
A Thousand Worlds

A not so average life ends, and a second one begins. A chance to redeem? Nahhhhhh, a chance to live out dreams would be a more apt description! But as with all, a simple man living out his dreams isn't quite the best of the best, nor the most of entertaining. A chat group (a certainly peculiar one) has been thrown into the mix as well. ==== Find extra chapters at: p@treon.com/stoned_face

Dreizehnn · Anime & Comics
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109 Chs

A Maid's Dilemma

Join patreon (5-10 chapters ahead) at p@treon.com/stoned_face

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Tokyo, Japan,

Shinomiya Residence,

Hayasaka POV,

In an ornate room with furnished wooden furniture that seemed to practically ooze wealth, a young blonde girl could be seen sitting at a desk with a blank look on her face. The lamp lying to her right seemed to be the only source of light in the room itself and shed light on the fairly large bed behind her.

The room itself was large enough that it would leave the common man stupefied and confused about what need one would have for it.

Ai Hayasaka, was the personal maid of the Shinomiya daughter, Kaguya Shinomiya, and had accompanied her since her very childhood, always trying her best to meet her mistress' demands. In doing so, she'd given up much of her time, having no real time for friendship or anything teenagers would usually do.

As a young girl, that grated on her nerves and somewhat annoyed her... still though, the loyal maid she was, Hayasaka simply put up with it and continued her activities.

Therein lay the problem and dilemma she faced now, all her relationships apart from her mother and Kaguya herself were based around a facade, a facade she deemed necessary for her social life and as such, said relationships were far from 'genuine' ones.

Resting her head in her hand, Hayasaka sighed, "She really does make some outrageous demands." She muttered, flipping through some social media pages looking for something interesting. To have to seduce someone was..... Hayasaka had conflicted feelings on the matter.

It was well within the boundaries of what could be ordered of her but still... What kind of person does that?

Something Hayasaka refused to accept however, was that she was a somewhat spiteful person... Were that spite to be revealed, the maid was certain people would shun her.... That was something she seemed to genuinely be afraid of.

With a small huff, she rubbed her forehead, shaking her head, "No, she probably doesn't understand it." Kaguya was like that, incredibly talented but incredibly aloof when it came to certain things, "Still though, if it weren't for that..."

Miyuki Shirogane, the man Kaguya was in love with, the student council president of Shuuchin Academy and to Hayasaka, a tryhard... One she couldn't understand.. not that she wanted to.

In contrast, Samuel was ...objectively better. A household more powerful than the commoner could fathom, a good height, he looked fairly attractive, had good senses and was, for all intents and purposes, a genius. He looked as if he didn't need to try...though, Hayasaka knew better, if the scars and pale complexion were anything to go by, the Hayes heir pushed himself far more than even her own lady.

"Hmmm..." Hayasaka had mixed feelings about that.

Though, all this was an objective observation, the dilemma the maid faced.. was that, he could see through her facade. He knew, that she was acting when around him and seemed to be amused by it.

Though.. even if that made it just more embarrassing for herself, Hayasaka couldn't simply reveal her real self. After all, Samuel for all his peculiarity was a teenager and relatively 'normal', he too would shun her then.


.....maybe after the engagement was cancelled, she could keep her relationship going?

It was one of the few genuine ones she would have...

Before her thoughts could proceed much further however, a news article caught Hayasaka's eyes and they slightly widened, "Well....that's something."

The headlines read,

"The Private Aichi Symbiosis Academy made an example out of. Criminal activities on an all time high with a Rehabilitation Centre attacked."

This happened last night.

"Samuel...." The name escaped Hayasaka's lips out of reflex, the maid had none others to point fingers at. Of course it could be mere coincidence but... if it wasn't then... That was some level of spite.. The maid was certain even she wouldn't go that far on simply being discharged unfairly.

Was it alright then to reveal her real self?

"No." Hayasaka shook her head, there was more than enough chance that it was simply coincidence.

"Heeh? Hayasaka, are you maybe interested in my fiance?" A teasing voice made Hayasaka freeze up like a deer caught in headlights.

