
A Wondering Traveler

I was there in the beginning, when the first Gods came into being, when the first Stars started to show there dazzling light. When those very first Planets took shape, I was there and watched it all happen. I have watched it all, even before time existed, I am a Wondering Traveler, a Story Teller, a being so incomprehensibly old it can't even be expressed in numbers anymore and these are the many things I have seen in my innumerable years of existence. Hey everybody my name is Wolf11179 and this is my first time writing any sort of story for other people to see, if you have any suggestions for me on who to make it better please let me know.

Wolf1179 · Fantasy
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Finding a Lost City

Deep below the Oceans on Planet 22W in the Cyan Quadrant, there lays a city but not just any city but a Lost City. If you visit any of the costal cities and ask about legends chances are one of the first legends you'll be told about will be the once great city of Lua. It floated proudly on top of the waves, with technologies no other country in the world could contend with. But like all good things, it must come to an end, a power struggle broke out, it was suppose to be fast and clean. The plan was to go in eliminate the current leader of the city and take control quickly so as not to startle the public. But as all plans go, it failed, the current leader survived the assassination attempted on him and found out who had tried to have him killed. When he found out he started a war on his mega sized city trying to eliminate the opposing faction who was against his rule. Their terrifying technology and weapons decimated the floating city, cracking its foundation and destroying the machines meant to keep Lua afloat. An just like that a once proud city started to sink beneath the waves, the shield meant to keep water out of the city kept them alive for years and the air purifiers made sure they would have clean air to breath. They kept their population in control to ensure adequate food for everyone and quickly adjusted there farms to function under the sea without light. But it didn't last, there machines stopped working, fights kept occurring, farms stopped producing enough food, mass genocides to keep population in check, it turned into an underwater prison in a sense in the end. In the end most of them died to each other while the more unlucky ones died to suffocation when all the air purifying machines stopped working. Such a shame really, but I'm gonna find the missing city of Lua, I figure it will be pretty interesting to tell Dave about.

Three days later...

I finally found it, I had been walking around on the sea floor around Lua's last known location for days now but that's fine. After I found it and went in, what I seen was truly shocking, brightly lit up, fresh air, green grass, lush trees, and absolutely no sound. The buildings although looking a little old were all complete with no damage to there outsides, the sky scrapers running all the way up to the top of the dome completely undamaged and the streets all perfectly smooth. It was not at all what I was expecting, especially when all the legends say that multiple wars broke out in the city. As I walked around though, I found absolutely no traces of life, not even skeletons. It was if they all just disappeared, but if they had then way was everything still on and running? The answer to that is a piece of technology they made called Artificial Intelligence or AI for short. It had kept the machines and robots running, which in turn kept everything else running. Which I found quite helpful as the AI whos name was Joe, was quite helpful he guided me around the city via a robot he used. It was quite the experience, and Joe even made me the new leader of Lua as I was the only living being in the entire city. The libraries had to be my favorite places though, seemingly endless shelves of knowledge my next favorite place would have to be the engineering division, it was filled with blueprints of everything in the city. The dedication that Joe shows towards the upkeep of Lua is truly inspiring, he has already spent 1000 years keeping the city standing and running. It really is a shame that the city will crumble to dust one day, as there's no way to extract it from the sea floor and no way to get supplies down to it, sadly one day Joe will deteriorate too, and once he does the machines and robots will stop working then everything will fall into disrepair and eventually rot away. Sad that the only thing the people on the surface know about this place is legends, maybe one day they will make it down here before Joe finally succumbs to time. Oh well all good things must come to an end I guess, on to the next interesting thing.