
A Thousand Worlds

A not so average life ends, and a second one begins. A chance to redeem? Nahhhhhh, a chance to live out dreams would be a more apt description! But as with all, a simple man living out his dreams isn't quite the best of the best, nor the most of entertaining. A chat group (a certainly peculiar one) has been thrown into the mix as well. ==== Find extra chapters at: p@treon.com/stoned_face

Dreizehnn · Anime & Comics
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109 Chs

The Jade Emperor

Undisclosed Location,

??? POV,

In a dark hallway with numerous tall pillars supporting the ceiling which seemed to be out of sight with how large the place was, an old man sat on a majestic throne. The throne itself was placed in the exact middle of one of the walls such that the one who sat on it could observe the door to the hall which was on the other end. An old yet majestic carpet had been laid out, extending from the throne to the door.

The old man himself was slightly hunched over, supporting himself with a wooden staff that looked to be similar to a tree branch with a club-like head rather than something incredibly ornate. He had long white hair and elongated earlobes with holes at the ends, wearing a small gentle close eyed smile as he observed the gizmo floating in front of him.

This was Ohkwang, the Jade Emperor and the current King of the Heavenly Realm as well as the King of Man. He had been living in the human realm, watching over them and at the same time, making use of them in order to continue living.

He had been sitting here, thinking about how things would proceed after one of his subordinates had gone awry, completely levelling the city in which the human tournament had been held when suddenly, this thing had popped out of nowhere.

"Hmm... it is something man made....".... Or so he would say only this thing seemed to be completely foreign in nature, he could still influence it with his power but still, Ohkwang knew this wasn't a human construct.

A bit of tinkering later, he learnt that it could convert what he spoke to words and then upon sending, said words would appear as records? All in all, it seemed to work like those phone things.

Now normally he would have simply thrown it away, the thing wasn't exactly an object of interest to Ohkwang but, curiosity got the better of him.

[The Jade Emperor: ....]


Tokyo, Japan,

Aichi Academy,

Samuel POV,

Samuel rubbed his chin in thought, looking at the ceiling of the room he was in. Earlier he had rushed Tsukuyo to the nurse's office, just in case Amou (like always) went too far and the girl was actually hurt.

'A water bottle, a pair of gloves and.....the Sword of Surtr, Laevatein.'

Amou, surprisingly enough, hadn't followed him after that, maybe taken aback by what he had done..... Samuel didn't regret one bit of it.

'Don't ignore me!'

"Rather than ignoring, I'm just trying to understand." Samuel replied to the witch sighing, he would think about this after getting home.

'I find that acceptable.'

Tsukuyo sat up, resting against the wall with her katana laid beside her on the bed, "As expected, in close range I am no match for the Empress..... how disappointing." She sighed looking down, perhaps it was just impossible to beat the girl.

Samuel hummed, "You know she's not exactly a weak fighter." Comparing yourself to Amou was useless, she was in a league of her own when it came to physical prowess.

"..." Tsukuyo averted her gaze, she wasn't exactly a weak fighter either!

"Well what is it, your top speed is something even she couldn't react to in time. You just need to work on your bodily strength now." He gave her a thumbs up, it was completely true. Amou might be a monster but Tsukuyo too wasn't that far behind in that department, earlier she had moved at speeds which had surprised even the former after all.

"Hmm." Tsukuyo went into deep thought, her body was somewhat sickly naturally so building strength was something she could only do with time. There was no other way open to her.

Samuel lightly bopped her head, "Aren't you 14 or something? More than enough to be proud of."


"....So there's nothing to worry about then." Samuel folded his legs, looking at the ceiling. Could he have beaten her when he was 12 or 13?

His phone lightly buzzed prompting him to take it out and check the cause of said buzz...


'This is.....something.'

[The Jade Emperor: .....]

Of all the people out there, it had to be someone with the title of Jade Emperor?! Samuel's eyes widened in surprise, it wasn't exactly some low level title either. It was supposed to be a title for the King of the Heavenly Court in Chinese Mythology, said court was supposed to be filled with Gods!

[Samuel: Good day?]

That was about the best he could come up with at the moment..... At the same time, the person on the other hand smiled slightly, these types of people were refreshing to see if they weren't hostile.

[The Jade Emperor: Indeed.

Samuel: May I know your name?

The Jade Emperor: This thing already seems to know it...

