
A Wizard's Solitude

(A Harry Potter Fan-Fiction) A boy finds himself in a dark forest with no knowledge of how he got there. As he discovers what the world is around him, he realises the world he had read about was a mere foot note compared to the true world it encompassed.

SovOz · Book&Literature
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41 Chs

The Weight of Chains

"Goddamn it, we're late!"

Rufus, returning to the centre of the clan's territory, discovered a corpse in front of the cell where Axel was detained. The sight of the vampire commander, skewered by his own sword, made his eyes grow cold and sorrowful. The grim sight of a clan member dead before him filled his heart with guilt.

The vampires around Rufus displayed a cacophony of emotions: sadness, anger, and fear. These feelings mingled in the air like a thick fog. To a Blackfang vampire, a sword was akin to a brother. From youth, they were granted their sword and trained with it. To be killed by one's own sword was a sorrowful death indeed.

"Caius, you did not deserve this fate..."

Rufus kneeled next to Caius, the fallen commander, and gently closed his eyes, allowing him to finally rest.

Behind Rufus, a vampire of 'general' rank spoke out in rage:

"Rufus, we MUST avenge Caius's death. Behind you and Felix, he was one of the strongest in our clan! We cannot let this go!"

The surrounding vampires, having converged from their posts, started to clamour, their words echoing their collective anger towards the Blighthearts' brazen antics, specifically Jason's disregard for the forest's pact.

Rufus, hearing his brethren's words, closed his eyes in pain. After a moment, he stood and addressed them:

"I understand your feelings, but we cannot confront a monolith like the Blighthearts without Felix. It would be akin to walking into a deathtrap to demand an explanation from them, especially on their territory!"

Another commander, Varick, turned to Rufus and suggested:

"Why can't we send a message to Graham? I'm sure that Jason acted alone in this matter, considering Graham's usual attitude towards us. If we could meet with him, we might resolve this."

Rufus shook his head, replying solemnly:

"Jason is the type to cover all his bases; any message sent would be intercepted. He would ensure this..."

"But, Rufus—"

Rufus's aura turned cold and dark, making the surrounding generals and even Varick step back. He spoke hauntingly:

"Even if we were to somehow arrange a meeting, we have no evidence, no proof of Jason Blightheart's interference. As of now, we have no grounds to confront the Blighthearts. All we can do is wait for Felix..."

The vampires fell silent, acknowledging that Rufus's plan was the only course of action.

"Do you know when Felix will return, Rufus? Can't we send a message?"

"I've already explained how our leader functions. A day for us can be a month for him. If we're lucky, he may return within the month. If not, it could take years."

"So, we're just to let this go?"

Rufus glanced at Caius's corpse, his face seething with malice at the thought of the perpetrator.

"We will never let this go. When the head returns, we will respond accordingly. I'm certain Felix will feel the same... For now, let's give Caius a proper send-off."

Rufus approached Caius's body, removed the sword from his chest, and lifted him. As he did, he glanced into the cell Caius had been guarding.

"It appears the boy has been taken... What a pity, that poor soul..."

Rufus, followed closely by Varick and the other vampires, walked off. The Blackfang's had lost a commander, and time was needed to recuperate before any moves could be made.


My eyes were heavy, feeling as though they had been glued shut. As my consciousness returned, so did my senses. It felt just like the time I first arrived in this world. However, the refreshing feeling of the forest air, the earthiness of the dirt around my mouth, was absent. Instead, I felt bound, the air around me stifling and cold.

I forced my eyes open after much difficulty, and what greeted me was a room, a dark brick room devoid of windows, doors, anything. I realized I had been captured and tried to steel myself for what was to come, but my true feelings emanated from my parched throat.

"I didn't ask for this… why… why…"

Tears streamed down my cheeks, reflecting the unwillingness of my situation. Anger, despair, fear, rage—the myriad of emotions surged through my mind and heart. As these emotions swirled within me, the Obscurus deep within me pulsated with joy, as if it thrived on my suffering.

