
A Titan Tale

I suddenly travelled back in time, when I was youth and the Dreamland appeared in the world. I started playing it, in order to.... Change destiny? Gain power? Becoming Emperor?..... What do you think I should do? Join me on discord: https://discord.gg/MzSNTZtrYz

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14 Chs


As soon as he entered the safe zone, Rishabh instantly log out, completely ignoring the crowd.


He looked at the cell phone which just rang out. Looking at the screen, he saw 10 missed call from his mother, his friend Arjun and some unknown number. He instantly called his mother's phone, which is answered by her colleague Renuka. She works as tutor in a local tutorial point.

"Rishabh where were you?" she asked as soon as she put on the phone. "Is something matter?" Rishabh aske cautiously.

"You should come to the xxxxxx hospital. She receives minor injuries in an accident…"

"….", hearing all this his mind become blank. Standing up, he dashed towards the hospital. His speed surpassed normal human, while he just jumped off the hurdles like car, bikes and wall without much trouble.

Breathing heavily, he entered the general ward of hospital, founding out his mother and her friend. "How are you? How did this happen?…" he instantly fired several question, while checking her body.

Few hours later,

"You seems to be right, Mom. We are weak, weak for now. *Sigh*", Rishabh said while standing up, "let's go back to house. I think you need proper rest for now."

Returning home, Rishabh prepared dinner for both of them. While enjoying the soup, made by her son, Sharita commented, "I didn't know, you were such a good cook. Could you make dinner for us, every night."

"Yeah, sure. I will do, whatever you want", Rishabh replied, while thinking about what he found out. A small gang, had targeted the restaurant and mother become victim of the harassment. They want the owner to sell the restaurant.

"You don't have to worry to much, Rishabh. I am still Okay", she paused, and walked closer to him, and said, "I know you are angry, but don't you think it is good thing. It helped me in finding talent, my child had hidden this deeply….", she continued to coerce him.


Looking at her sleeping face, Rishabh sighed, and walked to his room, while muttering, "I definitely need to do something about our condition as fast as possible."

He opened his phone, where he received a e-mail, from the Dreamland. It says, "Dear Sir Pinaka,

We are glad for your valuable suggestion, regarding our game,..."

"They are really good at pretending", he said while closing the mail, and walked to the chair. Taking a notebook, he note down various events, and said, "developing a force inside the game isn't problem. The problem is outside the Dreamland. I can't just recruit people and train them. If they make some achievement, which I am sure they would do, there will be lot of eyes on us."

He sighed, and entered the game. A message regarding the update in user interface appeared. Looking at the patch notice, he smiled and walked towards the E&A store in vicinity. Inside the store, he looked around.

"Do you need any help sir", a pixie appeared in front of him.

"Oh! I would like to sell the beast corpses, and herbs I gathered yesterday", he replied.

"Please follow me", she said and flied towards a room. Inside it, she approached an old man, who will perform the appraisal for him. "Please take your sit, young lad", he said while pointing chair to Rishabh.

Taking the seat, he summoned everything he have to sell. About fifty ricbits corpses including some mutated one. There were other herbs too, like the stalk of Star Grass, Purple Misti, etc. Looking at everything, old man said, "Well Sir. I can pay a total 15 gold coins", and listed out the price of everything.

"You really are hard nut to crack", Rishabh said while closing the door with *Bang*. He is really angry, after all he failed in his first negotiation in this life, ever since he 'woke' up.

Taking a sit, in the park, he started to fill the bank details in the game. The features like Bank, Digital Wallet, Live stream, etc. which he could remember, suggested to the 'Dev team' of Dreamland. After completing everything, he filling everything, he chose to exchange some gold coins.

"Sir, Sir", he heard a voice beside him. Looking at it, he saw several players, staring at him, with big stars in their eyes.

"What's the matter?" Rishabh asked narrowing his eyes. Looking at the Rishabh, all the players tensed up, when one of them said, "Relax brother. We just wanted to know, how did you defeated that fierce dog at the gate?" while trying to ease everyone.

Hearing the question, he sighed. Rishabh said, "it was simple for me, but I am not sure for you."

"Why is that?"

"Simply, because I know some martial art, and after entering the game, I utilized my newbie pack to get mentor in the Training institute. After successfully defeating the virtual simulation of the beasts, there, I succeeded in tried walking outside", Rishabh said while standing up, and continued, "not to mention, I am not complete human. My race gives me, extraordinary strength, which has helped me a lot", and started to walk outside.

One of the player, just ran in front of him, with his lackeys, and said, "Why don't you help us in taking us for a walk, brother?"

"Nope", Rishabh said while trying to go outside. One of the lackeys, threw the fist, while shouting, "Bastard", but dodged easily. Before the lackey could get a second chance, several magic rings appeared around him, and gave him an electric shock.

"Thank you officer", Rishabh said looking at the police officer who appeared near them. Hearing this, young police officer nodded and asked about the situation, after which he checked up the footage. Before taking everyone involved into the station.