
A True Villainess

Every Isekai novel about taking the body of the villainess is roughly the same. They take the villainess's body and do good and try to clear her name and win over all the male leads' hearts and take the place of the female lead and blah blah blah or mainly something like that. However, that's all boring. Where is the fun in all that? Wasn't the villainous meant to bring drama to the story? Give meaning to the plot. That's where our main character comes in, Lee Jihyo. Lee Jihyo is a woman who hates what people mean to be THE standard. That standard is beautiful, rich, and powerful. The people at the bottom of the food chain have it rough and that's where Jihyo came from. Her parents were a big factor in the way she thinks today but this story is not of her past, but of her future. Her favorite novel (the only novel that made her express any sort of emotion other than emotions of negativity) was a novel called 'Beauty and Light'. Despite the name, she couldn't care less about the main storyline and the heroine and hero. What she was hooked on was the villainous, Anastasia Becker, who was just like her. Ugly, harmful, and hateful. The ending was predictable but she still hated how the "criminal" was treated all because she didn't meet the standard. She saw herself as the villainess and when the book ended she wanted another story for the villainess, a story where she won. Thus her prayers were heard and she was put her in her hero's body. This journey is her journey to get to the top in whatever way she can. She will have no mercy. She will do whatever it takes. She is not like other villains who have sympathy and care. She threw those feelings away far into the trenches of hell. She will remind you all what a villain can do for she will show you what a true villainess is. art of the cover from the Korean webtoon the dark lord's confession. (I will change it soon I'm working on it) I hope you enjoy :))

aluluf · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Adam and Aliyah

"Isabela" I glance to the side of the room she is standing at.

"Yes, madam?"

"Do you have any siblings?"


"And how is your relationship with them?"

"It isn't terrible but we do have fights. I have three younger siblings and they are all a hassle. The 2 girls especially, you would think it would be my younger brother but he is rather mature for his age. He is 2 months younger than Arlan but I swear to you he may act as old as any scholar in the kingdom. He also gives the best advice"

I suddenly pictured a younger boy version of Isabella as a monk-

"Nonetheless even though we all have our ups and downs, we love each other and would do anything to make sure we are all safe. Our parents left us on the streets and it's just been the four of us ever since. We know our life isn't the most extravagant or the most appealing but we are happy together. Oh my I have been babbling for quite a while I'm so sorry milady-"

"I liked it"


"I liked how you described it. It shows how much you care for one another. I was trying to think of a way to talk to the twins. They don't hate me by free will, they are just children, and they look so lonely."

"Miss, may I say something?"

"Why do you think I'm talking to you?" She laughed.

"The twins, how do I put this, the first time I saw them was next to the duchess and anybody with good vision would see that their eyes were crying out for help. They don't smile a lot or speak a lot and they seem so distant. This morning at dinner they looked at you and Arlan with envy. I could see they wanted what you and Arlan have. I don't think they are bad kids at all, just kids who want even a crumb of love and affection. Miss, I hope you can give them that."

Did she say her younger brother was the wise one or was she talking about herself?

"I will try Isabella, if there is one thing in this world I refuse to blame then that is children. They may have ridiculed me alongside Mother but they never did it with their own free will. Do you know where they might be?"

"Let's check their rooms milady"

"Lead the way"

We quickly get up and walk towards their rooms. I have Anastasia's memories linked with mine and she never thought of the twins the way Isabella did. I'll be sure to thank her later.

As we walk towards the twin's rooms I start to realize the difference between how Anastasia's side of the house and the rest are designed. They really don't like Anastasia at all. 

We reach their rooms and they are facing each other. Who should I attempt to first-


I turn around and see Adam. I was hoping to start with Aliyah but this will do.

"Adam, could we maybe talk?"

"Did I do something?"

"No, I just want to talk. Can we?"

He nods while looking down and proceeds to open his room door.

He motions at the sofa and I take a seat. His maid brings us tea and he sits on a chair across me. I take this time to truly analyze him. He has Tanzanite eyes just like Anastasia but brown hair just like his mother. He also has a mole on his right cheek which to me looks adorable. 

