
A Traveler and his magical ginger cat ( A genshin impact fanfiction)

A Bear Grylls fan got reincarnated to Tevat for unknown reasons it is a journey of our protagonist finding his path and happiness

darkmatter369 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 3 Purple Crow

Opening my eyes I saw an unfamiliar ceiling lol its my tent man air here is so nice and fresh feels like I am getting stronger just by breathing so I took deep breaths while looking at the surrounding and thinking about how am I going to go down without risking injury

now that I think about I should clean my injuries and use wolfhooks that I got yesterday.

While pulling myself out of the hammock using the safety rope I prepared Like Tarzan swung to my food bag branch for some sunsetas as breakfast I still can't tell the time but it seems like earliest in the morning or night? Idk cause I was so exhausted it is possible I slept all night and day .

I packed everything ready to move but stayed a little longer to clean my wounds and stomach that was a good dump I hid it in hole and covered it man now I have to refill water time like this I realised toilet paper was a luxuries of our time my ass feeling unsatisfied.


so while I was waiting for sun to show it's full glory I restarted the camp fire reheating the boar meat on boar fat with a Lil mint leaves as garnish on the pot as I was thinking of solutions for how to decrease weight as it will farther slow me down and eat my already limited stamina hmmm.

YES DA MEAT IS READY FOR CONSUMTION opps too exited it was lowder than Thought.

Just when I ate one I heard some thing moving I shot in one swift movement and stuffed the meat while running towards the voice with my bone spear with Curt ready ( name of the crossbow) I was ready for a fight no one can come between me and MEAT I saw a silhouette and shot again then heard a high pitch noise its human but not necessarily it could be a mimic I used my bone hook (its a rope and hook but sharpened bones are used instead of metal hook ) to climb the tree above used it again to swing form its behind and used the momentum to kick with full force its bow was launched out as I used my other bone hook to tie it as it was trying to stand and slamming it on a tree and ran towards her but may body reacts to something coming from back instead of side stepping I feel on my hands in push up position to dodge and rolled to the side while reloading curt but what I saw confused me it was a crow but it was bigger an purple as l thought it looked familiar I smelled something burning oh #@÷π•$€ m y meat I ran towards my meat while talking the girl as hostage when I reached hand became so black you can make the purple crow black again I put the unconscious girl near a tree and tied her to it nicely the purple crow followed me as it was about to throw some short of energy ball it stopped midway "oh" I connected the dots it was protecting the girl I smiled at the crow and said " mark come here" it looked behind it and I dived behind the girl and took her hostage and siad "I will blow her mind if you move " it looked angry humm " You answer my question and will not kill what do you say?hm" .