

Two she wolf twin sisters at war with each other since when they were in their mother's womb, one destined to rule over the other and mate with the most powerful Alpha in all werewolf packs, a union that will forever change the course of the all werewolves packs in the world, but when the Alpha accidentally imprints on the wrong twin, the other twin sort revenge and aligned herself with the werewolves mortal enemy leading to a war so deep in blood and threaten the lives of every werewolves that will drive them to almost extinction.

Benjamin_light_jr · Fantasy
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30 Chs


Vera woke up with a smile on her face, an unusual yet welcome change. It was her birthday, and she glanced at her broken, worn-out closet where the dress she had painstakingly sewn hung proudly. Joy washed over her as she admired her handiwork, feeling a sense of accomplishment and excitement.

A loud honk from a truck outside interrupted her thoughts. Vera looked out the small attic window and saw the truck for Victoria's birthday celebration pulling up. Despite the reminder that the elaborate decorations were for her twin sister's party, she felt uncharacteristically cheerful. Maybe it was because today was her eighteenth birthday, marking her transition into adulthood. Maybe it was the anticipation of finally being able to choose her own path. Whatever the reason, she relished the rare feeling of confidence.

Humming to herself, Vera descended the narrow attic stairs, feeling a spring in her step. She was even swaying her hips in a little dance as she walked. She chuckled at her own silly gestures and stepped out into the yard, ready to help set up for Victoria's celebration.

The truck men began offloading the decorations, and Vera pitched in without complaint. Her fingers worked quickly, arranging banners, balloons, and other festive items. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed her father, George, standing in the foyer with a cup of coffee in hand, and her mother, Samantha, standing next to him. They were supervising the setup, their expressions a mix of pride and stress.

Vera looked up to see Victoria staring out the window of her room, her gaze fixed on the activity below. There was an intensity in Victoria's eyes that made Vera shiver slightly, but she brushed it off and continued working.

"Happy birthday, Vera," one of the truck men said with a smile as he handed her a box of streamers.

"Thank you," Vera replied, feeling her cheeks warm. It was a small acknowledgment, but it meant a lot.

The morning passed in a flurry of activity. Decorations transformed the yard into a vibrant, festive space. Despite being a celebration primarily for Victoria, Vera found herself enjoying the process. The physical work kept her grounded, and the cheerful atmosphere was infectious.

After setting up the decorations, Vera retreated to the kitchen to bake herself some cupcakes. She hummed a cheerful tune, swaying her hips slightly as she mixed the batter. The rhythmic motion and sweet smell of baking brought her a sense of calm.

Her mother, Samantha, entered the kitchen, her eyes narrowing as she observed Vera's uncharacteristic cheerfulness. Samantha's gaze lingered on the cupcakes with a mix of confusion and disdain before she turned and left without a word. Vera watched her go, feeling a pang of hurt but pushing it aside. Today was her birthday, and for once, she wouldn't let anyone's disapproval ruin it.

As the cupcakes baked, Vera continued to hum, feeling an unusual sense of optimism. Hours later, as guests started arriving for Victoria's grand celebration, Vera decided to prepare for her own quiet celebration upstairs. She headed to her room, the sounds of laughter and music from downstairs echoing faintly through the house.

After a refreshing bath, Vera brushed and styled her hair. She rummaged through her belongings and found the makeup she had bought for her birthday. With a few careful strokes, she applied it, surprised at how beautiful she looked. Next, she slipped into the dress she had sewn herself. It was a lush green color with intricate patterns that hugged her frame perfectly. To complete the look, she fastened the antique necklace Edith had given her around her neck.

"Oh, the cupcakes," Vera remembered suddenly. She hurried downstairs, determined to retrieve her treats. As she descended, she overheard a heated conversation between Victoria, Francesca, Beverly, and Jordan.

"Bitch, you smacked my face, I didnt even wanna come here, Beverly made me come," Francesca was saying.

"Alright, I'm sorry. Can we get past it now?" Victoria responded impatiently.

"Come on, girls, it's a party. You should make up and kiss or something," Jordan said with a laugh.

"Oh, God, Jordan," Beverly groaned.

Vera walked past them, aiming for the kitchen. She kept a smile on her face, but the tension was palpable. As she reached for her cupcakes, Beverly's mocking voice pierced the air.

"The fuck are you looking at?" Beverly sneered.

Vera ignored her, focusing on her cupcakes. As she turned to leave, Beverly's taunt followed her.

"Haha, look at those cupcakes. As sad and pathetic as you are," Beverly said, prompting laughter from the others.

Vera took a deep breath and turned to face them. "You know what, Beverly? I don't really care about your opinions. Not today. It's my birthday, and your bitter ass has nothing on me."

The room fell silent as Vera turned and walked back upstairs, carrying her cupcakes. The surprise on Beverly's face was almost comical, and Vera couldn't help but feel a sense of triumph.

"What the hell is up with her?" Beverly muttered, bewildered by Vera's confidence.

"I don't know. She seemed cheerful, of sorts," Victoria said, a hint of confusion in her voice.

"And was she wearing makeup?" Francesca asked rhetorically

"She's looking kinda hot," Jordan said with a grin.

"The fuck, Jordan," Beverly snapped, storming away from him.

"Babe, come on, it's a joke," Jordan called after her, trying to smooth things over.

Back in her room, Vera placed the cupcakes on a small table, lit a candle, and blew it out, making a silent wish. She then put on OneRepublic's "Run" and started dancing around her room, feeling more free and alive than she had in years. She laughed and moved her body, swaying to the rhythm, lost in the music.

After a while, Vera paused to catch her breath and glanced out her attic window. To her surprise, she saw Victoria sneaking out of the house, her movements furtive and suspicious. Vera watched as Victoria ran towards the woods and met a mysterious man. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw them kiss.

"Wait, did I just see them kiss? What is going on?" Vera thought, her mind racing with questions. She strained to see more but couldn't make out any further details. The encounter left her feeling both curious and uneasy. What was Victoria up to, and who was this man?

As Vera stood by the window, lost in thought, she realized that her sister's life was far more complicated and secretive than she had imagined. This revelation added another layer to the already complex emotions of the day.