
A Thousand Worlds

A not so average life ends, and a second one begins. A chance to redeem? Nahhhhhh, a chance to live out dreams would be a more apt description! But as with all, a simple man living out his dreams isn't quite the best of the best, nor the most of entertaining. A chat group (a certainly peculiar one) has been thrown into the mix as well. ==== Find extra chapters at: p@treon.com/stoned_face

Dreizehnn · Anime & Comics
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109 Chs

Low Budget Wings

Undisclosed Location,

Samuel POV,

Opening his eyes, Samuel found himself in a completely different place. He stood on a plain with nothing but dense knee length grass and the eventual tree for miles and miles, a treeline could be seen off in the distance and some smoke rose in the distance in another direction but that was about it. The atmosphere was damp, humid and the sky was covered with grey clouds.

A sharp contrast to the blue sunny skies and vibrant atmosphere he was used to for sure.

"Hmmm..." A small contemplative hum came from behind him alarming Samuel and reminding him that he wasn't here alone this time. He had a companion, a very very powerful companion, a literal God.

"It's great to meet you face to face." Samuel extended his hand with a small welcoming smile, he'd gotten a bit comfortable with the elderly man standing beside him with closed eyes over the past few days.

"You're a rather... impressive youngster." The Jade Emperor, or as many came to call him, Ohkwang was a balding old man with elongated earlobes and a hunched back. He'd talked to the young man via that strange technological device and had taken somewhat of an interest in him. His personality and way of life was.... pleasing and nice to see.

"Ah you flatter me." Samuel spoke with a respectful tone, slightly bowing his head, the teenager had a habit of always respecting the elderly.

"It's good to know that what I saw wasn't an act." Ohkwang smiled with closed eyes, he'd have ripped him to shreds if it was and he would definitely be able to tell, he was a God. The teenager in front of him, despite being more impressive than most, was still a human and humans were below Gods, always.

Samuel only chuckled in response, taking a page from the book of those that had garnered the Jade Emperor's favour, he maintained a rather laidback attitude fully knowing that the 'old man' could kill him a good few times over before he could even move.

"Walk with me."

With those words, Ohkwang started slowly walking through the fields, using his club-like staff to support himself as he moved at a rather slow pace. "Damn.." Samuel followed behind with his hands in his pockets, unable to ignore the fact that the grass seemed to move away from the place where the Jade Emperor was stepping.

If it didn't move away normally, it was just straight up uprooted and flung away.

'Gods really do know how to flex.' Echidna's voice was laced with ridicule, such a thing wasn't necessary yet they expended energy to do it regardless... even if the energy spent was miniscule at best.

Samuel silently nodded his head in agreement, it did look cool but it was unnecessary... At least to him, it seemed so.

"Will you be participating in the God of High School?" Ohkwang asked curiously, he had to have some power if he was the literal owner of the anomaly that even he himself couldn't understand. Ohkwang wanted to see his prowess and move accordingly.

"I sure hope to." Samuel answered somewhat casually, there was no way he could pass up a chance to participate in such a competition.. Hopefully, his father would permit his complete absence for a week or two some time down the line.

"Are you sure you'll be able to compete?" Ohkwang asked in 'worry', the truth of the matter was that by human terms, the other combatants were complete monsters when it came to fighting.

"I'll manage." A small cheeky grin formed on Samuel's face, all he needed was a chance to learn the Martial Arts of God of High School and he'd be able to more than manage.

The two continued walking, a bit of casual banter here and there but nothing of significance was discussed. Ohkwang liked Samuel's casual attitude, having everyone kneel and bow at everything did get rather repetitive and boring for the old God and Samuel thanked his lucky stars that he was still in one piece... even if he could come back to life.

Somewhere along the way, they had started making their way towards the village only, it appeared that they wouldn't be able to relax even a slight bit as soon conflict made it's way towards them.

A dozen or so magic circles appeared in the sky, moving upwards and revealing armoured individuals that had clearly used said circles as portals.

Samuel whistled in a mixture of awe and expectation, he'd seen magic before, on a scale far grander than this and as such, his reaction was rather reserved.

Dressed in pitch black, some of them held spears, swords and other such weapons. Black pauldrons, shoulder guards, gauntlets and boots were also worn by all but one of them. A regally dressed woman with curved horns extending from her head, she was beautiful, insanely so, with long pink coloured hair hanging freely.

They looked mostly human, if not for the gigantic black bat wings extending from their backs.

"Hmmm.." Ohkwang eyed the new arrivals in mild curiosity, they slightly resembled the biblical demons he was used to seeing...but, they were weak.... Miserably weak.

Samuel only slightly tilted his head, clearly these 'devils' hadn't noticed them yet. Their gazes were fixed beyond the horizon, as if there was something far more interesting off in the distance and Samuel didn't mind that. He'd be alright if they just left like that.

'DxD, this is DxD. Only they have such low budget demon wings.' Echidna giggled before resting her head in one of her hands, her eyes brimming with curiosity and excitement, 'Make them use magic. They're weak but the demonic magic system offers incredible versatility, I can copy it easily. Converting atmospheric mana to Demonic Power should be easy if I know it's constitution.'

Samuel nodded plainly, he didn't like using magic but couldn't deny that it was useful on occasion, why not do what she asked if it made magic easily available?

Wait, he'd forgotten about something.

Samuel quickly looked over to Ohkwang, he didn;t mind it but the Jade Emperor would definitely mind being ignored by people standing above him.

"..." Ohkwang didn't look up, he only opened his eyes, revealing an omega symbol in the right and an alpha one in the left.

And then,

The 14 'Devils' flying in the sky were smashed into the ground, kicking up dust and soil, "That posture becomes you." Ohkwang closed his eyes again, rubbing his chin with a small smile. Who did these bats think they were? Ants crawling on the ground had dared to place themselves above him and then ignored him.

"Sheesh." A difficult smile formed on Samuel's face, most of the 'devils' had been crushed into a bloody mess sprawled all over the ground, dyeing the grass red and smearing it with their insides.

"Y-..." The horned woman seemed to be still alive though... barely. She raised her trembling hand with a hateful gaze, releasing pained grunts and moans. A small magic circle formed at the tips of her hands and a small stream of lightning in the shape of a dragon's head shot towards Samuel.

"It seems my age is catching up to me." Ohkwang chuckled at his own joke, slowly crushing the devil till there wasn't even a body to be recognised. He glanced at Samuel from the corner of his eye, purposely having not blocked the attack made by the woman as a test.

The results were pleasing.

Samuel had used one of his hands to grab the lightning... or at least tried to. Still though, apart from his sleeve burning away, there was no noticeable damage on him, only smoke.

'Imagination based magic should be pleasing to work with.'


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