
A tutorial instructor in a dungeon game

A story about a tutorial instructor simply doing his job as a tutorial instructor in a dungeon game.

Theodore_Mariano · Games
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3 Chs

Instructor Role

In the game, there are five main stats. Strength; Vitality; Intelligence; Dexterity; and Speed. Strength is a straightforward combat power of a player and a monster. This affects their attack. Vitality is the defense. Having more vitality means sturdier defense. Intelligence is the magical properties of a player. There are two variables of Intelligence, the combat magic and the resistance. That means roles like mages have huge advantage against other roles that depends on physical stats but weak against the same kind. Dexterity is a must have stat in a battle. This stat affects the chance to hit and the chance to land a critical strike. Speed is what affecting the chance of dodges. That is to say people with Speed have huge advantage against slow brutes.

To upgrade these stats, you have to spend trait points. These are gained by leveling up or gaining achievements. The game is generous to give 10 trait points per level up for a player. They are free to assign this points. But there is a catch. They have to assign the points relevant for their respective roles.

For example, a Fighter role is a physical close combatant. Their relevant stats are Strength, Speed and Vitality. A Ranger is a physical ranged combatant. They go with Dexterity and Speed. Mage role has the obvious stat relevance. They go with Intelligence.

Roles are chosen at the start of the game and cannot be changed if chosen. Unless a player creates another character to their liking. There is such thing as role advancement and this happens when a player levels up to 15 or higher. There are many branches that a role can evolve. Like a Fighter becoming a Warrior and a Mage becoming an Archmage.

Npcs like Lou have predetermined roles. That means they don't ever advance their roles. They only lived it in the game. Lou's instructor role is one of the unique roles that is hard to get no matter how hard you try. Lou is set to be a retired mercenary veteran and most of his skills are composed of Fighter skills. He cannot level up yet somehow, this Npc can fight foes who are physically stronger than him.

Somewhere in the real world, there is a slumped man resting on his gaming chair. That man is the user of Monarch66. "I've lost again..." said he. Monarch66 has leveled up to 33 and has a strong Strength and Vitality. His Dexterity is very decent. Monarch66 thought it deeply "That tutorial Npc... I've fought him again and again. Why can't I hit him? Was he programmed to be undefeatable? Or I didn't have enough experience to defeat him? Like he said, my combos are sloppy. If I want to defeat him, I need to time all my skills into one chain so that he will get off guard. I need to unlock more skills for that to happen."

Meanwhile, in the game. Lou is planting his herbs again. "I really need someone to guard these herbs. Thieves enter my farm as they pleased and stole my blood, sweat and tears. They shouldn't be mercenaries. They are just thugs." he complained loudly in his farm. After planting the herbs, Lou grabs a wooden stick and faces toward a straw dummy that he built himself.

"Deep breaths. Remember, strike the enemy at their limbs and body." he said before starting his training. He raises up his stick, glares at the emotionless dummy, he shouts and he slaps the dummy with his stick. "Hah! Hah! Yah!" he shouted every swing. The stick lets out a wooshing sound everytime it was swung, and a soft thud as it hits the dummy. It is a simple training exercise. This should been a tutorial quest on how to use a weapon, yet the one who is doing it is the one who is supposed to give it.

Npc Lou may not be a real person, but he is not only training because it is his routine, he trains so that his skill with the sword will not rust. Many players may have missed one or two in the game. One of them being ignoring the game's basic mechanics. Dungeon Hunt is a game that is played using the latest virtual reality game capsule. Yes, it is a virtual reality dungeon crawler game.

Players developed their own playstyle thanks to their extensive playtime in the game. Yet there is one thing nobody knows in the current Dungeon Hunt. And that is the core basics of the game. Why is the core basics gone? Because the developers forgot them themselves when they were recreating the tutorial. That makes Lou the only person in that game world who knows what the fundamentals are.

"When tired, the best course of action is to retreat to safety. Run as far as you can." said Lou. He is tired so he goes back to his house to rest. Another day in the game world, Lou does his routine. Monster hunting, farming, and resting. He meets with other players but most thought of killing him thinking he is a mob. Of course, these players are newbies. They couldn't stand a chance against Lou. Lou just knocks them out with a sheathed sword.

Some wanted revenge against Lou but lost their interest when their battles became too long. They rather explore the dungeon than fighting an Npc giving tutorial lessons. Lou scratches his head with disappointment. "These mercenaries are way too prideful to admit their loss. Too stubborn to not listen to my advice. The dungeons are filled with dangers but they just keep coming. I do admire their guts but I do not approve to this nonsense. They are also too shameless to boot. Stealing herbs on broad daylight. Who taught these kids?" he grumbled while eating a fried pork meal.

He then sees a familiar face. "You're back for more rounds, Monarch66?" asked Lou to Monarch66. Lou can sense that Monarch66 has become stronger once again. "I have come to defeat you. I will defeat you." said Monarch66 as he points his Berserker Blade at Lou's chest. Lou smiles and asks for Monarch66 to wait.

He goes inside his house to pick up his Steel Blade. "Show me what you got." said Lou, taunting Monarch66. Monarch66 buffs himself again with Warrior Spirit and Stoneskin. "Meet your end!" shouted Monarch66 then he used Flash Step to reach Lou. He tries to use Bash but gets countered with another Bash from Lou. "You're too predictable!" shouted Lou as he thrusts his sword to Monarch66. The sword didn't pierce through the armor. Monarch66 shakes his head and attempts to use a new skill he got from leveling up. An active skill called "Quadra Strike". Quadra Strike is performed by striking the opponent with 4 strikes in quick succession.

That pushed Lou back as he blocked it with a simple guard. Lou attacks Monarch66, with two strikes and steps back. "I see. The instructor will attack when my skills are in cooldown. How about this?" thought Monarch66. He begins using "Hard Edge" and "Double Thrust", both are basic skills that can be learned by the Fighter role.

This pissed Lou off of his mind. The reason is that this three hit combo is way too sloppy. "You call that skill?! I'll show you how to do it!" shouted Lou in anger. Lou parries both the attack using his Steel Sword, which evidently cracked. Monarch66 is about to seize this opportunity but gets pushed back using the same combo he used earlier. His Hard Edge hits like a falling tree and his Double Thrust is very accurate.

Monarch66 falls into the ground. "Crap!" he shouted. Monarch66 braces himself for another attack but nothing happens. "Its your lucky day. Its your win, Monarch66." said Lou. Monarch66 looks at Lou with disbelief. Then he sees that the Steel Sword has shattered into pieces. "A swordman is nothing with his sword. It is best to retreat and get another weapon to fight for another day." said Lou with a satisfied smile.

Monarch66 didn't feel like winning at all. "Can I have another match with you again Instructor?" asked Monarch66. Lou nods in approval. And said, "I am up for the challenge. Come back later after you properly trained your skills." Monarch66 silently nods then left the area. "Looks like I need to visit the blacksmith for another sword."

Meanwhile, Monarch66 is sitting listless on his bed with his goggles on. The thing you use for virtual reality game. "I can feel the real power of those skills. Should I have spend my skill points on those skill? He is stronger than he look. I've underestimate him again." said Monarch66 in his thought.

"Brother? Are you there?" said someone. This is a voice of a young boy. "Come in Sam." said Monarch66 with a sigh. The door is slammed open and Sam springs on Monarch66 with excitement. "Brother! Brother! Guess what dad bought! Its Arcaea VR Set, just like yours! I get to play a game with you!" said Sam excitedly. "You've done something good for the old man to buy you a gift? Congrats Sam." said Monarch66 while patting Sam's head with a bright smile.