
A Tale of Time and Life

Struck by the Killing Curse of Lord Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest, Harry Potter meets Death. Death provides him an opportunity. An opportunity that allows him to do more than survive, to finally live the life he has been deprived of. An opportunity that sends our protagonist back in time to the end of his second year. Rated M just in case. Hello there! I am quatroquatro from fanfiction.net. A reader of this novel suggested I post this novel here as well and I thought, why not? Fair warning, this story can be slower than most stories on this site. I hope you enjoy this work as much I do writing it. Note: After the first five chapters, I will only be updating 10 parts a week. The parts are usually around 2,000-2,500 words. Support me at Patreon if you like my work. As of now, I have no intention of keeping content behind tier, it will all be public. https://www.patreon.com/quatroquatro

Quatroquatro · Book&Literature
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45 Chs

Chapter 8: A Visit to the Granger’s and a Prison Break. Part 3

"Thank you! I never had friends come over to my house. It feels like a dream come true for you to visit my house."

Harry mutely nodded. Soon, the two friends started to talk about Harry's new foray into magic. Harry excitedly spoke about his experimentation with elemental magic and Hermione listened him, enthralled by the description of wind-based elemental magic.

Just as he finished his story on his recent success, they heard a voice call them.

"Come downstairs you two, we made our decision."

Harry and Hermione glanced at each other before they got up and walked downstairs. John and Clair were seated on the same seats they were prior to their exit from the living room.

Claire cleared her throat. "We have made our decision."

Claire let the sentence hang in the air for a bit. Hermione bounced on the balls of her feet with excitement. Harry was amused with the obvious ploy from Mrs. Granger.

"We will allow you to set up the wards."

Just as she finished her sentence, Hermione barreled over to her parents and pulled them over into a tight hug. Claire seemed exasperated by her daughter's antics while John just laughed it off.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

John lightly pinched his daughter's cheeks. "Sweetheart, your magic is a part of you. We do not want you to feel like you are missing a part of yourself."

Hermione hugged her parents tighter. The family stayed like this, and Harry tried his best to keep melancholic thoughts away. He was genuinely excited for friend for having such supportive parents.

Harry had a sudden idea. 'Maybe I should try to fix the Vanishing Cabinet. I can use the Room of Requirement and get Luna and Neville to help me with this. That would be a good birthday gift for her.'


With a familiar snap, crackle, and pop, Dobby the House-Elf Extraordinaire appeared. The Granger parents were startled by his appearance, their eyes widened comically. Today, Dobby was dressed as, you guessed it, Superman."

Dobby impishly grinned like the little bugger he is. "Great Master Harry Potter sir called?"

Hermione giggled and Harry groaned. Dobby immediately turned to the two adults and puffed his chest proudly. "How rude of me! I am Dobby, Master Harry's house-elf."

Both adults nodded simultaneously, still trying to process the last minute or so. Claire snapped out of her confusion first and raised an eyebrow. "Great Master Harry Potter sir?"

Harry covered his face with his hands and Hermione's giggles turned into full blown laughter. There on, Dobby went on to describe what he clearly states as the story of the greatest wizard who saved a poor house-elf from an evil bad master.

Dobby's story only made Harry more favorable in their eyes. Before her parents could press for details, Harry decided to have Dobby erect the wards.

Dobby nodded and with a snap of his fingers, the anti-trace wards were erected around the house.

After three weeks of the initial occlumency exercises, it was finally time for the next step of the occlumency exercises. The Hat sat on Harry's head and started to explain the next stage.

"The next step of occlumency is by far the most tedious. You now must imbue your magic with your mind. This process is usually dangerous without building a degree of familiarity between your magic and mind. Now, recall the spell you used to guide the first stage."

Harry closed his eyes and focused on the depths of his mind. Instantly, he found himself inside a vast space with multiple emerald streams that ebbed and flowed through out his mind. This was the completion of familiarity, the creation of one's inner self. There were no steps from the first step to this stage, just an evolution that occurred with time and practice.

He willed the ethereal Patronus in his mind. The silver stag brilliantly shone in the vast space of his mind. The stag gazed directly into his eyes and bowed to him.

The Hat appeared within the space. "Given your current stage in mind magic, you can now accurately recognize external probes. When you imbue some magic into your mind, you would have some ability to fight weak probes. But as you know, weak probes require eye contact, so it is easy to respond to such probes. However, you are nowhere prepared to handle strong mental proves or mind magic as you are.

"The final part of occlumency involves focusing all the imbued magic into a central point. It connects all the magic that imprinted in your mind. Doing so closes off any possibility of breaking into your mind and gives you the ability to handle every external probe as you wish."

Harry looked around the space again. "So that is the step where one becomes a Master Occlumens?"

"Precisely. Remember Mr. Potter, you mind has no set boundaries. Thus, it presents a unique problem when trying to protect your mind from external influences. You cannot create a barrier around your mind. Instead, you must master your magic and your mind to control and be the gatekeeper for all influences."

Harry was puzzled. "Isn't a gatekeeper as same as a barrier?"

The Hat chuckled. "No. A gatekeeper has the discretion to decide which forces to allow and which not to. A gatekeeper does not have to cover the perimeter of your mind. A gatekeeper instead acts as the central point for all external influences."

The Hat tilted his pointed end towards Harry. He spoke with a hint of pride in his voice. "But before we commence, I must say well done Harry. You managed to accomplish this feat earlier than I predicted."

