
Facing Of With Irene

the war between dragons and humans broke out, this world shall be known hundreds of years from now as the Dragon King Festival. Sora pushed this war for one reason only, and that was to weaken the humans as much as possible, already, the demons were displeased with him for allowing the hero to live.

So, Sora was quiet in the tight spot at the moment and had to own back the trust of these demons, and Irene's death was the simplest way to go about this. but now the mid-level gods were awake, and they were giving Irene divine protection. the gods also seemed to have done something, as Irene's strength was currently growing at a high rate.

Irene didn't stop there, seeing the incoming war with the dragons, she returned home and took the throne. with Anna and the others, as she supports, they raised against the dragons, but there were thousands of dragons, So she created a new form of magic. Dragon Slayer Magic

She spread this magic to many monks, and they all raised and turned the seemly hopeless battle around. Irene being Irene wouldn't become a simple dragon slayer, She became a Sage Dragon Slayer, which greatly increased her enchantment capability to a level she could enchant time to a limited degree.

on the battlefield, within the sky. Irene stood on top of a dragon she became close friends with and had it join her body, a dragon named Belserion, she even took the dragon's name, to be her last name, which had many reasons behind it. one of them being that she held no feelings for Sora

"... Is that?" Iris who was flying on an illusion of a dragon froze when she saw a skeleton dragon, Anna and the others who were looking at the incoming dragons also froze while looking at the dragon.

"Sora..." Irene touched her stomach slightly, but she shook her head the next instant, as her eyes turned emotionless.

Sora on the other hand sat on the back of the bone dragon while calmly looking at the dragons on the human side. his only reason here was to kill Irene, her growth was too fast, and if things went on he might die at her hands,

"Dragons, you are mighty beings of the sky unmatched within this realm. yet for many years, humans want to take the title of a ruler from you. they hunt you, use your bodies as food, or unique object to make armor. this war isn't simply a battle for who is king, but a battle to show the world that dragons are no pushovers. if you lose today, they would tame you, breed you like farm animals... but you will not allow that to happen right?" Sora yelled, making the dragons behind him roar in high spirits before rushing forward

Sora's eyes from beginning to end didn't leave Irene, she was the only reason she was here, these overgrown lizards could die and he could care less. and so, the battle between the human side and the dragons began.

without Sora, the dragons would have been slaughtered, but Sora was capable of drawing Irene and the others away from the battle, leaving the dragons slayers and their dragons up above in their own battle.

"I see you took on being a Saint to heart," Sora said calmly while looking at the staff within Irene's hands, with a look he could tell she enchanted the staff with all kinds of abilities,

"Sora you're were pushing for this war?" Iris asked with disbelief in her eyes. to her, Sora was her hero, the big brother she looked up to. but seeing her hero turning towards the dark side hurt.

"no, I'm just using it. as smart as you are, it should be no shock as to why I would," Sora said calmly, Iris went quiet for a moment before she just lowered her head,

"join me. will you support the gods in this war?" Sora asked while looking at Iris and the others, before looking at Irene who tightened her hold on her staff. She closed her eyes slightly as she waited for the others to speak.

the first person to step out to no one shock was Julia, everyone secretly knew she would follow Sora anywhere. but what they didn't expect was that Tsuki, with Julia painting in her hands, would walk to Sora's side. Tsuki looked at Sora before looking at Irene and the others before bowing emotionlessly, but her movement was stiff.

"be it me, or those before me... I wish no little girl to ever be targeted by the gods. the gods don't care for their actions, even more reason for me to join Sora in this battle." She said softly, she was only 100 years old when she was targeted, in human reason she was like 5 years old. that scarred her for many reasons, and she secretly hated Irene for standing amongst the gods,

"You left me." The Minotaur stepped forward towards Sora, it looked deeply into Sora's eyes with narrowed eyes.

"many things came up, but am I not here?" Sora asked with a smile, the Minotaur's eyed narrowed even more before it smiled as stepped behind Sora, and looked toward the others. the sisters of fate looked at each other, hesitating, but they didn't move, at the end of the day, they hated only one god, and the god they were loyal to, and they wanted more information before picking sides. plus, they were not going to allow the devils to be set free.

Drole, on the other hand, has been thinking of this question ever since Sora left, the demons only had problems with humans and gods, and the other races, they didn't care unless they got in their way. he got to know Sora well in the many years they were together, but he chose to follow Irene that day Irene defeated him. Sora so, he shall stay with Irene,

Sora's eyes landed on Iris, out of all of them, she was the one she wanted the most to join him. her brains on his side, they could defeat anyone. Iris lowered her head even more feeling Sora's eyes on her, but in the end, she looked up wanting to see the necklace around Sora, but Sora didn't have it on.

