
A tale of two Nazaricks

A young man wishes to be reborn in the world of overlord. His wish is to be equal to Ainz in status in the new world. Though his wish happens, it won't turn out like he's expecting. In this story, Ainz and the MC have their own version of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, that enters the new world with them. How Azur Lane ties into the MC’s story is he added NPCs based off of Azur Lane's Iron Blood. Also spoilers for those who haven't read the Holy kingdom arc.

Lord_of_FireDrakes · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

The arrival in the new world part 1

Silence reigned In the throne room of the guild base christened: The Fatherland.

The name Fatherland was a name given by Kommandant's fellow guildmates. It all started during the infrastructure crisis. During that time, ninety percent of the guild members couldn't contribute to the guild's real currency expenses due to the financial fallout. In addition, during this time Momonga went missing from the guild.

As this period happened, Kommandant pretty much supported the guild singlehandedly. 

After everything stabilized they held a new election meeting to decide who would be the new guild leader. At the beginning during the election meeting Hero Hero was teasing him about him and Momonga's shared love of German military inspired uniforms.

During this meeting he was voted in for guild leader. At the end multiple members teased him about watching over the Fatherland for them while they were away; and the name just stuck. So, after a couple of months under Kommandant's leadership, the Dungeon turned guild base which the devs had originally named, was christened The Fatherland by the entire guild. 

Sitting on the Throne of Kings, Kommandant gazed at the countdown screen with his visible eye. 


 ~ Countdown Seconds ~

















"It has begun." Hearing the weight in the tone of his words; Kommandant smiled slightly. Apparently his roleplaying, an impression akin to King Bradley from fullmetal alchemist brotherhood, had paid off. His voice sounded exactly alike to him. 


Turning attentively she asking gracefully at the same time slightly eager; "Yes lord Kommandant?"

Kommandant stated; "Gather all floor guardians to the throne room except Victim and Gargantua. I expect to see them all here in ten minutes."

"As you decree." Smiling gently, while slightly blushing from his gaze, Albedo raised her hand to her temple silently. 

Kommandant, lifting his own hand messaged Sebas; "Sebas" 

"Yes Lord Kommandant?"

"Check the nearby surroundings of The Fatherland, and afterwards come to the Throne Room to report." 

"It shall be done." 

"Good man." Kommandant let his vision take in the sight of Albedo and as he finished the conversation with Sebas. 


"Yes, Lord Kommandant?"

"After the upcoming meeting, this evening come to my room and let's get to know each other better. How does that sound? "Wink" "

"Ah, Lord KOMMANDANT! It would bring me no greater happiness, than to meet you in your chambers tonight."

"Good, good. Now cool down and back away a bit, it's a while till evening."

"Of course, Lord Kommandant. 

Albedo stepped back in place, smoothed out her dress as her face fully displayed a maiden in love who has had her affections reciprocated. 

After a few minutes passed, the door opened and Shalltear Bloodfallen in her officer outfit rushed into the room. Her eyes shone as she looked at the last supreme being of the guild. 

"GREETINGS! LORD KOMMANDANT! It's the greatest honor to be in your presence arusu." 

"Welcome Shalltear, you look lovely today, thank you for coming so quickly."

"Ah it's- oof."

"What do you think you're doing Shalltear?"

"I'm properly greeting Lord Kommandant, Gorilla."

"Not in a sloven tackle like that, flat Lamprey."

"Overgrown cow move. So I can show my affection."

As the bickering gradually escalated, Kommandant nonchalantly utilized message twice, to contact two other NPCs he didn't mention to Albedo. 

The doors swung open again and Demiurge strolled in looking as if he just came out of a classic hollywood movie as a villain proudly wearing his red, black and white military uniform. 

Bowing he stated; "It's my greatest pleasure to be in the presence of you, Lord Kommandant, the brilliant mind and leader of the supreme beings." 

"Demiurge, it's good to see you. I look forward to your thoughts during this meeting."

"You honor me my Lord. My thoughts can't hold a candle to a Supreme being like yourself."

"Even so Demiurge, I know my trust in you won't be misplaced."

"Please stand at attention, for the information I will share with you all."

"As you will, my lord."

A beaming smile was shown across Demiurge's face as he stood aside at attention.

"Shalltear, Albedo, that's enough teasing. Please join Demiurge in line."

*Unison: "Yes Lord Komandant."

They promptly they stood alongside Demiurge. 

The next guardians who came into the throne room were Lord Kommandant's two Original guardians; Bismarck Eins and Bismarck Zwei.

 Bismarck Zweil commanded the ground troops of the floor with her golem dragon ship, Bismarck Eins, was the designated leader of the 72 level 100 Iron Blood inspired NPCs, and the rest of the Kriegsmarine homunculi. Each of the Bismarcks looked and sounded practically the same. The main way to know which one was which was from their outfits and slight hair changes. 

Saluting, they paid their respects; "Guten Tag, Lord Kommandant, I Bismark Eins look forward to receiving orders from you." "Guten Tag, Lord Kommandant, I Bismark Zwei also look forward to receiving orders from you."

Saluting back, Kommandant replied; "Guten Tag, Bismarck Eins und Bismarck Zwei stand at ease."

Unison: "Danke."

They promptly stood aside alongside the others. 


Author's note: I'm giving this Nazarick the name The Fatherland to help differentiate between Canon Nazarick and the Alternate Dimension one with our MC. Lots of fun should happen when they bolth meet. LoL 



Hope you enjoyed it. How many are for Harem or no Harem? Large or small? Please let me know in the comments. I'f no Harem or small harem who? :)

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