

Two she wolf twin sisters at war with each other since when they were in their mother's womb, one destined to rule over the other and mate with the most powerful Alpha in all werewolf packs, a union that will forever change the course of the all werewolves packs in the world, but when the Alpha accidentally imprints on the wrong twin, the other twin sort revenge and aligned herself with the werewolves mortal enemy leading to a war so deep in blood and threaten the lives of every werewolves that will drive them to almost extinction.

Benjamin_light_jr · Fantasy
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30 Chs


Vera practically ran home, her feet pounding against the pavement as she pushed herself to make it on time. She knew she couldn't afford to be late, not with the constant scrutiny from her parents and Victoria. As she burst into the living room, slightly breathless, she called out, "I'm here... I'm here."

Victoria was lounging on the front porch, her face covered in a mud mask with cucumber slices over her eyes, soaking up the late afternoon sun. She didn't bother to look up, acknowledging Vera's presence with only a hint of sarcasm. "Good for you."

Vera sighed inwardly. "Where's Mom and Dad?"

"Dad went to work on a construction job for his client, and Mom went to get groceries for dinner tonight," Victoria replied nonchalantly, still not removing the cucumbers from her eyes.

"Oh," Vera said, feeling slightly more at ease knowing that her parents weren't home to immediately criticize her.

"Now stop asking stupid questions and go prepare," Victoria snapped. "Francesca, Jordan, and Beverly are going to be here any minute, and we need to be ready before they arrive because we leave for Damon's estate immediately."

Vera hurried inside and went straight to the bathroom. She took a quick shower, washing off the stress and grime of the day. She chose a navy blue full-body swimsuit, feeling self-conscious about her body, even though she didn't plan on swimming. Over the swimsuit, she wore a yellow floral-patterned dress, a cheerful contrast to her mood. She packed some sunscreen, a book, her glasses, and sunglasses into her bag. After pulling her hair into a ponytail, she sprayed herself with jasmine-scented perfume and stepped out of her room, feeling as ready as she could be.

As she reached the living room, she heard voices outside. Francesca, Jordan, and Beverly had arrived, their laughter and chatter filling the air. Victoria came in from the porch, her demeanor shifting as she addressed the group.

"I better go change now," Vera heard Victoria say to Jordan as she stepped into the living room.

"You gave me such a hassle if I was late, and you haven't even changed yet," Vera pointed out, the frustration evident in her voice.

Victoria turned sharply, shoving Vera out of the way. "It's like you're asking for it. Never use that tone with me again."

Defeated, Vera lowered her gaze. "Sorry."

"Yeah, you are," Victoria said curtly before heading to her room. She peeled off the mud mask, revealing her flawless skin. She changed into a navy blue bikini, pairing it with denim shorts and an unbuttoned shirt. After spraying on her favorite perfume, she returned to the living room, looking effortlessly perfect.

Vera stood by, watching as Victoria greeted their friends with enthusiasm, her previous annoyance with Vera seemingly forgotten. Francesca, Jordan, and Beverly were all dressed for a day of fun in the sun, their excitement palpable.

"Ready to go?" Jordan asked, his eyes bright with anticipation.

"Absolutely," Victoria replied, her smile wide. "Let's not keep Damon waiting."

The group piled into Victoria's car, and Vera found herself squeezed into the backseat with Beverly and Jordan. The drive to Damon's estate was filled with lively conversation, with everyone except Vera chipping in. She gazed out of the window, trying to push aside her anxiety about the upcoming gathering.

With Francesca behind the wheel and Victoria riding shotgun, the car sped along the winding road to the Spelman estate. The music was loud, and the atmosphere was buzzing with anticipation. Victoria caught sight of Beverly and Jordan kissing in the backseat through the side mirror. She gasped, "When did that happen?"

Francesca smirked, keeping her eyes on the road. "Oh that, after you left with Damon the other day, they decided to start going out."

"You are such a slut, Beverly," Victoria joked, her tone playful.

"Fuck you, Victoria," Beverly retorted, breaking the kiss with Jordan to smirk at her friend.

Jordan shifted his position in the backseat, pressing Vera further into the side of the car. "Kinda of a bum sharing the back seat with your hippo of a sister, Victoria," he said with a cruel laugh.

"Yeah, why is she with us anyway?" Francesca chimed in, her voice dripping with disdain.

"Damon wanted her to come, but don't worry, just pretend like she isn't there," Victoria replied, her voice casual. They all laughed at Vera's expense, their mockery stinging more than any physical blow.

The car finally arrived at the Spelman mansion, the gate swinging open as the gateman nodded them through. Francesca whistled appreciatively, "Oh my god, this place is majestic."

"Meh," Beverly said, feigning disinterest.

"You are such a bitch, Beverly," Victoria said with a laugh.

"Look who's talking," Beverly shot back, both of them laughing mischievously as they stepped out of the car.

Vera, trailing behind, couldn't help but marvel at the Spelman estate. The mansion stood tall and imposing, a testament to centuries of wealth and power. Its gothic architecture, complete with gargoyles and intricate stonework, seemed to belong to another era. She followed the group up the wide stone steps to the front door, her stomach churning with nerves.

Damon greeted them at the entrance, his presence as commanding as ever. "Welcome," he said, his eyes briefly meeting Vera's before moving on to the rest of the group. "I'm glad you all could make it."

Victoria beamed, practically glowing with excitement. "Thanks for inviting us, Damon."

"Please, come in," Damon said, leading them through the grand foyer and into the backyard where the lake shimmered under the late afternoon sun.

The group quickly settled in, spreading out blankets and setting up a picnic. Victoria and Damon naturally gravitated towards each other, their connection undeniable. Francesca, Jordan, and Beverly chatted animatedly, their laughter ringing out across the water.

Feeling out of place, Vera found a quiet spot under a tree and pulled out her book. She immersed herself in the pages, using the story as an escape from her own worries. Every now and then, she glanced up to see Victoria and Damon laughing together, their easy camaraderie making her feel even more isolated.