"I want to see your necklace," Iris said softly, in the months she was with Sora, she got to know a thing or two about Sora's necklace. There were different types of glows depending on his emotions, she wanted to know what he felt now.

Sora looked at her for a moment, before he pulled out the necklace which was under his clothing. seeing how it was glowing, Iris froze for a moment, before she stepped forward, Anna seeing this wanted to stop Iris, but Irene let her go.

"... I owe you this much to follow you," Iris said softly, as she hugged Sora's leg, she was a little loli, standing at 5'0.

Sora opened his mouth to say something for a moment. he could tell she was destroyed by this choice, but in the end, she had nothing he says but pat her head. if she was to remain his enemy, he would have had to kill her.

"This is fucked up," Anna yelled to turn them against each other, and why the fuck was Irene just letting them switch sides without saying anything?

"you're right, the fact you would support the gods is just fucked up," Julia said making Anna grit her teeth, her who supporting the gods? All she saw was that Sora was controlling the dragons to slaughter the human race, the gods were fucked up, but did they ever do something like this? both sides were trash, demons, and gods, she didn't want to pick a side, but the best side she had was Irene,

"there is no need to say anything... you came to kill me then let's start." Irene said softly as she enchanted the space. Anna gritted her teeth, as went on to call out the strong spirit she could summon... the king of the celestial spirits himself, the Celestial Spirit King

even though Irene enchanted space to stop Sora from summoning anything, she could allow anyone to summon stuff. her enchantment was just that detailed.

from the stars, Sora looked up and saw a shooting star shooting toward them at high speed, ignoring it, he stepped forward and shot toward Irene. Irene also stepped forward while swinging her staff toward him,

and with a shock wave, Sora was sent shooting backward, Irene didn't give up and followed after him while slamming her staff toward him.

'she is lowering downtime...' Sora thought as his eyes turned sharp, as he crossed his arm, blocking the incoming blow. since they began their battle, the others too began their battle, former allies, were now fighting to the death.

Sora slammed the ground and was sent sliding backward, but while doing Sora, he created a bunch of dust which blinded Irene from him. but this seemly didn't get in the way of Irene as her eyes narrowed as she saw Sora slam a golden card into the ground, while still sliding backward.

from the ground, the earth exploded with a huge volcano which gave off a deadly head wave, Irene's eyes widened, she didn't expect Sora could do something like this. She quickly moved to stop him, but she was too late as the volcano erupted, shooting lava into the sky.

this was the 9 MP spell, Rain Of Lava, a powerful spell reach was an area effect spell. it deals 330 Fire Damage to a target, but once hit, they shall suffer fire damage none stop for some time, 810 a second. of course, the damage would change depending on who, and the time would change depending on Sora and his enemy

"y-you." Irene's eyes shrink as this attack affect her, but even those on Sora's team, Sora was willing to harm his teammate? She quickly moved to block it, but this left her open for Sora, he slammed a kick into her stomach, sending her flying far away.

Iris and the others on the other hand found that they were not being aimed at by the Lava, it seemed as if Sora was controlling where the lava was falling.

"You thought I would hurt my allies? friends? I'm many things, but I don't stab others in the back. I'm true to my words, and my heart." Sora said calmly while walking forward towards Irene who was getting up,

"thats funny, I thought I was yours," Irene mumbled in a low voice that she could only hear, here she was fighting the person she loved, here she was trying to stop him from freeing the demons, she wanted to be the middle man and ease the two races, but that was just a hopeless dream. and the damned gods would not be taking a step backward any time soon,

With a step, Irene shot toward Sora, while the Volcano behind him still shot lava into the sky, from the corner of her eyes, she saw many dragons falling, and she saw many running from the battlefield with their dragon's slayer, and the Celestial king trying with all his might to hold off the lava form hitting Anna and the others.

the Sirens on the other hand summoned water holding back the wave of lava that was coming from the volcano, while Iris and the others attacked while Drole held them off.

'why did things have to go like this... but if he lives any longer, more people will suffer. that blood would be on my hands, I can stop it right now... and if I don't.' Irene's world seemed to be moving in slow motions, looking at everything happening around her and back to Sora, she sighed deeply as she enchanted herself,

"Sage Dragon Space Time Jump..." Irene said weakly, and so she moved, moving forward in time, while Sora moved to attack her past self. in a blink of an eye, Irene went on to slam her staff into Sora's chest, caving in his chest,

time returned Sora, and Sora watched as his chest suddenly caved in, in shock, he coughed up a mouthful of blood, before stumbling to remain standing.

