
A Unique Lifeform's Chat group

A unique lifeform starts a chatgroup with Rias Gremory, Kazuma Sato, and The Last Dragonborn as they travel between world fighting against The Company Slut Life and their Contractors through the Waifu Catalog. Watch as they fight against Gods, Monsters, Dragons, Demons, and Eldrich monsters from beyond the stars all the while enslaving gods and playing the role of a proper heretic. all the while fighting against the greater evil.

GrizzWald · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

[A Unique Lifeform has created the chat "Systemic Vanguard"]

[My Tits Unlock Balance Breakers has been invited to the chat]

[Gender Equality has been invited to the chat]

[The Last Dragonborn has been invited to the chat]

[Unique Lifeform(Administrator) has sent System Pre-Universal-Integration Integration Package]

[Unique Lifeform(Administrator): Welcome lesser beings to the Systemic Vanguard Action Squad, all of you have been invited because your worlds are soon to be integrated by the system. Following normal procedure your universes would simply be integrated and you alongside it to uplift your reality into the System's Multiverse. This is a great boon allowing even mundane humans to become gods with sufficient effort, yet a foul darkness grows in the heart of each of your worlds. A darkness antithetical to The System's goals has corruption has taken root in parts of your world. The World Eater Alduin has been corrupted by Slut Life and chosen by Death herself to enslave all mortal souls within Nirn. The Great Red's Dream has been tainted with the Fel magics of the burning legion, and within the year hordes of immortal demons shall invade the Draconic Deus. In the Konosuba-universe the Demon Lord has been Contracted by The Great Old One and seeks to spread his corruption. If these threats are not dealt with they shall grow to an existential threat to your realties as well as my own. So rejoice saviors of your corrupted worlds, as the system in her infinite wisdom has decided to intervene. Thus I have been created, and grace you with my presence.]

[Gender Equality: Lol, tfu mean? U crazy man tlkng like DXD, and Skyrim are real.]

[My Tits Unlock Balance Breakers: My Tits do WHAT!]

[The Last Dragonborn: By Talos I've finally lost my mind.]

[Unique Lifeforn(Administrator): Accept your gifts, and then speak to me plebeians.] 

The Unique lifeform sits splayed out across his chair, fingers fiddling idly with one of the blank pages. Each a secret ready to be written into reality, each a feather in his magnificent wings. His blank iron mask stares off into space before he sighs, why mother needed such lessers was beyond him. Could she not simply create more like elder Minaga though not as limited as he?

Create infinite armies of gods willing to fight a die for her cause? What purpose could these. . . beings serve? He wanted to simply dismiss them, though he knew The System wouldn't choose them without reason. They must have some speck of potential that he could not yet see, something that would allow them to rise as equals to one such as he. Though he wanted to deny it he knew that he wasn't the greatest yet. 

Others had their purposes, others had more time to grow, and by himself he would never be able to protect his home. Though why the Chosen of the Malefic Viper's homeworld seems so important to these beings was surprising. Be it Kazuma's homeworld, or Rias's obsession, the only member of this group not connected to earth was The Last Dragonborn. Rising to his feet the unique lifeform, Raziel Angel of Secrets, stared from the window down onto the seemingly infinite planes of Earth.


Name: Raziel

Race: [Unique Lifeform: Angel of Secrets Level 160 (D)]

Strength: 3,221

Agility: 8,352

Endurance: 1,266

Vitality: 1,032

Toughness: 1,672

Wisdom: 12,238

Intelligence: 11,998

Perception: 10,023

Willpower: 7,953

Free Points: 0

Race Skills: [Unique Ability: Lord of Secrets(Unique)] [Shroud of Secrets(Unique)] [Angelic Constitution(Ancient)] [Eye of Secrets(Legendary)] [Angel of Secret's Wings(Legendary)] [Feather of Primeval Origins(Unique)] [Avatar Creation(Ancient)] [Expand Y/N?](No)

Blessings: [True Blessing of The System] [Systemic Mastery(System)] 

Titles: [Unique Lifeform] [Angel of Secrets] [Administrator of the Dimensional Group Chat] [Chosen of The System] ]

He dismissed the window and puffed, drawing a single black feather from his back. He stared into it's depth, stared and caught a whiff of the primeval records inherent in its existence. If he failed, maybe—he wouldn't fail. He wouldn't let himself. He didn't need that silly hunter's help. He was a Unique Lifeform, the favored child of the system. He would rise, he would learn all the secrets the myriad worlds has to offer, and he would be the bulwark against those depraved monsters.

