

Hello there, dear reader. I figure I should explain a couple things before you begin to read.

Y/n is your name and L/n is last name. I hope you don't mind but I will be describing Y/n how I see her to make this easier to right.

First off, quirk.

Name: Crystalize

Description: Y/n possess the ability to form crystal like objects. She can determine the shape, color, size, and sharpness.

Use: Often times she uses them as platforms, creating them under her feet mid jump. However she can also use them as weapons or walls.

Hero costume: Y/n wears a black crop top paired with black shorts, fingerless gloves, and big chunky boots.

Y/n has to have as much skin as possible showing so she can form crystals with ease. The shoes and gloves were made with a special type of material that allows her to create crystals through them.

Please don't expect me to word this story and the events that happen exactly like the show. I haven't seen the show if forever so all of the wording is most likely going to be my own.

I hope this is enough explained. Enjoy the story, Dear reader.