
A Summer Without You

Kal and Joel meets on a beautiful summer by a gay app. Tension and Drama building up and they find themselves falling for each other, while Cat and Ricky try to mend their broken relationship. It all started in Summer.

Nworah_Promise · Realistic
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3 Chs

Blue, Black but maybe red PRT 2

"We should look like we've started working before" Cat said while she shoke me to wake up and instantly I understood, got up went straight to the main seat cause that's the best position to be in if you want to pull off a pretence.

God why will I have to let go of that dream I said, could that be something real I asked. Our boss got back and went straight to his side chick apartment across our shop and stayed a while "I wonder what might be going on in there I said silently"

I couldn't let go of the dream that easily so I had to tell it to Cat. So let me say something horrific now and this is a Warning!! to those listening to my story "Being a guy who likes guys so much is a crime and what I mean in full terms is that being gay is a big crime specially in Nigeria.

Some parts in the West of Nigeria e.g Lagos State sees being gay as a norms (which means it seems normal) but you still have to do your business secretly without no one noticing. Some parts in the North of Nigeria, you'll be killed even for being the word G*y or being an ally. Some parts of the south are kind of the same with the north and the west including the east. Now to the east where I'm from you shouldn't even think of it because even acting all Feminine, God I don't want to go there".

But there are some good people in Nigeria too and one of those good people is Catherine Mary and she have been one of my best of friends. I think this is a story for another chapter....

please read, and leave ur reviews and comments so I'll get better

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