A summer thunderstorm raged outside. The winds howled ferociously, lightning streaked across the sky and thunder crackled away mercilessly.

Harry was just about to fall asleep in his room at Privet Drive when an owl brought a special edition of the Evening Prophet. A grim smile crept into Harry's face.

Sirius Black Escapes Azkaban

Harry read the headline repeatedly. The Daily Prophet listed all the supposed murders and betrayals he was responsible for. Harry twirled his wand in his hand and vanished the paper into thin air.

A few minutes later, he heard a phoenix thrill echo throughout his room. With a flash of fire, Fawkes the phoenix appeared in front of Harry's bed and dropped a letter with the red wax seal of Hogwarts.

Fawkes raised his head and let out a melodic thrill. He disappeared into the flames once again. Harry frowned as he watched the last embers of the phoenix fire vanished into thin air.

'I forgot about the bloody phoenix and how he can appear almost anywhere with wards. I might have to figure out a way to keep him away. Or should I even do that?'

Harry looked down on the letter left on his bed and scowled. There was only one wizard in Magical Britain that used the Phoenix Express, and Harry wanted nothing to do with him right now.

Dear Harry,

You might not be aware of the current turbulence that has shaken the magical world. Sirius Black, a well-known supporter of Lord Voldemort has escaped Azkaban. He was charged for the murder of thirteen muggles and one wizard, and other heinous transgressions.

For your sake, I must insist that you do not attempt to walk about both the muggle and the magical world without supervision. You can owl the Weasleys or me for any need for in securing suitable assistance.

I understand that you might have some disagreements with Ronald recently, but let bygones be bygones. I have the utmost confidence in your friendship and you to forgive and forget past transgressions. True friendships are indeed as rare as a well-cut diamond.

Best Regards,

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.

Harry's frown deepened. In the last timeline, Harry did not receive any correspondence from Dumbledore when Sirius escaped from Azkaban. It irked him that Dumbledore seemed to not so subtly imply that he should just let Ron come back into his life.

'When Ron and I had our disagreement, it was quite public. I understand how he could have gotten to know of it.'

Harry sighed. 'Just as much as I want to think that there is some motive behind every action he takes, I cannot just assume that he wants me to accept Ron back due to some nefarious reason.

Although I can understand how Dumbledore would have a stronger influence on me through Ron, I do not think that he ultimately wants to control every minutia. Maybe.

After all, he is under the misconception that I only know one wizarding family.'

Harry got up and took out some stationary to write a letter to Ted.

Dear Ted,

I just got mail from Dumbledore about not moving about without supervision. It seemed slightly odd, and I want to go over what to do next about Sirius with you as soon as possible.




Dobby popped into existence next to Harry. He took the letter without a word and popped away. Ten minutes later, Dobby popped back in.

"Master Harry," Dobby spoke with a hint of seriousness. "Master Ted wants to see you immediately sir. He said we must move quick right now. Please let me know when you are ready to go."

Harry cleaned himself quickly and wore a decent outfit consisting of a pair of jeans, shirt, and a pair of trainers.

"Let's go."

With a pop, they appeared in the living room of the Tonks household. Harry saw Andromeda looking wistfully out the window with a cup of tea in her hands. She noticed Harry behind her and gave him a wry smile.

"Hello Harry," she said hoarsely. "Ted told me to expect you sometime soon."

Harry nodded. On an impulse, Harry went up to Andromeda and gave her a hug. He did not say anything.

Tears continued to drip down Andromeda's face. She lightly kissed Harry's forehead and he stepped back. She continued to stare into the downpour outside while she took small sips from her teacup.

Harry turned around and made his way to Ted's office. Harry knocked on the door once.


Harry entered the room and found Ted behind his desk, intently reading through several parchments. He looked up and saw Harry at the door.

"Please take a seat Harry," he stated while beaconed to a chair with a wave of his hand. "Let's get right to the crux of the issue. For now, ignore Dumbledore's letter."

Harry placed the newspaper in his hand down on Ted's desk. "I know."

"For Andy's sake, I want to find an answer to this mess," Ted uttered lowly. He sagged back against his chair. "Your thoughts? This involves you just as much if not more."

"I thought adults did not give much weight into an opinion of a kid," Harry mused.

Ted rolled his eyes. He clearly was in no mood for games today. Harry sighed heavily. "To be frank, I want answers as much as you do. We both know he is likely to be innocent."

Ted drummed his fingers against the desk. "The truth can equally provide you freedom or constrict you."

"Better than living in a cupboard for ten years," Harry snorted, and Ted winced slightly at how casually the words came out of Harry's mouth. "We got little time and we have to act soon."

Ted traced his wand in an indistinguishable pattern on top of his desk. A sound of a drawer opened resonated throughout the room. He reached out and pulled out a little vial with a crystal-clear liquid inside.

"Is that veritaserum?" Harry inquired in a leveled tone.

Ted nodded silently and placed the bottle on the table. "After his years at Azkaban, his resistance to veritaserum should have fallen enough for us to confirm the truth."

The door opened and Andromeda walked in. Both males looked at her. She collapsed into a chair nearby. "What are you going to do?"

Hello All,

Just to let you know, I update ahead on fanfiction dot net. So if you want to read more, please head over to that site. It is under the same name.

Please drop a review and share your thoughts and some power stones if you like this story.

Thank you for reading!



P.S. Chapter 8 is up in Fanfiction dot net, Chapter 9 will be up within the next two days.

P. S: support me at https://www.pa3eon.com/quatroquatro

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