[Gender Equality has died]

[Gender Equality's Soul has been claimed by Goddess Aqua]

[Gender Equality has automatically accepted the Integration]

[Gender Equality has started screaming—I mean streaming] Raziel winced at his typo, well not a typo. Kazuma was both streaming and screaming, but still it was the principle of the matter!

[Angel of Secrets Raziel Extends His Shroud of Secrets To Protect Kazuma]

[My Tits Unlock Balance Breakers: An angel? But Raziel died in The Great War?]

[Unique Lifeform(Administrator): Compare me to a lesser being again, and another great war will be the least of your problems.]

Kauzma stared across the black room towards the blue haired bitch, glare vicious as he listened to him belittle and mock him. 

[Unique Lifeform(Administrator): Kazuma it matters not what this lowly "God" believes to be your truth. You have been chosen by my creator for greatness, she has seen something great in you. Believe in her words not the words of this ant pretending to be a god. You have greatness somewhere within you, you must simply reach out and grab it.]

"I chose you as my blessing." Kazuma read UL's words, and despite the man being an arrogant prick smiled. 

[New Title Gained: Binder of the Gods(Unique)

Description: To enslave a god at G-rank is a feat never done in all the history of existence under the system's perview. For this legendary accomplishment you shall be granted +50% Vitality, +50% WIllpower. To her your word is law.]

[New Title Gained: Master of Aqua(Divine)]

[Unique Lifeform(Administrator): There are a few paths I see before you, one being you hide this newfound power until you can defend yourself, the other you begin to walk the path of a Heretic and steal power from your Slave-God. She is a goddess of water and purity so you will likely get something related to either of those. Either way it seems that The System's faith was not misplaced in you young hero in training.]

Honestly Raziel was fucking shocked. For this to happen within 6 minutes of him starting the chat group. . . he might see where the great mother's faith comes from. The phone in Kazuma's pocket beeped as he reached for it with his Avatar Creation skill. Controlling it he had it flash with energy for an instant. Peering through the—suprisingly fucking weak—heavenly realms secrets. 

Honestly the only one he even saw that was worth turning into a feather was that [Even Gods Die(Ancient)] which was basically a way to kill a god by destroying everyone who believes in them. While that wouldn't normally work for Systemic Gods, with The System's assistance in turning that secret into a skill—through Lord of Secrets—then letting that skill float back into his wings. If he ever needed to fight a god that would be useful, though only if he could continue improving it. 

[Gender Equality: So. . . how do I steal a gods power for myself?]

[Unique Lifeform(Administrator): Firstly, you must select your class. Your circumstances are to be honest quite unique. Most integrated lifeforms pick their class before getting any records worth shit. Please, allow us to see your user interface, and reach for the Class Selection prompt.]

[Classes Available







[Unique Lifeform(Administrator): It appears I was wrong, this changed nothing. The warriors are self explanatory, Light is a thief or assassin, medium is medium, and heavy is a knight. Casters are the most basic of mages, and Healers heal and buff both themselves and others. Archers are archers, they aren't the most popular. The only ones I know that actually use them to any effect are Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, and Jake Thane, chosen of the Malefic Viper.]

Kazuma's fingers flip flopped between caster, and thief, but before he chose anything the Unique Lifeform spoke up again. 

[Unique Lifeform(Administrator): Remember that every class can learn magic, it is only easier for casters and their ilk. You can learn to do almost anything using mana even without direct system assistance, and future classes will be granted to you based on feats you accomplish.]

Kazuma's finger bumped into the Light Warrior class, and he shifted. Instead of being dressed in the NEET gear he was dressed the part of an average adventurer. A pair of daggers at his hip, light leather armor and an inferior grade cloak. He jumped in place, and cheered feeling the slight stat increase from the clothing to enhance him.

[Unique Lifeform(Administrator):Grasp the item you are using to read this, the one that should have appeared on your end table this morning. That is an Avatar of mine, and through it I can do many things. Firstly, [EVEN GODS DIE] ]

Within the stream something white leapt forward from the top of the point of view, and flapped in the wind. Sparking a brilliant golden hue, the words echoed throughout the outskirts of whatever village this was—Raziel could not bring himself to care. Calmly he instructed through his avatar, "Step forth." Aqua began screaming against her binds, and the rest of the chat watched on in horror, "Aqua, incompetent Goddess of Water and Purity, hated by her people. You are scorned, when enslaved they don't come to your aid, so stand with us goddess and rise! Rise against the very system that forced you to this lowly world, defeat the demon king and earn your freedom." He sounded almost bored, but there was a thrill he couldn't deny. 

