
A vampiric tale. (Twilight FF.)

A Twilight fic. This is experimental, there will be a small Harem of just two women, maybe.

Uchiha_Lover21 · Movies
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2 Chs

A different kind of bordem.

I can't help but sigh inwardly as I stare at the window of the cafeteria of Forks High. It seemed so long ago that I was a soldier fighting in the Southern vampire using my enemies screams as a lullaby. Now my life has been reduced to playing a highschool student, living a mundane 'human' life. My life is the definition of boring but don't get me wrong I don't hate my life now, in fact I embrace the mind-numbingly boring routine of going to school. Meeting Alice and the Cullens was the best thing to happen to me, well not just me my brother too. I remember when we first met the pixie like girl Alice, she was weird from the start. She acted like she had known us for ages, Jasper and I didn't know how to respond but for some reason we didn't stop her. Eventually her and Jasper fell in love, it didn't take long and my brother was more smitten then I'd ever seen him in our entire existence. Alice then told us about a strange family that lived off animal blood, intrigued by this we sought them out. Like us the Cullens were quickly won over by Alice even though when we first met Alice acted like she owned the place. Carlise, Esme, Edward and Emmett were all very welcoming and very quickly helped us acclimate to our new diets. Rosalie took a few years to warm up to myself and Jasper, she had no problem with Alice but she did eventually give us a chance, now I'm as close to her as I am to Jasper. Whenever we have to start over, Rose, Jasper and I pretend to be siblings, Rose and Jasper play twins while I play their younger brother.

Anyway, our new diet was tough at first, my brother especially struggled and still does struggle with our new diet. I've found it surprisingly easy but that was thanks to me acquiring Carlise's gift, Carlise's gift allowed him to have a high tolerance for blood, meaning blood while still alluring wasn't as alluring as it is for normal vampires. I also acquired Edward's mind-reading and Alice's ability to see the future. I tend not to use the mind-reading or future sight unless I have no choice but to do so. I feel like both are an invasion of someone's privacy, and when I think about someone snooping into my future or reading my mind I get seriously pissed off that's why I feel it better not using them unless needed.

I look over the rest of my 'siblings' seeing what they're up to. Rose and Emmett are being disgustingly in love as always, Alice and Edward are having their famous silent communication, the two are able to have proper conversations without talking at all. Jasper, I can't help but sigh silently when I look at Jasper. His fist are clenched tight, his body is tensed and his expression is pained struggling to control himself, that must be what they're talking about. I wish I could take away my brothers struggles but he would hate me if I did. This is his struggle and I know he wants to overcome it himself. "Jaz!" I call drawing his attention.

Jasper already knows why I'm calling him, he can probably feel my concern for him using his gift.

Jasper glares at me, as if to say stop worrying about me. "I'm fine!" He struggles to say through gritted teeth.

I throw my hands up into the air. "Whatever." Jaspers stubborn, he doesn't like it when his younger brother is the one looking after him.

"Who are they?" I hear an unfamiliar voice ask.

"They're the Cullens." Jessica, an annoying classmate of mine informs someone probably one of the two new girls that everyone's been talking about and according to Edward they've been all everyone's been thinking about too.

For some reason I find myself intrigued by their conversation, maybe it's because there's nothing else going on and this'll stave my bordem if only for a little while.

"They're Dr and Mrs Cullens kids. The girl with the blonde hair, her names Rosalie Hale and she's with the big guy Emmett Cullen." Jessica explains with hidden disgust in her tone.

Her disgust doesn't affect us, in fact we find it amusing.

"The small weird looking girl is Alice Cullen and she's with the blonde who looks like he's in pain, his name is Jasper Hale twin brother to Rosalie."

*Phfffft!!!!* "I think she meant he looks constipated." I try joking, hoping it'll ease Jaspers struggle.

Edward and Emmett both burst into laughter.

Even Jasper has a hint of a smile on his lips as he glares at me with no real heat. "Shut up." He says playfully.

