
Ch.1 - What Lies Ahead

By the scale of the marketplace, it's suited for a small town.

Not so much as to support a full city of tens of thousands. There's just no way such a small place of commerce would support a scale that wide economically!

A few dozen people flock to some shops, most notably one that sells animal produce.

Makes sense, you either take them or you don't, they won't be there tomorrow.

One thing stands as a top priority for now though

A map!

Navigation is always important.

Those words said proudly, at least in the mind.

Humble in thought, the lad would go around, walk as he did in the market, maybe a cartographer oughta have set shopped, right?

"Hello there, young man!"

A cheery voice of a girl would speak from just meters in front, who was it? More importantly, was it even meant for him or not?

Better to shame yourself than to lose an opportunity.

The lad looks back to whoever yelled out.


Eastern woman, breezy brown hair, and violet eyes. Her body suggesting around the age of an adult, by the 3s maybe.


Curiously, he hums out, raising a brow signifying intent.

"I noticed you seem to be lost, are you, perhaps, a newcomer to this place?"

Answering back sweetly, the woman would approach the lad, taking something out of her unmentioned sling bag.

"Yes, that's right, why do you ask?"

A 'matter-of-factly'response, business is business, after all, the day does not last long.

And a MILF is not suitable.

"One thing every newcomer needs."

As if taking note of the 'all business' response, she had accustomed to it too, straying away from her once sweet tone.

Then pulling out paper, rolled.

A map, obviously.

It works well and happy when the thing you want comes after you just like one hoped.

Too convenient.

Without much hesitation, she would offer right to the lad.

"One silver, a map of the region. No one really uses a map of the town."

Even more convenient! No one, of course, uses a map for the town when you got people to ask where you wanna go.

Gladly, he pays with the silver coin, taking the rolled map in return.

"Thanks. May I ask too if a Guild exists here?"

Without skipping a breath, he would bow cleanly.

It's culture to uphold, one to be proud about.

"Ah, a traveler from the Capital?"

Not really.

"Unfortunately no."


"Though an unofficial Guild is in the tavern. I heard they had to be merged since building an entire structure would be too damning for the pocket.

The Staggering Rose, it's just nearby."

Reasonable. Good name too.

With those said, the woman bids her farewells then walks away, maybe to find more travelers like the lad.

Top Priority done for, next is an Inn and maybe food. Albeit hunger is not the most nagging issue right now.

After another minute of walking, a small shout was heard from an alley.

With haste and concern, he comes to check it out-----


The alleyway was clear.

To each their own, perhaps his mind was tricking him?

No, it cannot be, not possible.

With the help of a pedestrian, he would then find himself standing in front of the so-called

"The Staggering Rose"

A big building, three stories(?!), easily around twice or thrice the size of the usual commoner house 'round this place, made of sturdy bricks? Maybe those are bricks.

A small window beside the door makes it feel very homey as well as the plants placed below them.

Good feeling, seems quiet as well, perhaps this is not so bad at all?

Opening the door, the sound of a bell rings, a distant


voice of a man follows.

Dandy, nice.

"Aspiring member?"

He follows up

Huh, maybe the look of leather clothing and a sword sheathed on the back of your waist gives it out easily as a criminal would with his sneaky apparel.

The tavern itself looks, well, like a tavern obviously.

Wooden furniture for customers to sit on, a counter for face-up orders, and stools to it, serving as some sort of bar as well.

Would make for lonely days when you only want a friend to talk with and booze to drown your sorrows into.

If that's not enough, a bookshelf by the side makes it even better!

Bet it hides a secret room.

"Uh, what...yes?."

The lad answers, making his way to the counter and taking a seat on one of the stools in front of the presumed bartender.

Guy looks good, fairly average on size, his black hair trimmed to the point of perfection.

Not too much shown, not too much hidden.

Complements his pretty face either way.

"Great---- Ah, introductions first! I guess I forgot about that! My bad."