We sit there in silence and a memory pops up in my head. Anastasia's memory. It's on the day of her birthday banquet when the original female lead arrives and Anastasia bursts out of the hall furious. Adam noticed Anastasia hadn't eaten and brought her some cakes and was the second and last person to wish her a genuine happy birthday(the first was Arlan of course).

I smile. 

"Do you hate me?" I say abruptly. Let me get straight to the point and waste no time whatsoever.

He looks me in the eye and shakes his head.

"But Mother said I should. Please don't hurt me for it." He says fiddling his fingers.

"Who said I would hurt you because of something like that? And don't worry about anything Mother has said and will say. She can't do anything to any of us anymore. You are free to do as you please and you can take my word for it."

Silence yet again.

"A-are you saying the truth?"

Is he crying?

"Why would I lie?"

He starts crying like a maniac. What has she done to this child?



Aliyah bursts into the room and goes to comfort him. 

"You witch! What have you done to him?!"


Why this little-

"Aliyah, big sister did nothing bad. Aliyah we finally-" 

Then he goes right back to crying. At least finish what you were going to say.

"Aliyah listen, I was just speaking to Adam about how Mother won't torment or hurt you both anymore."

I walk towards them and hug them both.

"You can do as you like and nobody will hurt you for it. You can play and do all sorts of things. I also want to be a big sister you both deserve to have. Nobody will hurt you under my watch. You both are free."

They both cry loudly in unison. Just what on Earth was that wicked woman doing to them. I carry them both, put them on my lap, and let them cry and scream as they please.

My ears wanted justice but it was for a great cause. In Anastasia's memories, she had always wanted to get close to them. I also want to get close to them.

Thank you again, Anastasia.


"Are you both done? I'm afraid I can't feel my arms."

They both jump up realising how much time has passed. Their eyes are red as roses. 

"We are sorry, we didn't notice-" Alyah says looking down.

"No more sorry unless you actually need to say it, do you both understand?"

"Yes," they both say softly.

I hug them and carry them up. They are both so tiny for eleven-year-olds. Why?

"Would you both like to have lunch with Arlan and me?"

They both nod their heads and I take them with me. Before I leave the room I turn to Isabella.

I lean closer to her "Find out what you can about their maids I was a full report by the time I have returned."

Isabella bows and I take them both with me to the gardens where Arlan and Catherine are.

"ARLAN!" I shout with delight.

He turns the second he knows that it is me calling him and runs towards me.

I place the twins down and open my arms to receive his hug and the impact makes us both fall with laughter.

I wish this happiness could last forever.

We stand up and Arlan turns towards the twins who are holding each other's hands.

"Big sister, what are-" Araln says a bit scared.

"Adam and Aliyah will be joining us from now onwards. They are our friends now. Is that alright?"

He loads for a minute.


He runs toward the twins and hugs them.

"I always wanted to get to be friends with big sister Aliyah and big brother Adam. Let me show you both where we are eating. I helped make the table and put the flowers and bring the food and- you guys have to see it."

He grabs Adam and Aliyah and dashes to the table.

Has my cute baby brother forgotten his big sister? Have I already lost?

I refuse!

I make my way to the table and see Catherine making space for two more. She is quick, I like that.

"I made the bouquet with Catherine oh and you see the rocks over there? I MADE THEM STAND LIKE THAT!"

(everybody in unison thinks to themselves how adorable Arlan is)

"Let's eat now shall we?" I say dying to eat something delicious.

The lunch was great. Arlan went on and on about everything he accomplished today and the twins opened up more and they all seemed happy. Being an older sibling is hard but it can be worth it.

Arlan's new maids arrive and I leave them with Arlan and the twins and make my way back with Catherine.

Isabella gives me the report on the twin's maids and I replace them immediately with two maids and one male servant.

Time flies and dinner approaches and we all have our fun.

I tuck the twins and Arlan in bed and proceed back to my room with the utmost joy. I accomplished a lot more than I had hoped today. 

What will be in store for me tomorrow?