
A Thousand Worlds

A not so average life ends, and a second one begins. A chance to redeem? Nahhhhhh, a chance to live out dreams would be a more apt description! But as with all, a simple man living out his dreams isn't quite the best of the best, nor the most of entertaining. A chat group (a certainly peculiar one) has been thrown into the mix as well. ==== Find extra chapters at: p@treon.com/stoned_face

Dreizehnn · Anime & Comics
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109 Chs

A Kidnapping?!

Norfolk, England,

Samuel POV,

Near the entry to a dense forest, a young silver haired teenager sat against a tree with a casual smile on his face. Fire crackled near him and wood burnt, surrounded by a small makeshift circle of stones to keep it in. The grass lying around made it evident that the ground for the campfire had been cleared not but a few moments ago.

Samuel looked at the natural canopy overhead, a cigarette in his hand. Kids these days were strange, they had no love or respect for more primitive things such as smoking, only using those tech gizmos to make puffs of smoke.... or so he remembered at least.

"So, are you going to tell me or not?" He glanced at the person sitting near him, curiosity as well as a sense of urgency lacing his words, his burnt clothes were rather annoying to be completely honest.

"You know the village is definitely panicking seeing two corpses appear randomly." Echidna had once more manifested on his shoulder, a childish smile plastered on her face.

"Meh, they're in a war, it'll be alright." Samuel shrugged with a chuckle, they were probably used to people dying, perhaps even relatives. Times were tough after all, diseases as well as war, not to mention the war between heaven and hell.

"Damn heathen." A relatively high pitched voice grumbled and then, a kick landed on Samuel's face... Or so it would have if the teenager didn't simply grab it with ease before pulling it upwards, making the attacker lose their footing and fall on their back.

"You know it's useless." Samuel smiled cheekily, rubbing the back of his head with closed eyes, he wasn't going to let her hit him just because she was a girl...

"Heathen...." The 'girl' in question, scowled at him as she sat up near the fire, her accent and appearance made it more than apparent that she was English, long blonde hair that reached her waist and eyes of a dull red colour. Admittedly, she was a bit on the short and petite side.

"You know, he'll let you go if you do say it right?" Echidna calmly suggested, giggling at the luck of her contractor when the girl simply raised a middle finger towards them both.

"Then I guess we'll be together for a while, church girl." Samuel smiled calmly, the cross around her neck made it more than obvious who she was affiliated with. The 'church girl' stared at him in silence, almost as if she was dazed before...., "Elia..." She grumbled, averting her gaze and hiding her face behind her knees.

"You interact with such peculiar individuals that I forget your appearance is something on it's own." Echidna admitted with a surprised expression, he was usually with at least one other person when he went out so no one approached him but.... The Witch of Greed found herself annoyed at the prospect of having multitudes swooning over her Contractor.

Samuel could only smile pensively at the Witch's clueless praise, "Thanks." It'd be strange if he refused to accept a compliment like this one, which man out there would dislike getting called handsome?

Elia, the cloaked church exorcist looked at the two interacting with estranged eyes, it was more than obvious that her captor was on the supernatural side of things but.... Was that a fairy?


Samuel walked through the forest at a casual pace, ducking under branches and avoiding the smaller plants as he tread through them, the grass seemed to get higher the deeper they went and he had frankly no idea where he was actually going, if the gi- Elia complied, he could have had a clear objective but unfortunately she didn't.

The cloaked exorcist followed behind him quietly, an annoyed expression on her face as her eyes darted around the place, as for trying to run? She didn't buy his words even slightly, he would probably strike her down the moment she turned. His appearance was far too deceptive for him to be honest and straight with her words.... Maybe it was a devil? But no, she could feel he was human... One with no magical signature of his own, but human nonetheless.

"Why are we walking?" Elia finally relented, wasn't he a magi? Teleportation would be far easier and convenient.

"I told you already, I don't know where to go." Samuel replied as he walked, not turning to face the dumbfounded exorcist, did he really just kidnap her on a whim?


A few days later,

"Oi heathen!" Elia's alarmed voice echoed through the dark and silent forest, her eyes wide in a mixture of surprise and shock as she watched a wolf lunge at her captor, his name was Samuel as she had come to know and he was strange as all hell. Actually providing for his captive was something she didn't know was humanly possible and his deceptive face didn't help either.

.....Was he sent as a test? To see if she would stray from the Lord?

Samuel, who had long noticed something coming for him, only took a step to the side, and grabbing the head of the feral beast the next moment, he smashed it into his knee. It's skull shattered under the hit and the wolf went limp, dead.

"Huh." Samuel tugged on his gloves a bit, somewhat pleased with how his fighting skill was coming along, "Was that concern I heard though?" He asked with a teasing smile, looking around at the forest. They were... completely lost and had been in this forest for days now.

Well Elia started talking to him somewhere along the way and even slightly opened up, she still refused to tell him what he wanted to know though, shouting things like, "Do your worst, heathen!"

'Having your captor show care for you is something the human mind reacts to strangely, even more so for the relatively pure church exorcist. I believe the modern world has a name for this phenomenon.' Echidna's voice echoed in his head, a grin etched on her face.

In response to his words, Elia scowled with confused eyes, "Fuck no."

"Man, aren't you a little too blunt for an exorcist?" Samuel lightly laughed, she had a very.... interesting vocabulary.

"Suck it up." Elia seemed to be completely unbothered by his words as she eyed the dead body of the wolf. She appreciated the effort but eating roasted meat day after day was getting repetitive and bland... Wait, appreciated? The exorcist was conflicted.


Explosions covered the sky, corpses of winged humans lay on the ground, some had raven black wings and some had white. Wearing either golden and white armour or a pitch black, more revealing variant. Two separate forces seemed to be clashing in the air at the moment, spears made of light were thrown across the sky. Thunder roared in the black cloud filled sky yet did close to nothing to snuff out the brilliant radiance the 'angels' seemed to be emitting.

The Thunder of God Remiel was taking part in this battle after all. It was he who commanded the thunder. With ten massive wings glowing brighter than everything in sight, the Seraph led the armies of heaven for this very specific conflict.

Unfortunately for both forces here, neither would be getting what they wanted. Not today at least.


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