<The Jade Emperor has been changed to Ohkwang>

(A/N: Ohkwang legit just means the King so it's not disrespectful to him.)

Samuel placed the phone to his side, rubbing his temples as he tried to take in the situation.

Ohkwang, or the Jade Emperor, was someone who quite literally threw a planet at someone that was being disrespectful, granted they were in the middle of a fight but still... How was he even supposed to talk to someone like that?!

'This is an entertaining turn of events..' Echidna remarked shifting slightly in her seat, this seemed to be from one of those worlds she found in his memories. She had also noticed that most of the worlds he knew were filled with fighting and combat.

On the other end, Ohkwang slightly laughed at Samuel's probable surprise, it was good that the youngster did at least recognise his elders. As for how Ohkwang knew it was a youngster? Well there was that picture of him right there.

[Ohkwang: I would like to talk to you however, now isn't quite the time.]

With that, the light on his name faded away indicating that he had probably put away the phone he was using to talk.

"What's wrong?" Tsukuyo looked at Samuel in slight worry, beads of sweat could be soon rolling down his forehead despite the temperature being more on the colder side.

"Well, strong old men for one." Samuel replied wiping his forehead as he checked the time, it was around 2 at the moment. Rin would get off school at 2.30 and he had to be there no matter what.

"Strong old men?" Tsukuyo repeated after him, what did old men have to do here?

"Yes and, when does school end again?"

"In about 15 minutes."

Samuel nodded, if he ran with all his might, he could probably make it to her kindergarten with time to spare.

"If you don't have any afternoon classes, you can just leave now." Tsukuyo mumbled out, it was a rather strange feeling to have her new friend leave only after a few hours but, she would definitely see him again right?

Samuel looked at her calmly, "I can?"

"....." She nodded slowly in affirmation, did she just make a mistake?

At the same time, the door to the nurse's office was kicked open, "Samuel, why'd you run away?"

"..." Samuel looked at Amou in silence, he didn't like the way she was saying 'ran away'.

"Someone just had to punch something." Samuel stood up, a hand in front of Tsukuyo just in case his childhood friend decided she was an enemy.

"I can't say I like you protecting someone from me." Amou folded her arms, resting her back against the wall. In truth, she should have been far more volatile just that Samuel's presence had changed something important, there was someone above her.

Her tendency to look down on weaklings hadn't been removed but it still had lessened by a fair bit. "Wanna do something about it?" Samuel slightly grinned at the girl, who in response, clicked her own tongue.

"I'll bite for now." Amou's posture relaxed, conflict had been avoided for now. "Exploiting people, and I'm supposed to be the bad person here." She remarked looking at the slightly blushing white haired girl behind him, perhaps it was because he didn't exactly behave his age but she noticed that it was easy for others to get swept up by him. She had even experienced it.

"Well that's rude. I haven't done anything of the sorts."

".... Course you haven't." She smirked at him, if he thought she couldn't notice such things then he had a whole other thing coming.

'...' The Witch of Greed was speechless, she preferred that humans be simple like the ones from her own world.

"You're heading home right? I'll come along."

"No you won't." Samuel immediately shot her down, even if she lost, she still seemed to think that she was in a position where she could unilaterally decide things.

"Tsk..." Amou clicked her tongue, she thought she could get away with that. "Alright.... may I please come along?"

"That's better." Samuel nodded in approval, that was a way better compared to before.

"See you tomorrow, Tsukuyo." Samuel waved her goodbye, walking towards the door.

"May I know what the relation between you two is?"

"No idea." Samuel answered, waving his hand in dismissal as he walked out the door.

"I keep getting rejected." Amou raised her hands helplessly with a small mocking smile, which greatly confused Tsukuyo. Of course, Amou didn't really see all this as a bad thing. Normally, she'd get what she wanted by force but with Samuel, it was impossible. She lost every time.... of course, that just excited her further.

"Why did she sound so smug?"

Tsukuyo stared at her back with open eyes, her lips curled strangely, appearing similar to a rabbit.


I implore you to check out Calamitous Rise.

Share thoughts please.

Samuel 'runs into' Hayasaka except Amou is there. What could go wrong?

Since some people still don't get it, lemme clarify. The main world, is the main focus of the fic as a whole. The world travels are sub arcs.

Also give reviews mfs.

Any suggestions for the story?

Join server or.....hmmm, join server or you furry.