"..." Irene turned her head away, not wanting to see Sora breathe his last, she wanted to speak, she couldn't allow him to die with him now knowing she was pregnant, so she opened her mouth only to close it. If she tried to speak now, she would burst into tears.

"Do you think Crushing My Heart Is enough to Kill me?" Irene's body froze before she felt danger coming towards her. she quickly jumped, dodging a sword that would have stabbed through her back and through her stomach.

Irene froze for a moment, not understanding how Sora was alive, but she threw that out of her head, he almost killed her child. Just as reason tried to kick in, she removed it. she shall use this rage, she couldn't be blinded by her feelings.

"Interesting, Space-time magic seems to be my greatest weakness... worry not, the next time we face each, I would have created a powerful sword capable of cutting through space and time," Sora said calmly, Irene being capable of enchanting time was news to him.

He was unsure how that skill worked or whatever, for now, he had no choice but to fall back, If Irene were to turn her aim towards the others, he would lose talented people who were willing to follow him.

But would Irene allow him to leave? Did it matter? From the sky, a bone dragon roared as it slammed down upon the celestial spirit king, throwing him to the ground, at the same time, it turned its head towards Irene, and shot a blast toward her,

Irene managed to block, but she was sent sliding backward, The bone dragon rushed at Irene, and once it reached it, its bone claws slammed down upon her, only for it to appear over Sora's head, who dodged,

"let's leave, it's a pointless battle," Sora said calmly, Julia who was about to draw the celestial king into her painting stopped for a moment, and seeing Sora nod towards her, she stopped and the group flew towards him.

"The next time we meet, it would not be like this... I will be trying then." Sora said as his body exploded, forming a portal to the demon realm, everyone looked within and saw Sora sitting upon his demon lord throne,

Iris and the others entered after throwing looks at the others, Irene simply matched with a complicated look. Sora was indeed strong, but she was right to guess he couldn't bring his main body from the demon realm. the gods would kill him the second they get that chance, so until the main body, she could be fighting through protection.

'... why didn't he come with an army of summons? did he want to kill me or simply want to take those willing to follow me... or is his heart still complex about the matter?' Irene looked at the closing portal, the next time she meet Sora, he would be far stronger, and she needed to get ready for that.

if he create an armor that could allow him to overcome this weakness of space-time, she needed to find something else. she was no match for Sora when he could use everything he had, and it seemed as if his immortality got a boost, not even if his heart is destroyed, he could live. she needed to find out what level of immortality he held.

"What do you think?" Sora sitting upon his throne asked while looking at Greed, he would admit, he was not the smartest. so he liked seeking others.

"... My lord, she must die no matter what. the first Hero Adam had the power to copy and cancel out all magic. the heroes before also have extremely powerful abilities, if Irene's enchantment continues to grow, she could just destroy the demon realm." Greed said seriously,

"She was chosen for a reason, by chance you don't still hold feelings for her?" an enchanting succubus asked, as she looked at Sora with narrowed eyes,

"Maybe... gather all of the space-time related Ores you can find, I will begin on creating a new armor and weapon... so father many spells and magic, I don't have the talent to learn most magic, so I shall enchant most magic into my armor. have the hell dragon, Storm Dragon, and the Supreme Sea Dragon move towards Dragnof, I will destroy any feelings for her along with her kingdom." Sora said as he got up and walked away, the 7 lords of sins looked at each other before they nodded, and set off to go have those under them collect the ores

at this point, even if they didn't like Sora, they had no choice but to have him become the demon lord. Irene scared them. and Sora was the only one capable of standing up to her, and it was not like they hated Sora, he was a good demon lord, and brought many things from the human world to this realm, improving the demon lives.

"Malistaire, I want to start learning how I can start lowering the Mana cost on spells," Sora said calmly as he entered a room, belonging to Malistaire. simply mastering a spell to the point it took mana every minute was not the end, there was a step above that, and it was lowering the Mana most of a spell.

masters could bring a 7-mana spell down to 5, or even 4 mana, which could allow them to summon ever more powerful summons and have them stay in battle longer. in about 3 months from now, Sora would finish the quest he was on and get new spells, and seeing Irene's strength, it was time for him to push himself once more... it seems like he had gotten lazy, He would not stop until the gods are killed,