
Chapter 1

"Today is the day." Y/n muttered, walking to school. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. Today was her first day at UA highschool, the school for the elite. She had shown off her quirk at the entrance exam and passed with flying colors. She felt a mixture of emotions both then and now, however she mostly felt excited. This was the first time in her life she felt like maybe she could make something of herself.

As Y/n approached the doors of class 1A, she peered inside the window. She felt a sigh of relief, the room was empty. She walked inside the classroom, setting down her bag and sitting at one of the desks. Y/n looked around the classroom for any sign as to who her teacher would be. However before she could fully scan the room, she noticed a boy walking in.

"Hey there!" He greeted with a smile.

"Hey." she said coldly.

"The names Kirishima Eijiro." The shark tooth boy said. Y/n simply grunted, hoping he'd leave her alone. But the boy persisted.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"L/n Y/n." she said.

"That's an awesome name!" He said.

Eventually other people joined the pair in the room, and he began conversing with them. Now that she wasn't being bothered, Y/n laid her head down on the desk, waiting for the class to start.

A little later.

"Alright class, we're doing a test of sorts." Aizawa said. "Bakugo, what was your furthest pitch in softball?"

"Uh, 67 meters I think. Why?" the ash blonde asked.

"Try using your quirk while pitching." Aizawa responded. A grin appeared on the boy's face and he went up to pitch.

"DIE!" He yelled. Sparks flew from his hand and using his quirk to propel the ball, he threw it. Aizawa held up a device with the numbers '705.2 meters.' Seeing the number made people get excited, eager for their turn. People starting murmuring about how fun it looked and how it's about time they got to use their quirks.

"You think this looks fun hm?" Aizawa asked. "You only get three years here to become a hero. It's certainly not going to be all fun and games here. Idiots. Today you'll gain points based off how good you do and whoever is in last gets expelled."

"But we just got here! You can't send one of us home, it's not fair!" A round faced girl shouted.

"And you think naturally disasters are fair? Or power hungry villains? No. The world is unfair. It's the hero's job to try and combat that. UA is going to push you to make you your very best." Aizawa said.

"He's not wrong. The world is unfair. The only people who can even try to help make a difference is the heros." Y/n thought.

Skip to the softball test.

One by one people went, using their quirks to the best of their abilities. Then a boy went up to pitch. He had red and white hair and a scar on his eye. Y/n looked at him with a curious face, she hadn't seen him during the entrance exam. She watched as he used ice to propel the ball.

"What? His quirk looks like mine..." Y/n thought. "Now how am I supposed to stand out?"

"L/n, quit your daydreaming, it's your turn." Aizawa said.

"Kay." Y/n said. She took the ball and walked up to pitch. With a deep breath she threw the ball, using her crystal ability to propel it as far as she could make it go. She looked over at Aizawa and the device he held up. '342.4 meters.' It read.

"Not good enough." Y/n thought as she walked away.

"Next." Aizawa said as a girl with a frog like appearance went next.

"Those crystals you made were super pretty!" A girl said. Y/n turned to see the round faced girl from earlier.

"Thank you." Y/n said.

"Can you change the color? That'd be so cool! How long does it take for them to disintegrate? Can they be used as weapons? Oh, sorry, I'm probably asking to many questions. My name is Ochaco Uraraka!" The girl said with a smile.

"I can change the color, yes. It depends on the size but some, if small enough, can stay intact forever if I so wish. And finally yes, I use them as weapons." Y/n responded.

"That's so awesome!" Ochaco said.

"What's your name?"

"L/n Y/n." She replied. Even though Y/n didn't necessarily want friends, she couldn't help but feel that one friend wouldn't help and so they began chatting.

When the time came to see their scores, Y/n was disappointed to see she was one of the top three, but she wasn't last so she wasn't all that upset. During lunch Ochaco sat next to Y/n and they exchanged phone numbers and began to talk.

"Maybe we can hang out this weekend if I'm not busy." Ochaco said.

"Okay." Y/n responded.

"You're not much of a talker, huh?" The girl asked.

"No, sorry."

"Thats okay, not everyone is! Luckily for you, I love talking!" Ochaco said. Y/n smiled at this, feeling happy that she made a friend.

"I guess having friends isn't so bad after all." Y/n thought.

"Kay, so, Y/n, where did you go to middle school?" Ochaco asked.

"Oh, I was home schooled." Y/n said.

"I wish my parents would have homeschooled me! Your parents must be super cool!" Ochaco responded.

"Uh... Yeah, I guess so." Y/n muttered.

"Where did you go to middle school?"

The pair continued the conversation and slowly but surely, Y/n began to warm up to Ochaco. Lunch ended and eventually so did the school day. Y/n began walking home when she was stopped by Present Mic.

"Aye, kiddo, can I talk to you for a sec?" He asked.

"Yeah, 'course." Y/n said, following him to a more secluded area.

"Look, kid, I know you have your heart set on this dream but... Is it worth trying to pursue?" He asked. "Your dad would've-"

"Leave papa out of this, Mic. I know you think it's 'too dangerous', but it's not. I'll be fine. I'm not afraid of death." Y/n said.

"That's the problem..." Present Mic muttered. He sighed and put a hand on her shoulder. "I'll support whatever you decide, just be careful. Please. I got a promise to keep."

"Okay, I'll be careful. Just trust me." She said. "Now I gotta go."

"Okay... Bye kid." He said as she walked away.

Y/n walked into the orphanage and was met with a swarm of questions from the younger kids.

"What was UA like?" One girl asked

"Did you get to meet All Might?" another chimed in

"Whose quirk was the coolest?" one shouted.

"Now children, it's not very nice to bombard young L/n-chan when I'm sure she's very tired. You can ask her questions later." A woman said.

"Aww!" The cried as they walked away.

"Thank you, Yuuko-San." Y/n said.

"Don't mention it. Dinners on the stove right now if you want to rest for a little while. I'm sure you're probably tired. I'll have Kiko wake you up when it's time for dinner." The woman said with a smile.

"Alright. Again, thank you." Y/n thanked as she walked away. She walked to her room and set her bag on the floor by her bed.

"Hey, Y/n. How was your first day?" A girl asked while reading a book on the opposite side of the room.

"Hey Kiko. It was long but I met a friend so, not bad I guess. How about you?" Y/n asked.

"I skipped. School ain't my thing." Kiko said, turning the page. "I started applying for jobs. Figured I better start saving for when I get kicked out of this place."

"Yeah. I should too but, who cares." Y/n said.

"Regardless, you shouldn't drop out of school. At least you got to go."

"Yeah, I guess." Kiko mumbled. "Anyways I-"

"Kiko! Can you help me?" A little girl yelled. Kiko sighed and sat up, setting her book face down on her bed.

"Kay, talk to you later then." She said as she left the room.

"Bye." Y/n replied. She changed out of her uniform and into a pair of sweatpants and T-shirt. Finally she laid on the small bed and closed her eyes.

"I'll become a hero, even if it costs me my life."