I was seated in a chair, bound tightly to it. Comparing my current arrangements to my time with the Blackfang clan was like comparing a five-star hotel to a hostel. I had no freedom here; I could barely move my arms and legs. As the reality of my situation sank in, my willpower began to fade.

Looking down at my chest, I noticed the grey clothes I once wore were now gone, replaced by a scabbed-over and scarred wound where the device had been embedded. The device Rufus had implanted in me had been violently removed.

"Is my fate to be a prisoner in this world, moving from one cell to the next?"

The room was dark, the absence of windows ensuring no light entered. However, in the corners of the room, light blue glows provided the slightest visibility. The grimness of my surroundings weighed heavily on me, darkening my mind and shattering my heart as I faced this hopeless situation.

"So, I'm going to die, either to my Obscurus or to that damned Jason… I-I-I…"

Tears flowed freely, each drop causing my Obscurus to beat rhythmically. My vision clouded further as pain enveloped me. The sliver of willpower I once took pride in was dwindling, and I felt my psyche, my personality, my emotions disintegrating.

As the pain intensified, my vision blurred and darkened. I roared as my consciousness slipped from my grasp, overwhelmed by the urge to destroy and the urge to succumb, losing all control…


"Dron! Do you see this? It's transforming!"

Jason, observing Axel through the enchanted one-way window of the room, smiled gleefully upon seeing Axel's Obscurus begin to manifest.

"I knew the pendant would be the best approach. Had I physically transported him back… he might have transformed the second he awoke."

Dron, observing alongside Jason and witnessing Axel's Obscurus materialize, watched in horror as the distressed roar emerged from the confined eight-year-old boy. Ordered to simply observe, the sight of such a young wizard enduring this unbearable pain and suffering made him wince.

Jason, on the other hand, revelled in his 'prize' from the Blackfang's, eagerly jotting down ideas in his notebook.

"Perhaps a potion like this could produce effects? What about this spell? Oh, this is going to be great!"

As Jason enthusiastically recorded his thoughts, the door to his study swung open, and Graham entered. Graham's gaze moved from Dron to Axel, now an Obscurus, wreaking havoc in the confined space Graham had designated for him.

"It seems those absorption runes of yours are effective, Jason. I presumed you'd return since I sensed you used the pendant."

The pendant, an incredibly powerful ancient Portkey used by Jason to transport himself and Axel from the Blackfang Clan's cell to the Blighthearts' manor, functioned flawlessly even within the Blackfang's territory, allowing their return undetected.

"I had to ensure his immediate transfer after subduing him… Just observe, Graham, observe the raw magic pulsating within that room. Imagine if we could harness such power, control it. We could dominate this forest and beyond, surpassing the ambitions of any who came before us!"

Graham, observing the Obscurus' chaotic display, remained stoic. His attention then shifted back to Jason, who was engrossed in his notebook, and sighed deeply.

"I wanted to ensure everything was proceeding as planned. Seeing that it is, I'll leave the rest to you, Jason. Just remember, should that entity break free or cause any damage, it's to be eliminated."

Jason, absorbed in his research, barely acknowledged Graham's cautionary words, his notebook rapidly filling with layers of potential experiments. Graham, recognizing Jason's obsessive dedication at its peak, exited the study, ascending the stairs and leaving Jason to his designs.

After a period of tumult within the room, the Obscurus calmed, revealing Axel once again, unconscious on the floor. Witnessing this, Jason turned to Dron.

"You know what to do, Dron."

Dron, suppressing his fear of Axel, entered the room. Employing his magic, he levitated Axel back into the chair and secured him once more. Dron then proceeded to assess Axel's condition. After a brief examination, Dron returned to Jason's study.

"Master Jason, he's still alive."

Jason's lips twisted into a sinister smile.

"Now, the real fun begins…"