
A Thousand Worlds

A not so average life ends, and a second one begins. A chance to redeem? Nahhhhhh, a chance to live out dreams would be a more apt description! But as with all, a simple man living out his dreams isn't quite the best of the best, nor the most of entertaining. A chat group (a certainly peculiar one) has been thrown into the mix as well. ==== Find extra chapters at: p@treon.com/stoned_face

Dreizehnn · Anime & Comics
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109 Chs

A New Mission

Two Weeks Later,

Tokyo, Japan,

Samuel POV,

In a grand well-lit library with multiple floors and shelves filled with all types of books in every single corner of the place, a silver haired teenager sat in the reading area next to a pile of books, a small ever-present smile on his face as he flipped page after page, seeming as if he wasn't even quite reading the books.

He sat at a table, alone and had a pair of earbuds in his ears, giving off the feeling that he was possibly listening to something or talking to someone. Samuel, as always, was dressed relatively simply, a dark blue sweatshirt and black trousers with white lines on the sides.

'People would probably think you're a studious person. Isn't that nice Samuel?' Echidna's voice rang in his head, it was a strange feeling but not an unpleasant one.

"It's boring to even sit here." Samuel shook his head in slight disagreement, he didn't even want to be here. Two weeks had passed and relatively nothing of interest had happened at all, a few major gang conflicts had broken out but they didn't exactly bother him so it was an unrelated topic.

Other than that, he'd been told he would be starting school next month so he got around two weeks off which were promptly spent gallivanting, Samuel had nothing to really do after all. He encountered some friends of his here and there and apart from the 'coincidental', as she put it, encounters with Hayasaka, nothing of note had happened.

'Well you did get somewhat closer to other people so that's a plus?' Echidna consoled? him for spending time messing around. There was that matter with beating up Spec but his father only congratulated him for it and apologised about giving the credit to the family for something his son had accomplished by his lonesome.

Other than a reputation boost and some run-ins with hooligans here and there, the past two weeks had passed quickly.... Well not that Samuel really minded that, he did want to have a relaxed and laid back life too after all.

'Stop being a child.'

"I'm not the one being a child." Samuel put aside the book he'd been reading and sighed, why would he ever come to a library unless it was urgent?

'Oh you go around with other girls and it's a problem if I want to read a book?.... Fine..' Echidna sulked with a pout, she'd seen him hang about with people for weeks and it was....., why couldn't he grant her what she wanted? It wasn't like she was asking for much, just books and knowledge. She was going to use it to help him...

"Right right, I'm sorry." Samuel only chuckled at the Witch's words and opened up the next book, once more flipping through the pages at speeds one would find strange....

Still however, appearances do matter a lot. Any average person would be met with strange gazes were they to do what he was doing and yet, the somewhat shy librarian, sitting behind a counter near the middle, only seemed to be stealing glances at him from time to time.

Samuel was aware of this but couldn't quite bring himself to care....until, a shit eating grin formed on his face.



Slightly raising his hand, he slightly waved at the girl with a warm smile on his face and closed eyes. The girl in question tilted her head in confusion before looking around to confirm that he'd waved at her and once she was certain, she shyly waved back with a slightly trembling hand.

Stifling a chuckle, Samuel returned to the book.

'You're not a good person.'

"What? People get bored." His retort was flimsy, he'd done it only because it was fun to watch the girl's reaction.

Now one might be curious as to what he was reading.. Samuel was going through high level educational material on sciences, theories, theses and other such things. The Witch of Greed was soaking up all this knowledge with clear excitement, it was certainly an amazing way to look at the world after all and precisely why she had wanted a contract with Samuel so badly.

Of course, she knew some of it but a lot of the information was new.. and yet, made complete sense. The Witch understood and memorised whatever Samuel lay his eyes upon at the same time, it would help further her own goals quite a lot.




'That's the last of it for now.' Echidna's tone itself conveyed how satisfied she was having read all those books, if this was what was available then Echidna would ask Samuel to marry her... except, she didn't think that even mattered anymore.

"Hm, I'm happy for you." Samuel had a wide pensive smile on his face, this would never get old.

'.....What?' Echidna felt she was being mocked.

"Just thinking about how you have your moments too." Samuel glanced at the men sitting nearby from the corner of his eye, he had two men on him at all times for security purposes but these weren't those two. They'd been observing him ever since he came in and Samuel was somewhat amused by the prospect of being spied on.

'W-Wha?....*ehem*' Echidna really did have her moments.

One other thing to note after two weeks was that Samuel was now far stronger, faster and skilled than before. He'd kept up his exercise and practise, which, of course he had, and the results were insanely bountiful. Adaptive Regeneration just built up stronger muscles and other relative things were they to be damaged, in this way, his progression speed would make any man jealous.

Tapping his fingers on the wooden table a few times, Samuel picked up the books he'd taken out and started placing them back where they properly belonged with great care, they weren't his property so it was only natural to care for them.

A few minutes later, he was completely done and was now making his way out of the library with a spring in his step. Samuel was overall a relatively happy and jovial individual that was affected rather seriously when he ended up going too far but then again, that was a rather normal and common thing.

He walked out of the library and right into the streets of the beautiful Meguro Ward of Tokyo, it was primarily residential in nature but also home to light industry and corporate head offices with school campuses as well as embassies of foreign nations.

Still however, it was a fairly beautiful place with many trees and other types of vegetation littered throughout the area. Samuel made his way through the streets, ignoring the attention he was getting from his appearance, already used to it, and soon arrived at a majestic lake surrounded by a line of trees. It had clear water and the scent of wet soil permeated the area.

The people following him had come along as well, they were often stupid like that and it had worked out as Samuel intended. Folding up his sleeves, the teenager turned to face his stalkers, the lake behind him.


The group chat could be very annoying when it wanted to be.

[New Mission has been assigned, starting immediately due to lack of members.]

The world froze as Samuel disappeared in a flash of light.


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