
A Thousand Worlds

A not so average life ends, and a second one begins. A chance to redeem? Nahhhhhh, a chance to live out dreams would be a more apt description! But as with all, a simple man living out his dreams isn't quite the best of the best, nor the most of entertaining. A chat group (a certainly peculiar one) has been thrown into the mix as well. ==== Find extra chapters at: p@treon.com/stoned_face

Dreizehnn · Anime & Comics
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109 Chs

A Gift

Tokyo, Japan,


Samuel POV,

Samuel folded his arms... or he wanted to but didn't because it would be disrespectful towards the man sitting in front of him at the moment. He raised a brow in curiosity, he had initially come here for one thing only and ended up discussing a number of things instead.

Ren locked together his hands, leaning forward, "With the main Yakuza family gone,... the others can now run wild." He explained seriously, this was a rather serious problem because the police were useless when it came to stopping them. Ren could, however, understand why it was so. Those people wouldn't hesitate to use one's family as blackmail.

Samuel nodded thoughtfully, "I've seen the news." When he was eating earlier, gang activity seemed to be the major topic of the news channel.

"I've recieved my own reports.." Ren quickly asserted, almost cutting his son off, news channels were easily manipulatable so he had his own people submit their reports, "The multiple gangs are moving." He pulled out a remote from under his desk, switching on the large screen behind them.

He motioned towards it with a finger making Samuel look over in clear interest.. however, the sight he saw was fairly surprising. "I.. see."

The screen showed attacks on people and businesses one after the other as well members of different gangs in varying attires attacking one another.

As for Ren just openly showing such things to his son? Well of course he did, he did love the kid more than anything but that didn't mean he was going to not show him what was necessary. As the next head of the Hayes, his son had to be tough and in the know. At the same time, Ren was confident of his son's mental capabilities, he had grown from his time in prison.. It was rather easy to see even if Ren didn't quite like it.

"As such, we will be relocating to one of the mansions." Ren informed him calmly, both of them knew that the other two were in far too much danger in their current home. A war over the entirety of the Kanto region would be taking place soon.

"I understand." Samuel wouldn't object, his sister and mother had to be safe at all costs.

"It is annoying however that, the few months you had left as a normal person are now gone." Ren rubbed his forehead, a small vein popping out on his forehead. Of course they could just get rid of these 'gangsters' in one go but, it would be a waste of opportunities.. There would surely be numerous things to be gained after the damage was done.

As a businessman, Ren couldn't let his compassion get the best of him,..... Not that there was any in the first place, his care and love was only for his family... not the people he could find in any number just by opening his window.

"Not at all." Samuel reassured with a smile, he didn't mind at all. He would be 18 in a few months and be officially announced as the successor to the Hayes Conglomerate, living a relatively 'normal' life would be impossible after that.

"That will be all." Ren nodded, folding his legs under the table,... his son hadn't called him dad once... (A/N: Sad Ren noises lmao.)

"Then I will take my leave, father." Samuel stood up, bowing respectfully before turning to leave.


"You need something?" Samuel asked politely, he would do anything and everything within his power to fulfil any request made.

Ren reached under his desk and pulled out a pair of keys before throwing them to Samuel, "Here, for all the birthdays I've missed." The corners of the older man's lips curled upwards.... he.. cracked a small smile.

Samuel's eyes widened in astute shock.

'...' Echidna was speechless, something was seriously wrong with these people.

His father smiled? That was a rare occurrence... wait a second... Had he ever actually seen the man smile ever?! Samuel dumbly caught the keys in his hands, still in the middle of processing what was happening, "I, don't think I des-.."

Ren placed a black card on the table, it had a golden strip running along the top and designs along the edges. "Your allowance no longer matters, the expenditures can be from our collective wealth." His voice was stern, he was done with his son not spending the money he was given and wouldn't have it any other way.

It was the job of the parents to provide for the children, any who don't don't deserve the right to call themselves parents. Ren had seen more than enough, his son knew full well what humility was and now, it was time for him to make use of what they had.

