
A Summer Without You

Kal and Joel meets on a beautiful summer by a gay app. Tension and Drama building up and they find themselves falling for each other, while Cat and Ricky try to mend their broken relationship. It all started in Summer.

Nworah_Promise · Realistic
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3 Chs

Black, Blue but maybe red PRT 1

Waking up seeing a beautiful well shaped angelic body Lieing next to me was a dream I never saw coming true.

You ask how did I end up next to this angel, all I can remember was that last night "would you like to go straight to sex or we should build up the love in the air" asked the beautiful stranger and the next thing was "Yes, Yes I will" I said at least I would if that actually happened and not something that happened in my dream world which is kind of nice.

"Kal, Kal" was the loud voice that woke me up and yes I'm back world, My Name is Kal actually that's my nickname while my real name is Kelechukwu Obinna Charles "Charles is my father's name" and I'm a Nigerian proudly from the east side in Nigeria which is I am from the Igbo Man like they say.

My mother's name is Adaora Chiemelie Annabelle Rachelle and my Father's name is Charles Chukwunna Igwebuike Ofor "and yes that's is a really long and weird name but it is very meaningful Google it up"

I am from a very wealthy family and also poor and what I mean is that "My father's is poor, My mother's is poor but my uncle's, aunties and grands are rich, very rich" My father is the first son of his family but in Igbo land they drag a lot of properties and my father was weak and nice and he lost many to his uncle's and brother's. Well let me not bore you with all of that old shit this story is about me so let's head back a little to the point of hearing "Kal Kal"

"KAL KAL" This time the voice was louder and I woke up and I heard "Oga is coming back fast and we look like we were working so wake up this instant" said Catherine Mary Amanda.

This is purely fantasy and aiming at all readers if you find it offensive I'm not sorry and leave your comment in the comments section but please give me a good review

Nworah_Promisecreators' thoughts