Kaguya was looking over shoulder with a small teasing smile, not understanding that what she had said could have a number of very very different and implicative meanings.

"...." Hayasaka sighed, "Who do you think I have to do this for?" She asked with a hint of tiredness in her voice, a number of pictures were littered around her trouble.

"He's quite...barbaric though.." Kaguya remarked, picking up a picture with curious eyes, it showed Samuel using the Magic Bullet to mess with the airflow and create something like a visible shockwave... The President was more gentleman-like, more academics focused rather than brute force.

"Kaguya-sama, that could genuinely make a person angry." Hayasaka took away the picture, Martial Arts according to martial arts were exquisite and profound arts, principles and beliefs. To have some uneducated person to call them barbaric would be like having your life's work insulted.

"I don't get it." Kaguya simply shook her head, she did archery too and was a prodigy at it, it was simply a matter of repeating the perfect shot she had made once some years ago again and again. What about such things was so technical?

Hayasaka simply sighed, well now she had to investigate which school he would head to next and then act accordingly. One date event had already been set up, the drive, Samuel would definitely call her along. He was a rather jovial and amiable person after all.


Tokyo, Japan,

Nerima Ward,

Samuel POV,

Currently, in a normal convenience store, Samuel could be seen pushing down a creature with his hands wrapped around it's torso, the creature shrieked and screeched as it swung around the 3 hands on it's body wildly trying to hit the teenager holding it down... only, it proved to be completely useless.

The best it managed was ripping the back of his shirt.

Miko's mouth gaped in shock, one after the other, her cousin was doing stuff she thought was completely impossible! First he's not afraid of them and now he was literally trying to fight them.

In a singular motion, Samuel lifted the creature into the air before... The ghost slightly tilted it's head in confusion seeing as the world seemed to be moving around it, then, it's head hit the ground.

Samuel had tilted his back and slammed it into the concrete, a suplex!

"Did...did you just suplex it?" Miko asked incredulously.

Still though, her question was completely ignored as Samuel jumped to his feet and locked the ghost's head between his arms. The miasma that was swirling around them expanded outwards forming a sort of cloak over the ghost before disappearing as it was never there.

The ghost... was gone.

"...." Miko was speechless, were there ways of dealing with these things?

Samuel nodded in satisfaction, sitting on the ground unbothered by the fact that his shirt had claw marks on it... The 'ghosts' seemed to follow a hierarchy and weaker ones were simply eaten or consumed.

They were creatures akin to souls.

If that was the case, then, among these creatures, something like Echidna was completely unfathomable and existed on a level far far above them.

What Samuel had done was employ the miasma the Witch released naturally to consume these 'lower' creatures which also released miasma.

'While ingenious, you know you couldn't have done anything without my help right? I deserve a...reward.' Echidna fumbled around with her fingers slightly embarrassed, she was useful here right? Then he could at least reward or even praise her...

"...." Samuel slightly smiled, the witch certainly did have her moments.

Miko silently stared at her cousin, confused about what she was supposed to say to him at that moment. Something like 'good job'?

She had a lot of questions right now too..

"How did you..."

"Big ghosts eat small ghosts." Samuel replied shortly, it was the best answer to a question like this one.

Miko slightly nodded, she understood that much.. She'd seen it a number of times too, bigger ghosts eating smaller ones...but, Samuel was a living breathing person, "How does that ummm, work here?" A considerable amount of her fear was gone, seeing ghosts every day made her somewhat numb to supernatural stuff.

"Well... it's similar to your ability to see them." Samuel replied with a thoughtful look on his face, he couldn't tell her that it was thanks to the literal witch of greed intertwined with his own soul.

".....You can do something like that?" Miko asked in disbelief...., she felt cheated. How come she only saw them and he could literally consume them?


The man at the counter scratched his cheek before sighing, what were those two teenagers doing in the back?.. Did they start making out or something?

With slightly wide eyes, he checked the cameras.


Anyone got any good Hayasaka pics I could use as the cover?

Share thoughts please...