
A Thousand Worlds

A not so average life ends, and a second one begins. A chance to redeem? Nahhhhhh, a chance to live out dreams would be a more apt description! But as with all, a simple man living out his dreams isn't quite the best of the best, nor the most of entertaining. A chat group (a certainly peculiar one) has been thrown into the mix as well. ==== Find extra chapters at: p@treon.com/stoned_face

Dreizehnn · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
109 Chs

Father & Son

A/N: I've finally got it completely set up.

You can find up to 15 chapters ahead at p@treon.com/stoned_face


Tokyo, Japan,


Samuel POV,

A skyscraper built over a fairly large plot of land was what stood in front of Samuel at this moment, casting a shadow over nearly everything nearby due to it's height. It stood out even more because of the fact that Shibuya had little to no excessively tall structures or buildings. The building itself had an immense amount of floors, various departments managing various things were present in it.

It had a silvery design to it with a large 'H.C' written in the centre at the forefront, the building had no advertisements on it as if to display it's majesty without any sullying and Samuel, no matter how many times he saw it, was still taken aback by it.

But then again, it made sense. This was supposed to be a testament to their wealth and influence, considering they even managed to erect something this impressive in such a district... They did have enough assets to quite literally mess up a nation's economic infrastructure after all.

Shaking his head to get rid of useless thoughts, Samuel walked straight in, the glass doors opening automatically as he did. The sight inside surprised him once more, the floor was pretty much shining and giving off reflections, the ceiling was way too high and the walls were covered with tiles.

Choosing to not dwell on the matter, Samuel hurriedly walked over to the reception, dialling a number on his phone as he did.

"How may I help you... sir?" The woman at the counter had a slightly difficult look on her face, how come a teenager had wandered in here? Did she need to call security or something? A shame since he looked pretty good but, her job was more important to her.

".. We need to discuss something important." Samuel said calmly, he had some difficulty talking to his father... It was kind of awkward to be honest.

"...How may I help you, sir?" The receptionist didn't like being completely ignored.. though, she didn't get much time to be annoyed as the phone near her started ringing. "Silver haired boy, blue eyes, send him up. See to it that there's no problems." Ren's stern voice came from the other end, startling the woman.

"U-Understood!" She ended up saluting out of instinct, while Ren himself was a rather amiable person, his image was terrifying to the normal person. In simple words, he was far too overbearing.

"Please take the elevator to the top." The receptionist stood up, bowing respectfully, she had no idea who he was but he was clearly a big shot.

"Ah thank you, and, please don't be scared. My father isn't a bad person." Samuel waved his hands, trying to explain the matter before walking off to the side. The receptionist nodded dumbly, processing what had just been said.

'You did that on purpose.'

"Never said I was ashamed of my family." Samuel replied with a small smile, calling for the elevator. They were the things he would always be proud of no matter what.

The receptionist's eyes widened in astute shock and surprise, what did he just say? F-Father? As in the chairman?! ..Thinking closely, she saw it... Silvery White hair, blue eyes... Did she just disrespect the heir apparent?! Was she going to lose her job?!?

The woman was now having a nervous breakdown.

"Your job is safe!" Samuel chuckled, waving his hand to reassure her as he took a step inside the elevator.

The guards stationed around the area were all rather confused, who was the young man?


Ren straightened his tie, both his hands on the table as he contemplated what his son could want. Was he here to complain? To be honest, Ren wanted to see him do that. As a father it was worrying that his beloved son had never once cried or expressed his frustration.

His son clearly had problems, he had been sent to prison before and Ren wasn't exactly blind, even if extremely biassed towards family. The kid had killed someone.. but, it was partly his own fault. Ren regretted that he had gotten too complacent with his son's maturity..

That aside, he cleared his throat and placed his black glasses to the side. A pair of light blue eyes now came into view, clearly Samuel hadn't just inherited his attractiveness from someone way back in the family tree.

Did the kid want money?... Ren wanted to leave him a few million yen but his wife Mei had suggested otherwise so he relented and settled with nearly 500,000. If Samuel wanted more, Ren was more than willing to hand it over.

Did he have any problems at school? Ren would have the school shut down if there was any unfairness.

Did he finally find a girl he liked? Ren would congratulate his son with all his heart.

The older man's head was filled with numerous thoughts.. though, all these went away as soon as they came once the door opened and Samuel actually walked in.

"Welcome." Ren said calmly, ah he wanted to give him a hug but the kid would be troubled so no.

Samuel nodded at his father, "Morning father." Now that his mother wasn't here to force him into acting casual, he could treat the man with respect.

Ren's visage visibly darkened, why was he so formal?!

Samuel, slightly bowed his head in shame, thinking he had somehow earned his displeasure.

'....' Echidna giggled, holding back herself from throwing a fit of laughter, for all his wallowing and maturity, he had his cute moments. Though, she wasn't going to clear up the misunderstanding, it was fun to watch.

"I've obtained a graduation certificate from Aichi Academy."

"That's... good." Ren nodded thoughtfully, it was indeed good. After a bit of investigation, he had found out that the place was made to gather monsters and abnormal beings in an attempt to create some kind of superior human. He didn't want his son there.

"So umm.." Samuel looked around at the office awkwardly, this place was a bit too majestic. Paintings and vases etc of immense value, furnished wooden furniture, a glass pane in place of the back wall and a number of other things.

"I've decided to entrust you with further education." Samuel had a rather strange smile on his face, his eyes closed.

"I see. Shuchi'in Academy." Ren's reply was short, that place offered advanced teaching and he could probably meet people who interested him and were on his own level.

"...." Samuel nodded pensively, accepting the decision without any talking back. It was kind of expected.

'Elites of society. Frankly, people who try to end discrimination and the likes are somewhat stupid.' Echidna added her own thoughts, from his memories she saw all kinds of strange things. Those equal rights people were rather nauseating to her. It was impossible after all, humans are not equal. That was an undeniable truth.

"Samuel, the Shinomiya have proposed an engagement between you and their own daughter." Ren was blunt with the new information, it was better to see if Samuel would accept it or not.

"What is required of me?" Samuel asked politely, this was also well within expectations. No way someone of his background was getting something like a marriage out of 'love'.

"Nothing." Ren tapped his fingers on the table in front of him, why was Samuel still standing?! "Sit.. first."

Samuel tilted his head in confusion for a bit before taking a seat right across his father, was something serious going on?

"Shuchi'in Academy, the young lady attends it as well. A chance for interaction and then you can decide for yourself."

"I'll do it." Samuel agreed instantly, it was clearly something that would add immensely to their own power. The family as a whole would grow in terms of power and prestige.

Ren's eyes slightly widened in surprise before returning to the usual, "Call it off any time you feel like it. That's your right as a man of the Hayes." He said rather calmly, was his son thinking it was a necessity or something? "It is not an absolute necessity." Ren reassured, family over power was one of their mottos.

"Do you understand?"

"Yes." Samuel nodded slowly, well at least he could call it off if it became too much or unbearable.... or the girl was annoying... well he'd try his best but there's a certain extent to how much one can really take.

"Now onto the last matter..."

What Samuel had come here for was already done with and now Ren was discussing matters that needed to be discussed.


Share thoughts please.

Father and Son moments ftw. Fuck anyone who says no.

Anyway, developing nicely. The world mission is soon.

At the rate we're going, Akame ga Kill might win the poll though so that's a thing.

I want his relationships to be built on meaningful exchanges and events as well as things that have considerable effects on him as a person rather than just that he's hot and the girl is hot.

Also help, terror's back at it again with the weird ass relationships.

He's gonna make Tiamat a PTSD victim with Stockholm.