
Chapter 2

Genzai was fuming as he stood there gazing in the direction where the Mizukage had walked off in. His mind was in a state of mild distress.

He was irritated when the younger man had insinuated that he was not capable enough to be a ninja yet, even if he knew he was right. He was merely 4 years old right now, so regardless of how good he was, it would not match up to most experienced shinobi. It was incredibly impressive to have reach the level of skill he had by his age, but it meant nothing until he underwent the graduation ceremony. The blood bath.

Genzai had heard how deadly and cruel the ceremony was from his mother. How one needed to be deadly and cruel to pass-, no, to survive it. It pitted fellow classmates, long lime friends, and even young lovers against one another. Part of the reason Genzai had spent so much time honing his skills at such a young age was in order to survive the event. The other was so as to not get too close to others, since he might have to kill them later on. Spending his time training with his mother killed two birds with one stone. His mother gave her full support to the idea, and they spared nearly every day, apart from some basic training. It was especially helpful that she was such a great swordswoman and had more free time than most with the leeway that Lord Mizukage had given her.

He was confident that he had the skill to match many of the weaker Genin in the village. Of course, even if he had made some friends, it was not certain that he would have to kill them. There were many who made it through by teaming up with one another, having bought the protection of those stronger than then, or simply out of luck. But he had to agree that he was not yet comfortable with the idea of slaying his fellow villagers, even if he believed he would when the time came. He was sure he would feel worse if he became friends with someone and, on the off chance, had to kill them.

Genzai's discomfort at least made him understand the grey-haired young man, Yagura was his name if he remembered right.

No, what truly displeased him was the large, arrogant man who looked like a fish. He wanted to skewer him for the blatant disrespect he had shown his mother, even if he understood the man was stronger than him. He had to be to be accompanying the Mizukage. However, the understanding did not help cool his anger.

"Genzai, let's head back home. You need to rest for tomorrow's training. We have little

time before you begin attending the academy and before I have to start going on missions again. I still have a few things I want to teach you. And you needed to be well rested for them."

"Ok mother."

It was only when he had heard his mother speak to him that Genzai snapped out of his trance. She kept her gaze on him for a moment, before letting out a sigh.

"There is no need to be so frustrated, Genzai. As you know you are talented. You will certainly pass through the graduation exam, so long as you are prepared to do what must be done. While I honestly wish that you didn't need to become one, you are worthy of being a shinobi of this Village," She became a bit gloomy after having said it," If it weren't more dangerous for you to be weak in these times of war, I would have stopped you from becoming one in the first place. Though, even if it weren't more dangerous, it is not up for me to decide in these times of war. Every youth with the heritage of a shinobi must be trained and partake in the conflict. Even some with no such lineage are being trained"

Genzai was unhappy that she thought that he had been truly impacted by Yagura's words but didn't say anything after hearing her say that she had not wanted him to be a ninja. He had heard her say it many times before when she was drinking by herself, but it was the first time she had said it to him. He knew she did not want anything to happen to him, yet he could not help but feel a hurt that she seemed to think so little of his temperament and potential. Sure, she has always said that he was very skilled in all the disciplines she had taught him, however he felt she had to doubt him somehow if she thought that way.

He felt childish for feeling that way, since it was irrational. He knew her words to be true, especially since he knew how much further along, he was compared to others. Forcing the thoughts from his mind, he tried to comfort her.

"Do not worry mother, I will become strong enough to survive. Just wait and see. I will become one of the greatest ninjas in the village! No. One of the greatest ninja in all of the lands! Everyone in this village will know of me and my strength!"

".... Of course, they will, Genzai. But all I hope for is your safety. I'd prefer you stay unheard of if it meant you were." Chosuichi said, seeming a bit more worried than she had been before. Before Genzai could ask, she grabbed his hand and started to pull him away.

Wanted to finish this portion today, while I still knew what I wanted to happen. There probably wont be anymore out today.

Bon Appetit

BossTitancreators' thoughts