army had been reduced to half their strength and could no longer fight the Novic-Aryan alliance.

The demons weren't the only side to suffer losses because Jason used power way beyond his rights he had burnt through a hundred fifty years of his life in killing the demons. Kyle after seeing this was both distraught and happy. Distraught for Jason would soon die and happy for Jason would be at Kyle's side when he dies.

Jason now had eighty years left and he decided to prepare his people into a strong force that could resist if not defeat the demons. According to Jason's view he believed that the demons being a large population would multiply to their previous amount in thirty years and by the time of Jason's death would be nearly two hundred thousand in number.

Jason had taken a particular liking to blacksmithing and used the fourteen thousand souls of demons to create weapons. These weapons were magical and hence could only be used by people deemed capable of using them. Jason planned for them to be given to worthy successors through tournaments which could be entered from the age of 15 to 50.

Meanwhile the demons had also started to plan their next strategic move of increasing their military strength. The demons had for the first time settled down and started building a city. After seeing the might of a city like Etherius they too wished for safe housing a peace for their people. While Jason was busy planning for the future the demons through sheer majority had built a magnificent city in five years' time.

This city which came to be known as Tenebris the city of Aliums. Its first ruler was the brother of the king of demons who Jason had slayed in battle,Michael. Michael then proclaimed that the city would grow to be the strongest in the world in the next twenty or so years. He was an excellent administrator if not a warrior. Michael instituted plans similar to Jason's.

The demons classified their newborns in two classes namely,warrior and not a warrior. The demonic elders would check the newborn's strength through a ritual and classify it. If the baby was classified warrior he would groomed by the military as soon as he reached the age of ten and if a baby was not deemed a warrior he would be groomed as a member of the general masses who would serve the people in some way.

This method was very effective under Michael as it led to the growth of strong warriors and shrewd statesmen. The demonic society was then marching towards progress at unprecedented speed. The demons even if not deemed warriors had some amount of body strengthening ability in them if not as strong as the warriors.

This ability allowed them to do all the manual labour thrice as fast as the Aryans and Novus. By the time Jason had crafted two hundred weapons using the fourteen thousand souls of demons, the demons had built a city, a well equipped army and an iron tight administration with no loopholes to exploit. Michael was in every sense of the word Jason's true rival in administration.

Although Jason had seen this coming he knew that a war was not possible as long as he lived. Even Michael feared Jason after the massacre of Aliums which is what it came to be known among the demons. Michael was waiting for a chance, a time when there was no one to protect the Novic-Aryan alliance.

This time was soon to come at Michael's doorstep.