"Wait they're siblings and they're dating?" Another female voice that I wasn't familiar with asks Jessica. There was something about her voice that appealed to me, like a sirens song appeals to sailors. Like most sailors I couldn't resist the sirens song, I turn my head to get a look at the siren. She's pretty but nothing I haven't seen before. Her hair is strawberry blonde and falls close to her lower back in sprinny curls. She has a delicate beauty to her but I can tell by the mischievous smile on her face that tells me she isn't as delicate as she seems. Her eyes are a beautiful blue that remind me of the bright blue skies of Texas, her eyes are filled with life, with joy. Her eyes were like the complete opposite of mine, even though I hide it behind smiles and making jokes I'm constantly being weighed down by a feeling of crushing loneliness, don't get me wrong I love my adopted family but I've always felt like something was missing from my life. But in all my years ofI've never been able to figure out what exactly that is. I thought that maybe if I had found a mate of my own the loneliness would dissapear but thus far all my relationships ended up in failure.

"It's weird right Tanya?" Jessica says to the girl.

Hmm so her name is Tanya.

I quickly turn away from the blonde before I'm caught staring, even so my ears are still tuned into their conversation and for the life of me, I can't understand why.

"They're not actually related Jessica." Angela, probably the kindest girl I've ever met stands up for us. "They're all adopted children of Dr and Mrs Cullen." Angela explains for the two new girls.

My siblings all like her, even the venomous Rose thinks highly of her.

"I know but they live together, it's weird." Jessica insists.

"Come on, who wouldn't want to live with their boyfriend, especially if they look like that." The blonde Tanya speaks up.

"You got a point." Jessica concedes.

"Who are they? are they.... together?" The other new girl with the brown hair asks.

I'm guessing she's asking about me and Edward, and I really don't like what she's insinuating.

Jasper and Emmett break out into a fit of chuckles at our expense.

"Please Edward's not even my type." I joke looking Edward up and down with disgust.

This causes Jasper and Emmett to laugh even further.

"Shut up, you'd be lucky to have me." Edward smirks and smacks me on the shoulder.

"Huh, I'd never thought about that but it might explain why they've never dated any of the girls here. The one with the dark brown hair is Edward Cullen, super gorgeous but he apparently there aren't any girls at our school aren't good enough for him." I can hear the bitterness in her tone, she's probably still hurt by Edwards rejection. "The one with the blonde hair and adorable dimples is Malachi Hale, younger brother of Jasper and Rosalie. He's super nice to everyone but like Edward none of the girls are good enough for him." There's less bitterness in Jessica's tone as she talks about me. To be fair I was alot nicer with my rejection then Edward was.

"Guys, I can't read those girls thoughts." Edward's panicked voice interrupts my eavesdropping.

"What?" Alice asks in shock.

"Their minds are silent, I can't hear their thoughts.

"They probably have mental shields." I explain. I mean I have mental shields of my own, if Edward can't read their minds then that means their shields are extreamly powerful.

"They're only human." Jasper can't believe that a human could have a gift that strong when they're only human.

"That just means that as vampires their gifts would be extraordinary."

"What should we do about them, maybe we should get rid of them." Jasper suggests.

As soon as he finishes a powerful urge to protect Tanya swells within me. "No!" I say with a little more urgency then I would've liked.

This earns me looks of confusion from my family.

"I only mean that one's the chiefs daughter and the other his niece, killing them would cause way too many problems." I explain.

My family for the most part accept my explanation but I can tell Jasper has seen through my flimsy excuse but it seems he isn't going to push for the truth, for now anyway.

My little outburst however had grabbed everyone's attention without me noticing. When I looked over towards Tanya again unable to control my eyes were met by pools of blue unable to look away. I had no idea what was happening but it seemed we were both trapped in each other's eyes unable to look away. Unidentifiable feelings were swirling inside of me as we continue staring at each other for what felt like ages.

Suddenly I feel myself being shaken and our staring contest is finally broken. "Kai are you okay?" I hear Edward ask.

"Yea I'm fine, I was trying to read their minds, but like you I heard nothing." I lie smoothly.

"We should talk to Carlise when we get home." Edward suggests.

"Agreed." Jasper agrees.

The rest of the family agree aswell, Carlise will know what to do.

Why was I so protective of someone I don't even know, it wasn't like me. For the rest of lunch, my eyes didn't stray far from Tanya. I was like a moth drawn to the flame that is Tanya. It was honestly pathetic but little did I know that in Biology my growing obsession would only worsen.