
A Titan Tale

I suddenly travelled back in time, when I was youth and the Dreamland appeared in the world. I started playing it, in order to.... Change destiny? Gain power? Becoming Emperor?..... What do you think I should do? Join me on discord: https://discord.gg/MzSNTZtrYz

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14 Chs


At the gate of the Safe Haven, many players are looking at the young man, who walked bravely towards the gate, with cane in his hand. As soon as he passed the two pillars, beasts growl could be heard. Slowly a dog like beast appeared in vicinity, with sharp fang, saliva dropping from its mouth.


It started to bark loudly, as the player crossed another pairs of pillar. Seeing the dog bigger than most of the cars from earth, he took some steps back, wanting to return. Soon, he heard voice of his friends, gathering some courage, he started to walk again, while holding the wooden rod tightly. As soon as he crossed the last pair of pillars, dog pounced on him.

All the courage, which he have left him. He wanted to walk back, but couldn't take a single step. Soon the dog appeared before him. Before the player could even shout, his head is eaten by the dog, and then spitted out. One of the player inside the gate, shouted, "With this we have 25th unsuccessful attempt."

Shaking his head, Rishabh chuckled a little, and finished his sculpture before retreating. He started to walk towards the training hall. "Hey brother, where are you going?" a voice rang out from behind.

"Who are you?" he asked looking a boy, few years younger than him, running towards Rishabh.

"I am Giri", boy said while breathing heavily. Nodding his head, Rishabh started to walk, ignoring the Rishabh's attitude, Giri started to talk to him, to get some answer, but failed to do so.

"Sir, is he with you?" Receptionist asked looking at the young boy behind Rishabh. "Nope. But he is another player", after saying that, he started to walked towards the room assigned to him.


Few days later, Rishabh thought to go outside. During this time, many players have started to explore the game, there aren't many players near the gate, except for some salted fish.

"Here come's the another one", one of them said, looking at the Rishabh, who starts to walk outside. Walking outside, dog appeared once again, but Rishabh's gaze remain as it is, and same is his pace.

When he walked past the final pillar, dog pounced at him. Slapping it like a fly, he continued to walk.

The fierce dog, thrown away several meters away, before landing and then rolling once again. The scene become exceptionally quiet.


"Did… did….did…"

"Am I dreamingggggggg…."

There are similar reaction of the other players. Coming out of the stupor, one of the player shouted, "Hey, did you get the shot of that", and everyone pounced at the camera, placed near them. Looking at the video, one of the player said, "What do you think, how much like will be get for uploading it?"


After some moment of silent, they looked at each other. They knew, how much valuable this video is, and after some discussion they created a channel and uploaded the video.

While Rishabh is going for some stretching, he didn't know that someone is trying hard to make him famous. It took only few hours to viral the video world wide, even government agencies become alerted to it. After all leaving the haven's city area is one of the major concern for them.


Meanwhile, inside the forest, Rishabh travelled for few hours, and encountered some beasts, as well as treasure chests, rewarding him with some silver coins and few equipment like boots, armor, etc.

He looked at the cave in front of him. Thinking for sometimes, he entered it. Soon a message appeared,

[You have entered the Ricbit Rodents Lore.]

[You are the first one to enter inside, you will receives 25% more exp. If you complete the dungeon in your first attempt, you will receives another 25% of total exp gained.]

"Ricbits huh. I thought it would be something dangerous, but still…", before he could complete various brownish rats like creatures rushed towards him. They have shiny red eyes, with crystal embedded on forehead, which could shot beam.

Rishabh dodge the incoming bill, summoning the crossbow, he started to shot them. The mana arrow, accurately hit each of the ricbits. As the number increased sharply, he took out few vial of potions, and threw it randomly, filling the entire cave with strange gas. After which he lit up the fire.


An explosion shook the entire cave, burning smell of corpses could be seen here and there. As the dust settles, Rishabh appeared unscathed, with dust on the spherical barrier around him, which spread as soon as it dissipates.

"Let's try this", he said and activated [Devour], instantly his shadow widens surrounding ten meter area around him. Cleaning every single pieces of remains of the ricbits. He started walking, while keeping the skill activated. Devour coverted the corpses into energy, filling the additional reserve in his body, after which it the excess energy converted into experience point.

[You have completed, Ricbit Lore. Your name will be engraved on the Glory tablet of the lore. Do you wish for the announcement of your achievement?] [Yes/No]

[You have fullfilled the condition for 25% excess experience point. Calculation total gain….]

[Congratulations! You had levelled up.]

[Congratulations! You had levelled up.]

[Congratulations! You had levelled up.]

[You are now at level 2. Keep this up.]

[You receives title: Pioneer of Earthling Dungeon Drivers. It increases the exp gain by 10% for you and your party. Your chances for encountering hidden mechanism also increases by 5%.]

[You receives 5 gold coins, and Return Scroll.]

"Nope", he said while clicking the second option. And then looked at the treasure chest which is rewarded for clearing the lore. Inside the chest, he found a recovery potion, a buff crystal for haste, and a book on monster taming.

Putting everything in the inventory, he chose to return, while hunting few more beasts.