

",,, you stole our mana." the gods threw sharp looks toward Myth Brandon, but they quickly had to move as they had to handle the incoming attacks from the other summons. Myth Brandon got ready to cast the Celestial Calendar.

"Let Me join you this time." Balance Brandon said after casting a bunch of blades upon myth Brandon, and himself. after which, he cast a spell, [Judgement], for every mana used when casting this spell, the summon shall have 125+ damage

and so, using 15 MP, Balance Brandon summoned an angel who had a bland fold covering her face, while holding a scale. this wasn't the game world, so the damage she could cause was not fixed. the more bad charm a person held, the extra damage they shall take,

Malistaire waved his hand, and with that wave, at a casting speed that Sora couldn't match, Malistaire cast [Curse] onto all of the gods, [Curse] increase the next damage a target takes by 30%, but he went on cast an enchanted version of the spell, meaning the enemy shall take another 40% worth of damage, in total 70%.

But he didn't stop there and went on to cast [Faint], which was a double-edged sword, the person targeted by this spell shall suffer 70% more damage to any attack that hits them, but the caster shall suffer 30% more damage to the next attack that hits them.

Malistaire went on to cast this spell upon all the gods and went on to cast the enchanted version of the spell which was 80% to the enemy, and 40% to himself, meaning the gods shall suffer 220% more damage from the next attack. he made sure to cast these 4 spells onto the gods twice,

"don't allow him to age us even more," Ankhseram yelled seeing that myth, Brandon cast the spell once more, but all of the gods suddenly froze, they found themselves unable to move, paralyzed on the spot.

this bought Myth Brandon enough time to attack, and the beam swallowed them once more, this time aimed perfectly to swallow them whole. this time, they aged by a huge amount, some of them were in their hundreds and found themselves unable to be of much use in the battle.

Ankhseram eyes turned bloodshot seeing this, he was placed to be the leader until the gods recovered, there was no way he shall disappoint. holding his palm to the sky, he wanted to restore life to these old people, but Balance Brandon was already a step ahead of him.

Ankhseram froze in his spell casting as he felt his heart being weight, he turned towards the angel and saw it was holding the scale towards him. the scale was quickly overweighted by his bad charm, making the angel race turn slightly dark, this was no good person.

Ankheram's body shook as he got a backlash from the bad karma, causing him to cough up a mouthful of blood, but that attack did over 100,000 damage, which was somewhat huge to his 500,000 health, but his overpowered recovery speed, which quickly began to heal away the damage,

"Now, we can't have such overpowered recovery capability," Sora said coldly, Malistaire smiled slightly as he cast Doom and Gloom, the whole battlefield was covered by a deathly domain which made all those who tried to heal have only a 50% effect

Ankhseram who was recovering 10,000 HP a second suddenly found himself recovering 5,000 HP a second, Ankhseram was stunned at this domain, but before he could cast a spell to try and destroy it, Balance Brandon stopped him as he cast [Spirit Defuse]

[Spirit Defuse] Dispel the next outgoing Life, Death, and Myth spells, so Ankhseram, the god of life and death found himself unable to cast any spell. Ankhseram was enraged, with a turn, and shot toward them wanting to kill them. the other gods who could still fight also shot forward, while the remaining other gods were swallowed by the many summonses and quickly killed,

"You damn Demon, just die," Ankhseram yelled as he suddenly turned, he acted as if he was going to attack the blinded folded angle, only to suddenly turn towards Sora. Sora calmly looked at him for a moment, before ignoring him and returning to charging up the spell.

"... sorry, can't let you touch him." Myth Brandon said with a cold smile, he cast [Dimension Shift], and Ankhseram, found himself attacking the god of time, who out of everyone was able to hold off from aging too much, but with this sudden attack from Ankhseram, he was sent shooting towards the waves of a summons and was attacked by countless amount of attacks,

"you see, I always had the power to overwhelm you lesser gods, I choose not to as I didn't want to show my power too easily. But Irene was right, out of rage I do make some stupid mistakes," Sora said coldly as he finished charging up the spell,

with a black and demonic aura now surrounding him, Sora's strength increased as he had unlocked the power within his bloodline, to his shock, this had caused him to reach level 112 and adding the gods which were just killed, his level was at the moment at the level 117,

"Today, I shall slaughter you all, and starting with you, I shall make my way to the other higher-ranked gods," Sora said as he pulled out a bunch of TC, [Storm Blade] TC, and a whole bunch of blades, all different as the same time of spell blade wouldn't have an effect

after all of them were cast, Sora cast [Frenzy] and went on to pull out the last TC, [Storm Owl], a unique TC which was rare. [Storm Owl] was a 10 MP spell that deal 1,525 to 1,625 storm damage, so as you can see, this attack was extremely overpowered.

but when cast, the Storm Owl appeared capable of dealing over 400,000 damage, blood began flowering from Sora's nose, this owl was too powerful for Sora to hold within this world, maybe if it was slightly weaker, but at this moment Sora's wrath was too overwhelming for him to care,

"Kill the weaker ones, and leave the stronger ones alive. death is too good for them." Sora said coldly, the Golden Storm Owl let out a cry, and at a shocking speed, it disappeared as if it was teleporting, and everywhere it flew it left behind lightning.

Its wings were like metal, they cleanly cut the gods in half, only for them to be turned to dust from its lightning, this owl was doing almost twice the damage of their HP, and not even their body could remain.

