
A Swordsman In Naruto

A normal man finds himself in Naruto world as an Uchiha after the Uchiha Massacre. With some cheats, he decided that he will be the strongest swordsman in the Naruto world. ________ English is my third language so I will try to make a minimal amount of mistakes. _________ I do not own Naruto. The cover is not mine. Maybe slightly AU.

Darker_Than_Black · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs


It was the fucking RYUJIN JAKKA!

It was the swo… the staff…. Or more accurately, the Zanpakutō of Yamamoto Genryūsai Shigekuni, the captain of the 1st Division in the Gotei 13 and also the Captain-Commander of the whole Gotei 13.

"But how? And is this even real?" Shiro was shocked to see such a lethal weapon here. He took the note and analyzed it, seeing 'Truck-kun Delivery Company', he realized that maybe his cheat finally arrived.

As a Transmigrator, he always wondered why he didn't have any cheat like others, but it appears to him that the being who made him transmigrate finally remembered him.

As he took out the wooden staff carefully, he a saw a manual just under the wooden staff, which he took. And as he looked at the manual, he felt another shock overwhelming him.


"The fuck!" Shiro was excited and cursed involuntarily when he saw the words on the cover of the book.

'Ryujin Jakka plus Sun Breathing? I might be just a fire god in the future.' He exclaimed, shocked to see the sword style that was the most powerful one in Demon Slayer.

As Shiro opened the manual, pieces of information appeared in his head, making him catch his head in pain.

And as the pain reduced, he finally seemed to realize what informations did he get.

'The pieces of information regarding the Sun Breathing are now inside my head?' As he realized that, the manual inexplicably, slowly started to disappear with withe particles until it totally vanished. This took Shiro by surprise.

'At least, the style is engraved in my mind, and it will not be forgotten any sooner.' He thought, sighing. But after some thought, he realized that it was logical as the being considered giving the manual to someone.

Shiro looked at the wooden staff and quickly lifted it and touched it.

'It's looking just like a regular wooden staff.' Shiro thought, startled by how this seemingly unharming looking weapon, could be one of the most powerful weapons in Bleach.

He tried swinging the staff and felt that it was quite heavy for his little hand.

'Sigh. I think it's time for some training.' He sighed, as he was a little lazy.


The next day.

It was the perfect time for training, as today was a holiday with no school.

Shiro went to the training grounds, and picked an empty one. As soon as he did that, he stretched, and prepared to do some swinging.

To say the truth, he was excited to see what the famous Ryujin Jakka has to offer.

He lifted the wooden staff and wondered how it will become a sword. After moments of thinking, he simply tapped the wooden staff, and the wood began disappearing as a sword with a purplish hilt and a beautiful blade replaced it.

Shiro exclaimed and swung the sword a little, then, he took a stance and began saying an incantation.

"Reduce All Creation To Ash! Ryujin Jakka!" He screamed, saying the Shikai form incantation release that he remembered from the manga.

But after moments of waiting, nothing happened.

'Sigh. It appears that it will not be that easy.' Shiro let a disappointed sigh.





"Finally!" Shiro exclaimed, as he fell in the ground, heavily panting.

He, just now, did 500 swing with the slightly heavy sword.

'Shit. If I am this weak, how am I supposed to survive in this world? Although, I don't remember a lot of things, I clearly remember that in this world, there's no place for the weak. As in the coming war, even a jonin is considered just cannon fodder. I have to be at least Kage level to just protect myself.' Shiro bit his lips, as he reprimanded his pathetic self.

Shiro got up with a new resolve and decided to continue training.





"Finally, 1000!" Shiro sighed in relief as he felt that the sword was not as heavy anymore. He expected that Ryujin Jakka will have all its abilities unlocked. However, it seemed that he has to unlock them manually. As he tried

again unleashimg the sword's Shikai form but without surprises he failed.

After some time resting, he decided to revise the Sun Breathing Style. Soon he closed his eyes and the pieces of information about the style appeared in his head.

He already knew that the Sun Breathing Style was the most powerful style in Demon Slayer and that it was the originator of all breathing techniques from some spoilers and reading a little of the manga. However, he didn't know much about it apart from that as he didn't finish reading the manga.

From the pieces of information, he discovered that the style has 13 techniques with excellent close ranged attacks.

As he was checking the forms, he was surprised to realize that they were very powerful, with even some abilities similar to Genjutsu.

'Maybe if I practice the Sun Breathing Style with Ryujin Jakka, I can make all the thirteen forms stronger… right? I mean, Ryujin Jakka is flame related and so is the Sun Breathing Style.' This wonderful theory was what Shiro was thinking of.

Then, he decided to focus on two of the

thirteen forms. So, he picked the first and simplest form, Dance, and the similar-to-Genjutsu, eleventh form, Fake Rainbow.


It was at night when Shiro finally decided to return to his apartment.

'Sigh. Even though, it's a holiday, all I did was training and training.' He sighed.

(A/N: Yeah, he loves sighing…)

Although, it was another exhausting day, he couldn't deny that he had some rewards for his hard work, as he noticed that his physical condition has improved, and even his Chakra increased.

'Perhaps the Sun Breathing Style works like a cultivation technique? Or possibly just working out using Ryujin Jakka increases my Chakra? Or maybe even both?' Shiro, although confused, decided to ignore this matter for now as it was advantageous for him.

'Hmm, I think that, by Ryujin Jakka and The Sun Breathing Style coupling them with my Sharingan that's capable of evolving into a higher Dojutsu, I can dominate this Ninja World.' Shiro thought, full of excitement.

As he finished his thoughts, he decided to sleep, as tomorrow was another day in the academy.