
Death Of A Demigod

Jason had finally exhausted the few years of lifespan he had left in disobeying his father for the first time in his life,to protect his people. Jason had forcefully used his remaining lifespan as a fuel to transfer some of his soul based knowledge to a young general in his army who Jason had trained as his protégé.

This boy named Justin was one of the few mixed blood member of the army. Born of a Novic mother and Aryan father Justin was a genius unprecedented in history. Second only to Jason he could manipulate fire,water,earth,metal and after Jason's bold move,the soul. This act of Jason's did not sit well with Kyle and God,they decided it was time the Novic-Aryans felt the wrath of disobeying the natural order of things.

Thus Kyle blessed the demons with one thing they lacked the most,absolute power. Born into a poor family of minors was a boy named Damien. At birth Damien was judged to not be a warrior and was subjected to work in the administration but when Damien was fifteen his powers finally awakened.

Kyle had been very angry at Jason for going against his will and the transfer of power ceremony from Jason to Justin took place when Damien was fourteen. For one whole year Kyle slowly and steadily groomed Damien's body and on his fifteenth birthday Damien had the awakening.

Damien had been blessed with body strengthening and lightning magic. This form of magic allowed him to summon divine lightning anywhere he wanted. Damien was a very shrewd person he devised a way to use lightning to strengthen his body beyond normal demon constraints.

Thus Damien had the body of the strongest demon fighter without even activating body strengthening. When Michael caught whispers of the boy's powers,he decided to enroll Damien into the army as a battalion commander. Damien displayed many significant raids of the bordering barbaric tribes,he was heralded as greatest Alium to ever live.

Meanwhile Jason had only five years left to live. His body was finally showing signs of weakening. Seeing this Jason decided to have a warrior's death on the battlefield. With his successor now stabilised and his people stronger than ever Jason decided it was time for war.

On Damien's eighteenth birthday a messenger brought to Michael an open letter of war from the Etherium. Damien who was now being groomed as the next demonic emperor was named commander-in-chief of the army by Michael.

Two weeks later the armies met fifty miles from the Jade river. The first week was nothing buy minor conflicts here and there but from the second week onwards Justin had his first major battle with Damien who tied with him everytime. After Jason was made to know of this he gave a sigh and looked up in the sky.

"Is this your will Father?"

The next day Jason decided it was his time to enter the battlefield. As Jason made his way through the army his men shouted,""Long live Jason son of Kyle""

As Jason came to the frontline he told Justin that Damien was not someone Justin could fight yet. Hearing this angered Justin and he rebutted saying that they were equals.

"Silly child,you are fool to count yourself as his equal. That demon is the bane of my existence. He was born to kill me and I shall die at his hands today but not before I defeat him"

"But he can't beat me,how can he even touch you?"

"Watch and you will know"

As Damien and Jason entered the fray dark clouds surrounded the battlefield. Damien used his lightning to stop Jason in his tracks. Jason was unhindered at first and in their next few clashes none of them used magic. It was a raw battle of power,where Damien had a slight advantage. Jason who knew of this continued to battle in close combat till Damien's spear made a large cut on Jason's bicep.

As blood started to flow from a demigod everyone present was shocked to see what was before their eyes. Jason's blood was not red like other Aryans and Novus but it was a mixture of gold. The blood was red with huge shining golden streaks running down on it as well.

This was the sign the ultimate proof that Jason was a demigod. The fear the demons experienced at this moment was incomprehensible. They had finally understood why Jason was Jason. Why his strength was unmatchable.

Only a few people knew that God existed and that his name was Kyle. Throughout the world only the Etherium knew of Kyle and that they were his sons and daughters. So when it was proclaimed that Jason was the First Son Of God nobody other than the Aryans believed it. The demons thought it was a way they revered Jason. Only now did they understand the err of their ways.

"Shall we continue?",mocked Damien not bothered by what had just happened.

"Sure why not",said Jason as he ran towards Damien with his long sword pointed at Damien's heart.