After all of the weak gods were killed, Sora turned his eyes toward the 3 strongest remaining gods, all with levels at level 127 or above, with Ankhseram standing at the top of them all at level 130, but he was currently horrified while looking at the whole which was coldly look at not only him but the remaining 3 with cold sharp glares

Sora waved his hands, ordering the Owl to damage them to an inch of their life, but he froze as he sensed someone entering the domain, turning a head over, he saw Irene had appeared, only for her to freeze upon seeing him covered within that Demonic Aura, and his demonic like appearance,

"..." the world seemed to shatter before Irene's eyes, she stood there frozen, unable to move or do anything for some time. meanwhile, Sora snapped out of the enraged state he was in as slight panic kicked in, he didn't want Irene to find out... not like this.

"..." Irene shook her head as she turned her head away from Sora, and looked around the battlefield, seeing the condition of the gods, she fell into deep thought, before she flew over, standing in front of the Owls and Sora.

"What are you doing?" Sora frowned slightly, he could understand her being pushed away by him being a demon, but to do it so fast and so easily... that hurt like hell.

"Did you save your grandparents?" Irene asked seriously while looking at Sora, Sora frowned deeply as he nodded slightly. Irene nodded slightly, before speaking.

"then let this battle come to an end... I understand you are a demon and the rage within your hurts. but if anyone can control it, I know you could. Out of this whole world, you're the one I look up to most... so please, don't." Irene said softly, stunning Sora slightly, she would still accept him knowing he was a demon.

"... I can walk away, but Ankhseram must come with me." Sora calmly, scaring Ankhseram as he knew what Sora was planning on doing with him. Irene frowned while looking at Sora, whose lower body was covered with blood before she turned to look at Ankhseram.

'he is just a lesser god, his death shouldn't have much effect on the seal, right? but his death could awaken the other gods, at which point Sora would be in danger. no, the gods should already be slowly awakening, any moment now they would wake up.' Irene's heart grew heavy as she turned towards Sora, but before she could speak, Ankhseram spoke first.

"Do you know the person before you are the demon lord?" Ankhseram Yelled, stunning Irene

"W-what?" Irene found herself having a hard time comprehending this information, she understood each word, but when they came together, they form something her mind didn't want to accept.

"Shot up," Sora yelled coldly as the storm owl power aimed toward Ankhseram, but before it could attack, Irene stopped it as she looked at Sora, wanting him to say he was lying, but Sora just sighed after a moment, be removed the blood flowing from his nose.

"I'm sorry, but the gods are just... I can't live at ease knowing these gods live among us. knowing what they did to a god of their own, and the many things they do to humans, we are nothing but cannon folder to them. you can hate me, but even if I was not a demon, I was born to be enemies with the gods. even if I was not a Demon, I would have become a Demon Lord to take down the gods." Sora said softly, making Irene lower her head for a moment as the words of the fate sisters ran through her head.

"But if you do that, The Devil Race," Irene said as tears began running down her face, she didn't want to choose a side, she didn't want to.

"If the Gods can Do it, I can do it better... do you not trust me?" Sora asked softly, Irene nodded slightly. she had this weird feeling telling her that it is Sora, then nothing was impossible... but she knew that might be her feelings of love getting in her way. So, after nodding for a moment, she shook her head.

"as the Princresses of Dragnof, and as the Hero... I can't bring my people or the human race under such danger. I have to put my people and the human race under my feelings. I too hate the gods, but I have to look at the bigger picture." Irene took a deep breath and the tears disappeared, followed by a serious look,

"You might have the power to deal with the devils one day, but right now you don't... so don't this, not like this," Irene said softly, Sora went quiet seeing this scene, he thought for some time, but he was running out of time, the gods would be awakening any moment now,

"I can do as you say if the god's apologies, the world had been so peaceful because the former demon lord injured the gods, if they were still walking this world how many more people would be cursed, raped, and killed? But I can overlook that if they apologize." Sora said softly, this was the most he was willing to do.

"Snort, Go to hell," Ankhseram said with a sneer as he would ever say sorry to a mortal, death was better. Sora's eyes narrowed slightly before he looked towards Irene, what would she choose?

Irene right now wanted to punch Ankhseram, but she sighed in the end as disappointment filled her eyes. So they had to be enemies. as much as she wanted to trust Sora, she couldn't allow her feelings to cloud her judgments. In the end, Sora was the villain and she was the hero. even if Sora was doing it for the greater good or something like that, he was still a villain.

"... I see. then I should kill you here and now." Sora closed his eyes for a moment, he didn't know what to think at the moment. was Irene in the wrong? of course not, she couldn't be selfish, she had a good point in wanting him to have the strength to deal with the Devils before doing anything, but he couldn't just turn around and do that.

he grew stronger off slaughter, and he couldn't stand the gods, so he had to kill them. it seemed as if love wasn't for him, and to think he was thinking of starting a family with her,

Just as Sora was about to order the Owl to attack, deep within the heavenly Realm, Sora felt something that made his eyes narrow slightly. it seemed like his stay here was over, with a wave, he teleported everyone away, and they all appeared within the demon realm.

"..." Sora appeared before the army of demons which were ready for the body, but were stunned upon seeing Sora appear with a bloody nose. they were even more shocked feeling the aura of the Strom Owl, this bird was at least at level 140.

"I'm no enemy of the human race, push forward towards the war between humans and dragons, lower their numbers... or even slaughter the whole race," Sora said calmly, with Irene the humans will be alright. they are fated to kill each other, most likely the dragons would become rare after this war.

"Sora is now the enemy of the human race, I can't allow him to bring forth the destruction of this world," Irene said softly as she turned away from the gods, and teleported back to the mortal realm