
A Warrior's Path

From a child to an adult Drake has always given what he earned to others that lacked them.In his final moments of life while saving a little girl all he thought was ' I wish my next life would be like those MCs in novels having a system and fighting strong opponents ' As he thought of this the space around him shook and a slight crack was formed.From his body a speck of light flowed into the crack. Here starts the adventure of a man hardened by life and longing for adventure.

DreAm_b0At · Others
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288 Chs

Chapter 30. Sarutobi's Shock

Ryu always hated Danzo. That man always proclaims that he is the dark side of the village, doing the villages dirty work but Ryu thought otherwise. He is a man who only cares for his own interests. When Pain attacked the village, he was nowhere to be seen. He hid saying that it is imperative for them to survive for the villages sake, he is a greedy, back stabbing coward. Now this trash was spying on his house, Ryu wouldn't have minded this but his damn Root ninja dared to sneak inside. Ryu needed answers.

Ryu created four rods and threw it to four corners. He made a few hand signs. Black marks appeared on those rods. The rods shot out a ripple in the air as they connected with each other and covered the entire house. Ryu placed the house inside a special barrier that shields everything including sound. He jumped out of the window and moved towards Danzo's chakra signature. There was three other Chakra signature near Danzo. Ryu recognised them, it was sarutobi and the two elders, Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane.


Hokage Building. Council room.

Homura: The Nine Tail Jinchuriki made contact with the Uzumakis. This is troublesome. I am worried if they will tell him about his parents and knowing that kid he will announce it to everyone.

Koharu: Sarutobi, you better do something. The kid has been making trouble all around the village. We can't have him cause any more disturbance if they tell him the truth.

Sarutobi: I don't need any of you to tell me how to manage him. He is lonely and trying to get attention by pulling some pranks.

Danzo: You should have given him to me.

Sarutobi: So that you could turn him into a mindless machine. Danzo I still haven't got to the root of how him being a Jinchuriki spread out.

Sarutobi warned Danzo to keep his hands away from the boy.

Sarutobi's became serious: Danzo, why are you monitoring the Uzumakis?

Danzo: They are outsiders, Also former shinobi, so they need to be monitored.

Sarutobi: Don't think I am oblivious to your schemes. You desire Uzumaki bloodline for research and both of Ryu's parents have high purity bloodline. Moreover Ryu himself possess the purest Uzumaki bloodline, so i know you will try to get your hands on their blood.

Danzo: You are still soft Sarutobi. If we research their bloodline we will be able to strengthen our village. If it was me the village wouldn't be so weak.

Homura: Danzo is right Sarutobi. We need to research their bloodline, they are the last recorded Uzumakis with such high purity bloodline. Ask them to cooperate with the research

Koharu: Also their child, according to intelligence his bloodline purity changed overnight. This is something unheard of, we need to look into that as well.

Homura: You have already delayed these by so many years Sarutobi. This time it must be done.

Danzo and Koharu agreed as well. Danzo had a smile on his face. That Uzumaki boy was of great interest to him. A change in bloodline purity overnight. Moreover after that change his bloodline became the purest of the Uzumakis. He wanted to get some samples from the boy so that Orochimaru could research it. If they were able to identify the cause of it...Danzo couldn't wait.

Sarutobi looked at his old friends and sighed. They once stood at the same side. He didn't know when they changed. Now they didn't care for the methods, they only want results.

Sarutobi: I won't repeat this again. Don't touch the Uzumakis.

Saying this sarutobi released his chakra. Sensing their friend's riled up chakra they were daunted and reminded that Sarutobi is the strongest Kage among the all the great villages. Danzo knew his friend all too well, he said

' This must be done. It is for the village's future. You lead the village in the light and I will take care of its darkness'.

Sarutobi knew what his friend meant. He was angered at Danzo's comment and was about to flip out when he heard someone other than three of his friends speak

' You will take care of its darkness? It makes me wonder how you are going to deal with me and my family '.

All four of them froze. They looked towards the origin of the sound. What they saw shocked them to the core. A boy about ten years of age was leisurely standing at a corner. They didn't even sense him standing there until he spoke.

Ryu: Danzo, tell me. How are you going to deal with me and my family.

Sarutobi and the other three snapped back. They had many questions like how he got in here? why they were not able to sense him?.

Danzo looked at Ryu: How did you get in here. There is a seal to this room and a lot of shinobi are guarding this place.

Ryu: It's not nice to ignore someone's question and ask your own. Answer me Danzo. How are you going to deal with me and my family?

Sarutobi and the others could feel a tremendous amount of bloodlust come from Ryu as he said each word. Sarutobi was astounded seeing Ryu like this. He always saw him as a kind child, he can't even imagine him taking someone's life and yet here he is showing bloodlust that would put him to shame.

Danzo felt like a prey who was eyed by a wild beast. He knew if he said a wrong word..No he knew anything he says now is useless, he may die today.

Ryu looked towards all of them, before any of them could react Ryu vanished and appeared infront of danzo. His hand was clad in lightning

' Chidori: cleaver '

Ryu grabbed Danzo's right arm and cut it off like a butcher to a chicken. Sarutobi reacted fast and pulled Danzo back before Ryu could do another attack.

No word could express what sarutobi was experiencing right now. He checked Danzo's injury before saying to Ryu

' Ryu, shouldn't you explain some things to me?'.

Ryu looked towards Sarutobi: Old man, I will explain everything later. Right now I have some words for the elders.

He increased his pressure on them

' I don't care shit about your opinion. If you think you can decide the fate of my family to satisfy your greed, I promise you this. After I am done with you, all of you will wish you were dead '.

Guys go easy on me. This is my first time writing anything.

As for the story's future development, I will include most of the events in the Anime. You'll see why he made those wishes to make many of them strong.

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