
A Traveler and his magical ginger cat ( A genshin impact fanfiction)

A Bear Grylls fan got reincarnated to Tevat for unknown reasons it is a journey of our protagonist finding his path and happiness

darkmatter369 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 2 The Resolve

am I gonna die in the hands somthing so ugly in my favourite game on the second DAY!? I rather be killed by Singnora ...

You know what like HELL I Am GOING DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT! with these thoughts I jumped down on distracted bow curl maybe and I am sure he is feeling more pain than me as I stabed in his neck where vocal cord is located and took his crossbow and shoot his head while kicked his abdomen and reloaded shoot the other two but missed second f**k my hands are shaking maybe adren- it run and punched me had now I am dizzy is it mocking me as it came slowly towards me as if sure I couldn't run a sudden impulsive action from my body I kicked his balls with everything I had as he was falling I made run for the crossbow after a few seconds he followed me but was slower than before heh I know it too it's very pain full but I love my life more than yours and shot him in the head fu*k it's disgusting even so you are just living your life " May thy soul rest in peace" I prayed for a sec and started walking towards the city of freedom.

I caught a boar on the way made some a stone stawe used sweet flower as a seasoning and boar fat as well fat to lubricant ofcourse after washing it cooked everything but ate only a little and stored the rest in the leather bag I found after I covered then in clean leaves you might ask why a city boy know how to Butcher well cause I am a hard core Bear Grylls fan means on a level I can eat some bug. not all and drink my pee when needed and I raided 3 hilicurl camps so got a some small knife, a pot , 67 crossbow arrows , a small shield, water bottle, and tent and some ropes and stored them compactly on my makeshift bag made from boar bones and some leather I found there camp and made arm guard and shin pads from the leftover now I am ready for the next day so I found a nice and hairy tree that could withstand my luggage used my bone hook to climb and tied my luggage to the trunk of the tree and branches I divided it cause it was heavy , made a hammock with a stone clothes , ropes and leather for maximum comfort then made roof with tent I harvested from them and made sure to tie a rope to the trunk and branch to my hand in case I fall and knife in my arm guard and slept

atleast tried to so I just did box breathing 4 sec in , 4sec hold , 4sec exhale , 4sec hold and repeat did it for while and slept.