To see a being so mighty broken, "Draw your divine powers to your left wrist goddess, Now Kazuka. Drink deep."

The stream cut, and Rias stared at her new phone in equal parts shock horror, and total fangirl energy. To see Kazuma put that annoying goddess in her place was great, she was a fan of the show and just couldn't bring herself to like Aqua. The girl drank all their money away, and complained at every turn. She just wished she could see what this whole heretic thing was about, as a devil she held no good feeling to any gods. 

[Kazuma Sato has reached level 10]

[Kazuma Sato Has Begun Evolution]

[Race: Human(G) has changed to Demigod(F)]

[Kazuma Sato has reached level 12]

[Kazuma Sato's Class has changed from Light Warrior, [Blade of The Axis Faith Defiled: Level 25] 

[Gender Equality: Oh what the fuck! Why am I level capped!]

[Unique Lifeform(Administrator): As one of the "Enlightened Races" you have both a class, and a profession classes are combat while professions are creative. Like blacksmithing, or alchemy, or enchanting. Beasts like myself have no such profession. Another reason would be records, but you should be fine on that front.]

[Mission: Save The Last Dragonborn

Objective: Help Minthera survive Helgen

Compliance Manditory]

[Unique Lifeform(Administrator): What now! First a god, now a dragon! [EVEN GODS DIE] That should hold for a moment.]

He sighed, such a fucking hastle they were! Stepping through reality he felt the system guide his hand as he appeared in a burning city. Wings spread eyes wide, ears hearing the whispers in his ear from the system. As the secrets of reality made themselves known a single feather made itself know, and atop it words inscribed themselves C.H.I.M, ZERO SUM, MANTLE, WALKING WAYS, TOWER, I TOWER, INFINITE I. Each brighter than the last burning as he formed dream into reality and made a shield that even the mighty bellow of "YOL TOOR SHUL" could pierce.

This entity terrified him. He was unique, this was divine. More than his currency, and the best he could hope was to "RUN!" The barrier held as his arms wrapped around the lithe form of his second groupmate. His mind searched through every skill in his repertoire eventually reaching for Karmic magic, the threads blinded him stretching between Alduin and Minthera millions, trillions of them. One for every single soul in existence, and for a moment Raziel understood the monsters he was born to face. 

Instead of breaking he rose with the dignity befitting a Unique Lifeform, and flapped his wings with terrified might. That being was stronger than a C-grade, and a C-grade could single handedly exterminate life on a planet during their lifespan. A beam of scarlet energy pierced from one spire towards the dragon, and it turned its head to meet the attack. "FUCK FUCK, What do I pick! Fuck! Ah fuck it! Divine Empowerment! Aura of Aqua! Wine turns to water, while your blood turns to vinegar you shitty time lizard!"

Kazuma haphazardly threw himself off the keeps wall to escape a blast of dragonfire, another heal cast on himself before he stood up. He drew one dagger, and screamed, "GOD BLOW!" Golden energy coated the knife and he prayed to his new servant to guide his aim, the knife missed the dragon. Maybe he shouldn't pray to that incompetent goddess. . . Alduin stared at him like he was a particularly retarded sheep. Then the tower next to Alduin collapsed landing on the dragon's back like a small mountain. Still the Demigod of Time was undaunted roaring to the heavens and breaking free of the stone. 

Raziel's words echoed through the city, "Rias remember every drop of magical power that is used to make your attack flashy is less magical power used to kill your opponent. Focus your techniques to a knife's edge, or a spearpoint, and aim for the gap between scales, the eyes, or the hole beneath his tail."

Alduin sent an outraged glance at the angel before time froze, and his jaws were snapping closed on Raziel's head. "Paper Clone" that body dissipated into a cloud of papers Minthera falling like a stone into another paper clone reconstituted from the corpse of the previous. Only one thought raced through Alduin's mind, if that was a clone where was the real one. 

Magical energy coalesced into a ritual atop the mainmost tower of Helgen, the one that Alduin was perched upon when first Minthera was to be executed. His tongue danced through syllables in a dozen languages, fingers dancing through the air somatic and symbolic gestures. Pulling from his pocket a wilted blue mountain flower that promptly burst into flames. Kazuma's voice echoed out, "Divine Empowerment!" Golden energy grew in Raziel's ritual, coalesced in the mountain flower that withered. 

Twisting his hand forward he cast a hex, "MORTALITY!"