"...." Samuel looked at the card in silence, firstly... someone like him didn't deserve a chance at life... Now that he had it, he wished to at least better himself but this wealth... it was something he couldn't accept.. "I'm so-"

Ren narrowed his gaze, cutting Samuel's words short, putting on his glasses as he stood up before walking over to the glass pane and looking down, a hand in his pocket, "What makes you deny your right?"

"You can give this to Ri-"

"You idiot.." Ren's voice was unnaturally calm.. a sign that he was to some extent, annoyed.

The white haired man threw out his free hand, turning around to face his son, "What do you mean not deserving or not worthy? This..." Ren gestured around him with his hand, "It was not given to us, it was not handed to us on a silver platter. This empire... we built it from the ground up." He clenched his fist, "We built it up and we are it's sole owners and rulers, owing nothing to none. Answering to none. After me, it's yours."

Ren was unusually talkative today however, Samuel failed to notice the small fact that the man was making quite the effort to explain in such detail. Ren had decided that it was the only way to make his son understand.

"To not use it foolish and stupid, this wealth is yours by birthright and you don't owe it to anyone either. So why? Why do you consider yourself unworthy?"

"....." Samuel had no way to refute the man's words, all these things holding him back were self imposed.

"So Samuel, stop with the stupid ideology that you're undeserving or not worth it. You're the heir apparent of my Empire, to use it as you see fit is something you are all but undeserving of." Ren's voice was, as always, calm and collected even as he said something rather heated. The immense presence he had however, made sure that raising his voice was unnecessary.

"Besides, there's nothing in this world that would bring me more joy than you using what I built up." Ren was a rather peculiar man but he knew, he knew better than anybody that his seemingly 'genius' of a son doubted himself and showed regret. The man knew that Samuel was humble by nature and besides, the 18 years were done with. A 'humble' life was no longer a requirement for the heir.

Samuel was rather speechless at his father's words, they were true and more than anything.. "You would be happy?" He asked in disbelief and slight despair.

'Get a therapist, wait nevermind. I'll be your therapist... why are you even despairing?' Echidna sighed, shaking her head. Strangely enough, she knew she would normally be amused by such an occurrence but, for some reason, she was more understanding than anything.

"..." Ren nodded silently, taking a seat once more.

"Then.... I'll use it." Samuel bowed politely, grabbing the card and placing it in his pocket with a slight tremble in his movement. Obviously, the teenager was in need of some serious help when it came to certain things.

"May I know, what these are for?" Samuel showed his father the keys, slightly curious as to what they could be for.

"A motorbike..." Ren replied solemnly, admittedly he had checked his son's laptop to see what he was interested in a few years back... The password was easier to figure out than one would think.

"An NCR Leggera 1200 Titanium Special, good taste." Ren was rather pleased by the type of bike his son liked and had photos of in his laptop.

"How did you.."

"....." Ren averted his gaze, choosing to not answer.

"Also... isn't it a little too expensive?"

"Acquiring one was more trouble than paying.." Ren admitted, it had taken quite a bit of time to get the thing. "It should be in the underground parking lot.."

"...." Samuel sighed, his calm visage crumbled for a moment, an actual smile forming on his face as opposed to the relaxed ones, "Thank you, father."

"No problem." Ren slightly smiled as well.

Only the motorbike itself was nearly 21 million yen.

Samuel however, chose to respect the sanctity of a gift and not ask any questions.... Truthfully speaking, he was rather excited about actually trying it.. even if he'd never admit it..

'This does.. put a smile on my face.'

Samuel facepalmed.


Whatever else Ren might be, we gotta agree he's a good father.

Even pushed himself to talk more than he does ever, if that isn't chad behaviour, dunno what is.

That aside, someone mentioned that it didn't make sense for Ren to not have investigated the academy and you'd be right except he did, it was supposed to be one of those.. obviously he did situations..

So far though, he's got no reports about any unfairness towards his son and of course, Samuel would never make any such reports himself.

Well vote and join the p@treon at p@treon.com/stoned_face (upto 15). In the words of Charlotte, 'It's like steroids for an author's motivation.' and it's true, gets me to pump out more chapters.