
A True Villainess

Every Isekai novel about taking the body of the villainess is roughly the same. They take the villainess's body and do good and try to clear her name and win over all the male leads' hearts and take the place of the female lead and blah blah blah or mainly something like that. However, that's all boring. Where is the fun in all that? Wasn't the villainous meant to bring drama to the story? Give meaning to the plot. That's where our main character comes in, Lee Jihyo. Lee Jihyo is a woman who hates what people mean to be THE standard. That standard is beautiful, rich, and powerful. The people at the bottom of the food chain have it rough and that's where Jihyo came from. Her parents were a big factor in the way she thinks today but this story is not of her past, but of her future. Her favorite novel (the only novel that made her express any sort of emotion other than emotions of negativity) was a novel called 'Beauty and Light'. Despite the name, she couldn't care less about the main storyline and the heroine and hero. What she was hooked on was the villainous, Anastasia Becker, who was just like her. Ugly, harmful, and hateful. The ending was predictable but she still hated how the "criminal" was treated all because she didn't meet the standard. She saw herself as the villainess and when the book ended she wanted another story for the villainess, a story where she won. Thus her prayers were heard and she was put her in her hero's body. This journey is her journey to get to the top in whatever way she can. She will have no mercy. She will do whatever it takes. She is not like other villains who have sympathy and care. She threw those feelings away far into the trenches of hell. She will remind you all what a villain can do for she will show you what a true villainess is. art of the cover from the Korean webtoon the dark lord's confession. (I will change it soon I'm working on it) I hope you enjoy :))

aluluf · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Fixing Part 2

I must ensure Arlan's life this time, and this life will be nothing but happiness for him. 

Isabella brings in the headmaid, Arlan's maid, his nannies, and the remaining maids I didn't pick.

"All of Arlan's maids and nannies, you're fired. I want you out of this house right this very-"

"You can't do that madam" Oh so that darn wench can speak.

Meet the head maid. She is around 2 years older than Anastasia's mother and Anastasia's dad's mistress. Well only me, her, and father know (for now). She loves to think she is above everyone just because she sleeps with my sorry excuse of a father. Nonetheless, her idiotic behavior ends today.

"And who are you to tell me I can't do any of this you wench? Just because you're sleeping with my father doesn't mean you can boss me around?"

Her face was flustered and her eyes were looking at me with confusion. Of course, she was thinking about how on Earth I would know any of this but as if I would tell her.

"Listen here, I could care less if you sleep with my father or not, the next time you ever think you can boss me around I'll cut that mouth and tongue of yours and give you no way to ever talk like that to me again, do I make myself clear?"

She nods her head and starts to look down.

"Now then, you lot who I said have to leave, what are you still doing here?! BEGONE!"

As I say that, those maids leave in an instant.

"Since Arlan has no maids or nannies now, that's where you people come in" I turn towards the remaining maids who I hadn't picked this morning. "You with the glasses, you with the ponytail and you wearing the green hair, you guys will be staying the rest out of my sight."

The rest leave in a hurry, they will be tending to the house but I could care less about that if I'm being honest. I look towards the head maid.

"Now I want you to look carefully at who I chose, you cannot change it whatsoever or else I'll be revealing much more than you're sleeping habits, get out of my sight."

She leaves the room trembling and mumbling, good.


They look at me confused.

"Your name you bafoons"

"My name is Anna Madam," Says the one with the ponytail.

"My name is Herta Milady," Says the one with the glasses.

"And I'm Cristina you're grace," Says the one with the green hair.

"Now, as you people have seen Araln doesn't have any maids or nannies so you guys will be his maids and nannies. Any objections?"

Nobody says otherwise.

"I will introduce him to you later, right now he is with my maid, but I want to make one thing extra clear. Hurt him, make him feel any emotion other than happiness, or even talk rudely to him just once and you will regret living. I want him to live a happy and long life, Don't even think about making it hard for him. If any person you see is mistreating him or talking rudely to him you must tell me immediately, even if it's the Duke. Have I made myself clear?"

They all nod and just a second after my mother barges in.


I signal at Arlan's new maids to leave the room and then turn to this new nuisance.

"Could you shut up? If you have such a big problem with it I suggest you take it to someone else who could give more shits than me. I'm quite tired so if you have nothing of importance to say I suggest leaving and doing what you normally do"

I could see her fuming and smoke coming out of her ears.

"It looks like I have not been as clear so far, Mother, you have no rights whatsoever to tell me what to do, especially with the things I know"

"And what may a useless child like you know"

Hmm, maybe everything wrong you have done but let me be a bit nice for once and say just a few things.

"I don't know, the fact that the child you now harbor is not of the duke but of his assistant, or the fact that you are part of a cult and-"


She is so close to melting down and running away that it's pathetic.


"What were you saying about my rights again? That I can do whatever I want? That you won't stop me? That's what I love to hear I'm glad we are on the same track here Mother now I'll promise you this. I won't tell a soul what I know if you can ensure me three things. Deal?"

"Wh-what three things"

It's so satisfying seeing her so helpless and pathetic oh how I would love to take a video of this and play it over and over.

"I said do we have a deal?"


"Good now here is what I want from you. First, leave me, Arlan, and the twins alone. Go take care of your other two children and stop trying to make them hate me. Second NEVER meddle in my affairs, even if they affect you, and third and my favorite one of all, do whatever I ask of you. Am I clear?"

She nods and leaves but turns back with a sudden smile on her face.

"But what proof do you have? Nobody would believe you hahaha hahaha what was I thinking listening to you? I won't-"

I slap a file on the table and she hurries to take it.


She proceeds to tear it and act like she did something.

"Hahaha, now what?"

I slap another file on the table.

"I have many more where that came from now woman who birthed me do you have anything more to babble about?"

She opens it and then pauses


Her eyes get bigger and she kneels.

"I'm so sorry where are my manners I'll do all that you ask of do not worry a bit now I will leave your sight and await you're call!"

She runs out of the room almost falling. That would have been a nice sight to see.

Now what should I deal with next?

Should I get the twins a life? Or should I just relax until my lunch my with sweet little baby brother? All this fixing is too damn exhausting. I want this over as soon as possible. Fine, I'll deal with those damn twins. The sooner the better.
