
A Warforged Artificer's Campaign

This isn’t a journey from a Human's perspective, this isn’t a kind thing, people will die regardless of your love for them. This is the story of Forty-Seven a Warforged modeled after a hybrid Tiefling Dragonborn, Sif a Giant Wolf Warforged, and Silf a Displacer Beast Warforged. Three rather inhuman and promise bound beings who will do anything to protect the Sword Coast, even if it means sacrificing others against what the three would want.

BiazarKaiser · Video Games
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Birth of Conquest and Avernus Flames

\\// Dadalia POV //\\

I felt sluggish, I felt weak, I felt ANGER at what happened to me and the young I carried. However, after YEARS of feeling trapped within my own mind, reliving when I died. I heard HIM, I heard him, I heard his rage and pain. The thing which took me, USES me, tried to flee from its death. I wouldn't let it though, if it was going to kill me and my young still inside me, I'd make sure it died like we had.

Then I felt different, I felt alive, I was alive, the young were alive again, I could feel warmth reviving their eggs. That was when I saw it, saw him, saw them, the grouchy metal man and the evil swords. Except the grouchy metal man, which I heard when I stopped my tormentor, was on his side a pointy stick through his throat and another through his eye. The evil swords fighting a weird smelling Drow with blue skin as they tried to claim a prize.

The metal wolf and cat were holding back more of the vile thing which used me, which killed me. I couldn't care less about that, though… the weird smelling Drow had hurt the one who ensured I survived as an egg. I WANTED REVENGE FOR THE GROUCHY METAL MAN, I WANTED TO CONQUER THE VERMIN.

The Drow seemed to have heard my maddened scream when my rage bubbled over, in the end they were too late. I was already upon them, crushing their frail form under my paws before ripping into their flesh with my beak and claws. Their pained screeches echoing out as I remember the lessons on torture the grouchy metal man taught me for those who earned my displeasure. Each strike of my claws and beak were meant to inflict unending pain onto the Drow, never ending them out right, as I wanted them to suffer.

A strange glowing light responding to my intentions, as the Drow just couldn't die peacefully. By the time, I was finished with the Drow they were pasty meat and shattered bones under my claws. Strange feeling of power aside, the grouchy metal man was twitching, swirls of dark water light around him being mauled by swirls of bright sunlight.

"No. Corrupt. NO. CORRUPT!"

Slamming my front right paw down onto the swirling lights scattering them, my paw hit the ground and a strange den of light exploded outwards from the ground. Pushing back or burning the rotten smelling creatures to death, with small fly-like creatures swarming them and attacking without end if they dared stay withing MY DOMAIN.


AN: If you're curious, this is a little idea I had for Blessed Beasts like this big girl, who is Paladin of Conquest, as that seems fitting for an Owlbear. Since monsters/animals aren't normally given a class, what I'm doing with the intervention of a God is bringing the race's natural-born class and subclass to a more pronounced forefront. The monster/animal which had this happen don't know spells and such but also have always had essentially an instinctive racial class and skills for certain classes/multiclasses that are just there, like Silf's teleporting even though he has become a Warforged. So then I thought, since they won't have spells naturally learned by reading… why not have instinctive and interesting effects for spells they cast like essentially wild magic but more focused on their racial traits and nature.

So this spell that was cast is essentially Sanctuary as an actual protective area because she wanted the corrupting shadows to get AWAY, so sanctuary responded by creating a bubble to push back and halt anything else corrupted from coming near. The swarming lights are the spell Guardian Spirits, and Guardian of Faith as a combo AOE, to buff the spirits and make numerous Guardians of Faith, affect this sanctuary created for those who don't get thrown out of the dome of protection. Since the big girl is conquest, this effect essentially targets the ones still in the dome, as those are threatening her dominance and right to lay claim to something by existing within her spell's proclaimed domain.

Just a fun idea I had since I have plans for actual divine beasts type encounters because that beasts is a Demi-God birthed by a God like say Tiamat. However, for regular beasts like an Owlbear they'd have to have at least a drop of divine blood passed down somewhere along the line by a God giving birth to them or siring them or the parents. So I want to hear from ya all, why would a random unknown God take the time to intervene now?


\\// Several Hours later //\\

Waking up, I hadn't expected what I had seen nor the fact that I didn't make up, a rather rare event as offspring of a Demi-God or God are rare to find. Or that a God intervened because of a different possibility involving something else. However, I did find it amusing that I was growing in numbers for essentially a bestial army, which just tickled my Druid nature with glee at just sicking my animal friends on the sinners and heroes of the Sword Coast to maintain the balance. Although, we now have an issue awaiting us once this dome falls.

Rearming myself with Heaven's Executioner, I swung the weapon idly to the side, studying the corrupted denizens of these lands outside the dome of light. Finding an area with the least number of enemies, I began stalking towards it, with my steps beginning to burn away at the ground. My Hell's Engine thrumming with building power, fire licking off my form as I neared the corrupted. The semi-mindless curs swarming to where I was heading as the fire along my form slowly turned a blinding golden color. My weapons bathed in flames, the flames upon my Avenger weapon instantly became flames of burning white radiant flames with hints of gold intermixed.

Taking one step outside the dome, everything went from dark to blinding as the corrupted curs caught ablaze from just my foot touching their gathered forms. Stepping out fully with a forward stab, my weapon effortlessly went through a corrupted colossus of plant matter, their form burning white as the holy flames ate away of them greedily. Lifting the burning cur as if they weighed nothing, I began to use them as a weapon until they burnt away completely. Swaths of flames and radiant flaming shots ripping through the curs of corrupt nature with no sympathy for what or who they used to be.

Those who mindlessly threw themselves at my form burnt alive with the effects of Searing Smite (AN: Searing Smites fire damage and initial damage are scaling with each second FS is on fire and is affected by the Hell's Engine.) taking effect, for I AM A WEAPON. Cutting through a murder of ravens trying to drown me alive with their bodies only earned themselves being burnt alive and cut down by my weapon. By the time the curs stopped throwing themselves at my form, I stood among a field of ashes and burning remains, with any damage dealt to me having already sealed shut and healed up.

"Leave or DIE, you shall not delay us any longer from our search."

The flames spilling from my mouth with each word spoken and the molten area around my feet made the creatures flinch before slinking off into the darkness of these lands. Snorting at how readily they retreated now, I felt the dome disperse and my long-time companions join me, with one other following suite. Glancing back at them all, I lifted my weapon and pointed towards an area showing the highest amount of life that Set is showing me within these lands.

"Let us go and greet the living of these lands."