Those words, the bartender said with a sigh.

Too much work in his head.

"This humble place is The Staggering Rose! A centerpoint for getting requests done, for food and for accommodation! That's the gist of it."

So, a guild, a pub and an inn.

Neat, 3 in 1.

"About the membership, I assume too you have no idea about it---.

It basically allows you to take on the requests made, of course, if we made it public, there would be mindless or proud people going on to take it on but realizing they aren't cut for it.

So, we need individuals capable of such tasks rather than those kind of men!"

Cheerfully, he trails forwards.

"Interested? Or do you have questions? Though let me have your name first."

"The name is Tiber."

Introductions are Introductions.

"Say, how do these requests even make it here? And how do you make sure you give them back?"

Question of worthwhile interest.

"Easy one! Anyone can come in with a request in mind. We take it in with a small fee----, around the same you would when ordering a normal meal here, 50 coppers. They usually issue out the reward, and we're in charge of giving it out with the requests.

The second reason too that only members are allowed is that, for evidence."

As if he had something to say, the bartender leans towards Tiber.

The air getting tense between them, love at first sight?

"There are weird sickos there that want creatures dead..."

That was the important thing he had to say before straightening up.

"And so, we need to see it through, we usually apply a little orb or device that records the stuff automatically.

The killing part. I don't know how it works but it's like that.

Really, I don't know anything about it. It just...sorts of record the stuff you do, we somehow copy it then give it to the requesters. It's weird."

A quick shiver from him, accentuating his feeling of being grossed out from this.

"All right, so the only benefit I get is being able to take requests? How mu---"

Poor Tiber doesn't even get his sentence finished before being cut off again.

"We also let members stay at the inn above for only half the price. Naturally we wanted it to be free but we would be broke right now if that proceeded honestly."

Charity may be good for the heart

Never good for the pocket.

"I see, count me in, this is basically the life I aimed for."

A sigh of relief.

Good thing a job was there in the first morning.

"Neat-o! Put this on please!"

With much positivity, the bartender goes to take out and offer a silver ring to the lad.

"That's it? There's no fee for payment?"

Curious, Tiber would reach out for the ring and put it on his left ring finger.

A shimmer of cyan-like light glows on it for a moment then gone.

Neat! Maybe it would turn him to Cyan Lantern.

"Truth is, there's a 1 silver coin fee but, I really like you, you know? Not being gay, but generally, I think we're going to be pals so---yeah!"


How bad would it be to not revel in the friendship offered by the Bartender?

Without much of a word, Tiber places his last silver coin on the counter.

"Please take it, or else I won't feel good.'

There are those too sick for kindness

But they, themselves give too much.


The Bartender was initially shocked by this.

He would give this back if not for Tiber complaining it would make him sick.

"Sure...you want a room?"

If providing it free for the fee does not work, then paying for the room would.

"That too, how much?"

But how to go roundabout this? Sure, he has a gold coin too but his newfound 'friend' was already too eager to help.

"Free of charge for new members for the first day! Originally it would be a silver per day but for members, it's 50 copper. Neat, right?"

The first part was a lie

It was never intended to be free, even for new members.

"Thanks, I'll retire myself for now, you've been a good host."

Showing a smile to the bartender, he would stand from the stool and head to the stairs.

For a moment...just a moment, the bartender was blushing.


"Y-Your room is number 14! Second floor...no need for keys...magic takes care of that."

Truthfully they should stop putting magic without consent.

"Thanks again."

A nod, then he goes up.

The walk upstairs and navigation to his designated room was easy as it was already.

Twisting the knob of the door results in a click-! Huh, magic sure is convenient.

The room presents itself very simply

A cozy bed, end table beside it with a pot of flowers.

A window to show the warm scenery of the outdoors and a wardrobe! Neat!

Though hazy light on the floor makes itself apparent---forming into a rolled piece of worn paper and a small backpack.

A map.

Goddamn would it have saved some money...