
A Unfortunate Situation

Jake is a man that wants to give them a taste of their own medicine by asking the Michael the Archangel of Humility for a second chance to go back the same day that he died. The beautiful Angel just smiles. Now Jake has a chance to find the ones who killed him for fun. Author- Well I got kinda sick of reading story’s of revenge OH different world OH they are bad people OH betrayal. I mean I love all these kinds of story’s but I thought why go to a different world? When this one is already terrible LOLz. So I’m trying to make a story with revenge and in this world. I really hope this peaks your interests and thanks for giving it a look. Please just enjoy the story I create.

Grave001 · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Chapter 040 Interlude

Michael Archangel of Humility

I watch Jake walk back his home with a calm expression. Walking like he had a weight lifted off his shoulders.

He walks back into the morgue and Charles shows up to welcome him back. But the only thing Charles was giving Jake was a pitying look and a pat on the shoulder. They both went into the common room and sat down in their seats.

Then Jake decided to explain his whole day to all of them. Starting with when he got back to the city all the way to when he followed Anderson around.

Wow… Jake is such a great story teller it's like I was actually there, oh wait… He continued his story and everyone was listening on to every word.

After he finally finished his story the room got quiet, and no one spoke for a couple minutes probably not knowing what to say. Until Scarlett started to laugh.

I got a little scared, wondering if she's finally descended into madness. She then looks at Jake and starts to complain that she wasn't included. She's…. Unique.

After Scarlett had her mini meltdown Aki started to talk with herself while looking at the sky. Which of course meant that she was talking to Gabriel. Talking about how I help Jake, how cruel of her thinking I would help Jake out like that.

When I see her next she definitely going to get an earful. Jake then look up at the sky and asks for a congratulations. I had absolutely no problem with that. "Weeellll since you asked nicely I guess I could… So Jake you did a fantastic job. I'm glad you became my apostle. Of course since you're my apostle it was the only possible way it was going to ended. I guess like maybe one percent of my gloriousness rubbed off on you." I think Jake tried to say something but oh well.

He then grabs some drinks and starts throwing them back. Yelling how it's party time.

After that he was basically knocked out for the night and I just doing the other things I have to get done.

I looked over to Jake sleeping peacefully and thought to myself. "Hmmm I guess I need a little break."

I get up from my chair and leave my office. I walk down the hallways and step up to a curtain Archangels room. I knock and hear a beautiful girly voice welcome me in.

I open the door and she sees who I am and scowls. Ouch my feeling have been getting hurt a little to much over the past few days.

"Well that's not very welcoming now is it?"

"Not for you." Gabriel replied.

I walk over to seat across from her and sit down with a little thump. "So what do you want Michael. Are you here just to annoy me?" She asked.

"Actually I wanted to celebrate a little since it's my apostles first mission complete." I materialize a bottle of wine and poor us each a glass. "And I wanted to have a drink with you, for all the help Aki's giving Jake. It means a lot to me you know."

"As I live and breath mostly. Michael the Archangel of Humility is being humble. I actually thought I would never see the day." Gabriel said with a shocked expression.

I put on a awkward smile. "I'm always humble, someone as perfect as myself is great at that." I replied with mock anger.

She laughed and smiled. "Now that's the Michael I know. Cocky and annoying as hell."

I raise my glass and drink it down. Wow this wine is the stuff.

Gabriel suddenly spoke up. "Hey Michael… Was everything Jake said true? Did you guys really complete your first mission?"

I smile back at her and pull up my point of view of the whole day and we both watched in silence. After the whole clip finished playing she spoke up. "He did really well for his first time, you have a great apostle there." I give her a knowing smile and continue to drink the wine.

After talking for a while I decided that it was time to leave. "Thanks for having a drink with me Gabriel, hope to see you again soon, peace out." I said with a smile and left without giving her a chance to respond.

I walk down the hallway feeling so much more refreshed, I walk into my office and relax in my chair.

I look at my screen of Jake and saw that he woke up and started cleaning. Wow I must have been with Gabriel longer than I thought.

I watch him finish cleaning and for Aki to enter the room and told him to practice with her. He nodded and followed along.

He steps up to Aki while she in her fighting stance and they have a bout. With Aki winning of course, I didn't expect anything else really.

After training finished I saw Jake put the moves on Aki. Which he must of got from me, being the smoothest Archangel ever.

Jake seemed to be looking a little better after training with Aki. Another thing I'm thankful for. Jake went back into the common room and saw Scarlett sitting down with Aki.

He took his own seat and was beginning to relax until I felt a strong sense of bloodlust.

I looked at the screen with a shocked expression, Scarlett was making Jake shake like a leaf.

D-does Scarlett also have powers? It's kinda scary that she's able to do that.

Charles suddenly appeared at the perfect time and Jake went to hide behind him like a little kid. I'm kind of embarrassed that he's my apostle.

After everything calmed down Aki asked Jake a question and he lied about the answer. I wonder why?

He quickly left the room and I notice that he wasn't looking good. "Hey Jake are you alright?" He fell to his knees and started breathing harder. "HEY! Jake what's wrong! Breathe!" I kept trying to yell but he just wasn't able to hear me.

I hear foot steps and watch Aki pick him up and bring him to a chair. Jake then talked about still having problems about his death.

Aki gives him some advice and that seemed to really help him calm down. Feeling relieved that Jake is much more relaxed, even though he's still shaking a little.

He leaves the morgue to go outside and I wasn't really sure what to tell Jake so I just take a shot at it, and talked about the weather. Jake wasn't really impressed, feeling just a bit embarrassed I teased him.

He started to glare at me and activated bloodlust. Which makes me happy, now I know that he's going to be fine.