
A Swordsman In Naruto

A normal man finds himself in Naruto world as an Uchiha after the Uchiha Massacre. With some cheats, he decided that he will be the strongest swordsman in the Naruto world. ________ English is my third language so I will try to make a minimal amount of mistakes. _________ I do not own Naruto. The cover is not mine. Maybe slightly AU.

Darker_Than_Black · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs



In the trunk of a sakura tree, you can see a boy sitting. The boy has a black hair, with pitch-black eyes that matched. He also had a round face with proper features. The boy was wearing a simple black shirt with the Uchiha clan logo in it, and a matching back short. His name was Shiro.

(A/N: All black….)

'Sigh… It's been 5 years here.' As the boy sighed, the wind attacked his face, making him fall from the tree.

The 'boy' was actually a reincarnated person who came from the 21st century. In his previous life, he was a normal worker living in a normal apartment. As he was walking in a park one day, a truck came out of nowhere and hit him, sending him to meet his God.

It seemed to him that truck-kun has decided that he was his next victim.

He expected that when he will wake up, he will wake up in either hell or heaven, well, mostly hell. But he was shocked when he woke up in the body of a 7 years old boy. And thought that this reincarnation and truck-kun thing was so cliché as it was similar to most MCs way of death.

He was more shocked later as he discovered that he was reincarnated in the fucking Naruto world, a world that is extremely insane and dangerous with beings like Kaguya Otsutsuki, Madara Uchiha, and well, all of Otsutsuki clan members generally. He was also shocked to realize that he was at the main time-line as a fucking UCHIHA.

It seemed to him that this time-line was slightly different because another Uchiha survived beside Sasuke which was an astonishing thing, and a puzzling thing at the same time as he didn't know how the fuck someone else survived the Uchiha massacre.

But the most shocking thing was that he forgot most of the plot! He remembered just some small details and some characters, such as the main characters and some arcs. And interestingly, he clearly remembers all the other anime, manga, novels that he read.

While Shiro was thinking, he was heading to his apartment, as he sighed constantly. He touched his eyes and their color immediately changed to crimson, with two black tomoes. He remembered that it was the Uchiha Clan Kekkei Genkai, The Sharingan.


Shiro entered his apartment that was ironically larger than his apartment in his previous life. The apartment had a room with a TV and a dining table, a toilet, and a bedroom that had a bed and a disk with some writing tools.

He switched to his sleep clothes and lent on his bed, thinking about his time in Konoha.

It was five years since he transmigrated to this Uchiha body, as his age now was 12, the same as Naruto and Sasuke. Apparently, he took over the body after the previous owner was killed by Itachi in the Uchiha Massacre.

In these five years, the Third Hokage allowed him to stay in this apartment that was at least better than Naruto's.

As for his power advancement, well, there was quite a good advancement, as he learned the iconic Great Fireball Jutsu, and some fundamental jutsus such as the Transformation Technique and the Clone Technique.

He also noticed that he had a great talent for Kenjutsu. And because he liked swords in his previous life looking at the many sword users protagonists in novels he read, he practiced Kenjutsu excitedly.

(Kenjutsu = Sword using.

He was probably in his last year in the academy while being in the same class as Sasuke and Naruto.

Shiro decided to sleep as he finished thinking.


Shiro woke up early in the morning, he did some exercises, washed, ate breakfast and departed to the academy.

As he got out from the apartment, he saw a boy his age who had black eyes and spiky black hair with a blue tint. His hair was long and has hung over his face as bangs. He was Sasuke Uchiha.

"Good morning, Sasuke." Shiro greeted the only family member that remained to him in this world, as they were apparently cousins.

Sasuke just nodded to him and passed, also heading to the academy. 'At least he isn't cold to me like the others.'

To say the truth, he also detested Itachi for killing his clan including his own parents and also Shiro's parents that although he never saw them, he knew that they loved 'him'. So, he didn't mind taking revenge for that. Although, he vaguely remembered that Itachi was very powerful with a lot of techniques such as the evolved Sharingan that he forgot its name.

Shiro could only sigh, and continue his walk.


After some time, he arrived at a giant building. It comprised several buildings which were erected over time. The building can be identified by the tree in front of it which has a swing on it and, more so, by the giant sign with the kanji for "fire" on it that was so catchy.

Shiro entered the classroom and saw many other children sitting. He saw familiar faces such as Shikamaru Nara, Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke, Sakura Haruno…

Iruka-sensei entered the class. "Hello class, today we have a Taijutsu/Ninjutsu class, that will be represented in combat."


After regrouping in the combat field, after some battles, it was finally Shiro's turn. He was paired with… Sakura Haruno.

Although, Shiro didn't interact with her much, he knew that she had a huge crush on Sasuke.

"Begin!!" Iruka declared.

As the combat began, the two competitors ran in the direction of each other.

"Shiro will definitely win!" A blonde konoichi said, looking at Shiro excitingly.

"No, Sakura-chan will win." Declared a blonde boy, although he knew that the pink-haired girl is no match for the black-haired boy.

At the field, Sakura took out a kunai and tried to stab Shiro, but the latter's body disappeared in a puff, and was replaced by a chunk of wood. Sakura quickly turned her head to see a sword placed in front of her stomach. All this happened in a matter of seconds.

But interestingly, Sakura also disappeared with a puff, replaced by a chunk of wood. "Huh, got you." She smirked.

However to her surprise, the 'Shiro' also vanished with a puff, and appeared several meters away from her.

Fireball Jutsu!

A fire tide was launched to Sakura's body, as she retreated several meters away from getting burned, but to her shock, when she turned her head, a sword was in the brink of piercing her neck.

"Shiro wins!" Iruka declared Shiro's win.

"Good fight, Sakura." Shiro smiled. And Sakura replied with a nod.

Shiro went to the field side, joining the other students.

"Good fight, Shiro." The blonde girl, Ino, said happily, to which he replied to with a nod.

As the other battles ended, the students and the teacher returned to their classroom, preparing to study mathematics.


As it was the end of another exhausting day at the academy, especially mathematics seance.

Shiro went back to his apartment after a stroll in the streets of konoha, and was surprised to find a box in front of the door with a note that his previous life name was on.

Shiro immediately frowned after seeing the name on the box. 'Is there anyone who knows my secret in this world.' So, he took the box inside and read the note on it.

[Dear transmigrator, we thank you for your trust in our Truck-kun Delivery Company, and we also thank you for your patience. Here is your reward as a Transmigrator.]

After reading the note, Shiro excitingly but carefully opened the box.

A great shock filled him, as he saw a sword or rather a wooden staff and recognized immediately from a favorite anime: Bleach.

"Holy fuck!"

"It's…. the fucking Ryujin Jakka."