
A life away from all.

What is there to be gained in barren lands? What worth is there to be worth staying behind?

A treasure within the trash. Or the trash itself a treasure?

Who would even use such barren lands?

No one, obviously.

Away, running. But most of the running is done by the horses.

A carriage dragged by horses, certainly, life is easier with this. Whatever the situation may be, it does not hurt to have added speed.

Fields of prosperity, painted by men who hath made it their job to make nature as it is. Painted by the yellow star ever so beautifully, artists in awe, a masterpiece ought to be shown to all. Imagined by those that are blind. Pein

The sound of hooves against the rocky road. A clink and clank, does it ever ride your head insane? The minor rumble felt within, does it ever make you sick?

Little things make us sick, big are those that are tragedies and tiresome those that constantly annoy.

"We've arrived."

Ah, that old voice. Do I hate it? Not really, considering gratitude is owed to that old man.

Who? A coachman obviously, how is a lad capable of commandeering a carriage? Sure, if I was a thief, maybe I can be qualified.

But that is something I don't aspire to be.

Sun overhead, making way to the front, pulling over the cloth that separates us.

Sounds romantic but doing it with an old man is not preferable.

"How much?" Asked the lad.

"Free of charge, wasn't that we agreed on back then?" The old man says heartily, a proposition one would not agree off in a normal circumstance but...

"After all, you and I both know you don't have money." He continues.

Money, of course, the lad had some! Why, it would even be enough for a week's stay, if a gold coin is enough for that.


"Here, since you helped me out too."

The coachman would give the lad 2 coins which seemed to be made out of silver

Or at least looks like it.

"I won't need it."

Humbly, the lad rejects the offer, with a smile too!

"Shut up with your nonsense, you're taking these and that's final."

Odd, odd, odd. Even if he was old, one never knew he had the capabilities in him to release such a scary and forceful voice.

With a gold coin and 2 silver coins in hand, the lad sighs before hopping off the carriage, not before one last advice could be said to him by the coachman.

"Go to a guild. Get a job there, be an adventurer. I see it within you, the capabilities. Particularly because that sword in you is the only thing you have."

Let's be honest

That's the only path he will take

As I say so.

"Trade works too, come by my place and 'll help you with it if ever adventuring fails."

Yes, but address?

"There's a hamlet north of here, ask them about Henry and you'll be led to me."

Cool, neat. That's an easy push towards being rich. As that is what we all spend our life doing.

A smile, then a nod. The carriage then bustles away.

The day is Monday, Sky is blue and bright and the Sun is overhead, which means it's Noon.

All around me are(familiar faces) people, all unique as I like to say it.

A lady in commoner's clothing, bearing elongated ears and bunny ears on top

A man with a tail of a feline. Long, thin, and particularly neat.

See? Though naught everyone has these animalistic features, some are outright normal humans but that does not even make it interesting, does it not?

That good, old man left me exactly right in the middle square.

An open area, a marketplace, stalls left and right, some big and some small

Where one fails in beauty, it makes up with the number of products

Where one fails in products, it makes up with its beauty

And some outright excel in both. Does that make them the bully?

Such sentiments do not live within the confines of economics.

What is there is only money to be had and revel in.

The one true objective.