
A villain in a hero world

A man dies and is given the option to be reborn into my hero academia with the ability to be a hero but he doesn't do the whole hero thing.

Mad_Titan7897 · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

The beginning after the end



"Powerful person talking, like Buff All Might"

"text/speech via book,Tv, or newspaper"

(pov MC)

White is all I see.

In every direction all I see is white.

I don't know what the hell just happened but the last thing I remember was walking down the street on my way to my house and then white.


'Did I die?'

'How did die?'

'Was I hit by a car?'

"No." said a voice that I can't identify from behind me as I turn around somehow I see more white.

"You won't be able to see me as I don't have a body." said the voice.

"I must be going crazy." I say given how I was hearing a voice that I can't find where it's coming from.

"You are not crazy yet." It said.

"Who or what are you?" I ask

"The closest for what you can comprehend me as is a being made of energy that gained consciousness or maybe a god." It says.

"What?" I say.

"Just call me R.O.B." R.O.B says.

"Wha-"I go to ask before being interrupted.

"I am going to give you an offer." R.O.B says.

 "What offer?" I ask with skepticism.

"I offer you the chance at another life in a different reality that you pick." R.O.B says.

"What, why?" I ask.

"Entertainment."R.O.B says flatly.

"What do you mean by entertainment?" I ask.

"I will watch you grow, struggle, and enjoy life, in return you get to live again."R.O.B says.

"Since I don't want to stay dead I can handle being treated as entertainment I guess."I say.

" Good I won't have to find someone else to give this offer to." R.O.B says. "Now what reality do you wish to go to?" R.O.B asks. "Just for clarification there are an infinite number of reality and some of them match the fiction you know of and many that don't."

"Wait like Harry Potter, Baki, and all those kinds of realitys?"I ask

"Yes."R.O.B says "Based on the reality you pick you will have options."

"What options will I have?" I ask

"Well, you will have a screen that will show information similar to what you would know as a Choose Your Own Adventure based on the reality you chose."R.O.B says

"Why a C.Y.O.A?" I ask.

"For ease of use and the fact I don't want to tell you every option available."R.O.B says."So what reality will you choose?"

I spent a very long time debating what reality I should choose given I could pick any.'I could pick Baki given it is a lower tier reality that won't have gods, demons, and no real dangerous big bad besides Yujiro Hanma I believe.'I think.'Maybe DXD...hahahaha no I won't go anywhere near the cesspool that is DXD just off of the titty power up logic'.I think.'I need a world that is not terrifying but not baseline so I guess that leaves me with only My Hero Academia since it checks off all the boxes like not baseline, no bullshit power levels, and I know the base plot... not that I will be following it like an idiot.'

"I chose My Hero Academia as my reality of choice"I say.

"Very well then now you can move on to the next step."R.O.B says and as he does a blue screen appears in front of me. As I look through all the stuff I can do all I can say is 'wow'. There is a lot of stuff to choose from my quirk to my entry into this world.

It takes me what I can only assume to be hours to finish but I finished with the following:

I will be inserted into a child around the age of 3-4 when their quirk activates so it will excuse the weird behavior that I may have. I will be around the time when Midoriya is a child as well so I will roughly be in "canon" .

My quirk was a really hard choice to make given the list is near infinite but I ultimately decided on two quirks one called Monster Designer It allows me to cast a projection hologram that allows me to design monsters to summon that follow my commands, so long as the creation would reasonably work. I started with a basic template of goblins, but anything else would require me to have enough knowledge of biology to design anything else and I can only summon one creature a day.

The next quirk is called Poison Ivy it allows me have a deep level of control over plant life and growth, able to cause seeds to rapidly sprout at my command. As long as I understand the structure and science behind it, I can even alter my plants to mutate or grow in specific ways. As a side benefit, I have a complete immunity to toxins and poisons.

I was able to get a few perks to go along with my quirks like quirk protection makes it to where my quirks cannot be stolen, canceled, or suppressed in any way. Attempts to clone, copy or duplicate my quirks through any means will not work, for good or bad, quirk control I will start with an instinctive level of control over my quirks that would be comparable to someone who spent several years practicing with them, and high intelligence which is self explanatory since I know i'm not intelligent enough to use my quirks without it.

With all of the important choices made I say i'm ready and R.O.B says"Very well I hope you are satisfied with the choices you made because you are about to live with them." and with that everything goes black and I wake up in a room.

A.N. Welcome everybody who reads this to my first story ever I hope you leave any comments you have for me to read but don't just insult me please I want to know what to fix not to be told I am bad but I hope whoever reads this has a great day or night.